The Atlantic


Don't equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, Adam Serwer writes. "There is nothing anti-Semitic about anti-Zionists who believe that the existence of a religious or ethnically defined state is inherently racist." http://bit.ly/3Mv6jJX

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David Stockman gives some excellent context to the insanity of the US aid to Israel. Israeli defence spending has fallen from 20% of GDP during Israel's last great crisis in 1973 to 5% of GDP today. Taxes in general have fallen. "Israel is an economic Goliath relative to the thin resources of the Hamas terrorist apparatus and does not need any virtue signaling hand-outs from the politicians of the bankrupt state domiciled on the Potomac in order to handle its own security." Worth a read.


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Thanks for posting Steg. As is so often the case Congress seems to be acting without any debate on the (related) questions whether 1) Israel shouldn't be funding its own defense budget and 2) why the US should be funding Israel's defense (and offense) given US budget, spending, debt, and tax issues.

Not a peep from Congress or the Biden Administration. They have nothing but contempt for us.

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I’m beginning to see why, wasn’t really aware of the extent of the patchwork distribution of Shia throughout the region. The region and the globalists fear Iran, it’s role in Syria was telling, despite the Russian intervention, the bulk of the ground fighting was Iranian.

Azerbaijan is majority Shia, Turkey has a sizeable Alevi population, not to mention Syria, Iraq and the gulf states.

A coherent and unified Shia entity would be a force to reckon with.

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Doesn’t this imply the US House is advocating for Biden’s plans to renew the JCPoA? I think it opens the door and doubt they thought that through.

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Does anyone know about the intended lifespan of the Minuteman III when they were manufactured? Per Congress critter Mike Rogers of Alabama expected service life was ten years when designed in the 60’s and deployed in the 70’s. Assume that decade ended in 1990 to be generous and the system is 30 plus years out of date. What happens when everyone stops believing that our nuclear deterrent does not work as well as promised? Allies will build their own and enemies will change their calculus of use. Is there anyone in charge of anything that understands anything about anything important? Or is Joe the first among equals in our ruling class?

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I didn't know about it because Meaning in History inexplicably dropped from my inbox. At first, I thought maybe I had inadvertently done something wrong and gotten myself banned, but I was able to sign in and post this comment, so I guess not. Weird, huh? Lots of catching up to do!

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Mark’s been on a banning banter recently so maybe your time was up? LOL.

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I can't explain that. I have no control over Substack.

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Zhou is facing a conumdrum in Michigan: The swing State has a sizeable Muslim voter roll which may take umbrage with the obvious support for IL, both regarding Gaza and now threatening Iran.

"The Squad" may rabble-rouse even further.

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Don’t worry Zhou word smoothed around “cease fire” all day yesterday using “humanitarian pause” so as to not lose as many Michy Muslim supporters.

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Wow, Thank God we have a new conservative speaker to put a stop to all this.

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No surprise there. He made his priorities pretty clear from the chair after his election: gotta get help to our “dear” friends in Israel.

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And this is him talking about whether to impeach Biden or not: " "But I do believe that very soon, we are coming to a point of decision on it.” You can see how the Dems are absolutely terrified.

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I just finished listening to a live interview, Judge Nap and Mearsheimer. Quite good overall. Two moments stood out. Nap played a clip of Truman stating that the Jews wanted to drive the Arabs into the Tigris and Euphrates, and the Arabs wanted to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Next, Mearsheimer stating that Zhou is "deeply devoted to Israel". How degrading that a guy of his stature should feel compelled to lie publicly like that. Everyone knows Zhou is devoted only to the highest bidder and the one that can keep him in public office.

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Biden doesn't even know where Israel is.

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Between this and recent Aussie thoughts perhaps he’s losing it some?

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Note that Truman didn't say, "into the Jordan". He said, into the Tigris and Euphrates. I suppose an argument could be made that his knowledge of geography was limited, but ...

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Yep that’s a bit further East.

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Nov 3, 2023
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I think I knew that is in the Israelite scriptures, but I don't take that as an actual transcript of God speaking.

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Nor do I take that as a mandate for political action in the here and now and for the dispossession of the current inhabitants. I apply the same criteria to passages in the Israelite scriptures in which God supposedly not only authorizes but demands genocide.

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Palestinians: "It's our land!". Jews: "No, it's our land!". Canaanites: "Hold me beer!" :)

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Nov 3, 2023
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And now I don’t have to look for the real citation.

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Thanks for the update note, Mark (as well as MIH and today's post, of course)!

Mearsheimer may be granted a little grace - the "most powerful position of power in the World", aka US Presidency, deserves respect and the expectation of considered discernment prior to actions/speeches/war declarations. The populace of any country, when acting as a democracy, can (and do) produce such horror stories that Biden Inc. represents. Blessings Mark as well as all faithful followers and truth seekers here. (WrH)

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Ps., *assuming all understand the US Constitution specifically decries 'democracy' for Representative Republic... apologies for such presumptions... (WrH)

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Regarding the new Speaker... Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?

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Yea let’s not get fooled again.

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Yes, same old crap different day.

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Prove to me otherwise.

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Nov 3, 2023
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I'll try and keep an open mind about Johnson, Cass. However, with the state of the US economy and the variety of other real internal problems it needs to deal with, separating Israeli and Ukrainian aid will only be a "major and masterful" warning to the establishment if that aid is completely cancelled. If it still gets voted through then what difference does it make if the aid was separated or hidden under a mountain of Dem pork barrel spending? "Well, we tried our best but those nasty Dems didn't play fair!" is no longer good enough.

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Good points. I’ve the same suspicion.

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The cbo numbers are whatever the Democrats want them to be.

It seems important for the left to have more irs auditors to go after voters that are likely to vote gop, small business owners.

I’m pleasantly surprised at this gop move. Hopefully it’s actually followed through and sustained, and not another usual symbolic effort before the gop surrenders as usual to the Democrats.

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agree - sounds like he is picking his fights.

After Libya showed the U.S. could not be trusted (Khadify stopped his nuke program with the understanding the U.S. would leave him alone, sigh), and Iraq showed you needed nukes in order to be left alone, along with North Korea, I’m surprised Iran has not gone full nuke yet.

And another Biden Admin is stranger than fiction - Taliban get $80 million every 2 weeks from the West.


My guess they are hoping money prevents another 9-11 till after the election.

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Picking your fights is a sound strategy as long as your include the MAIN fight in the war. That is stopping the government forking out trillions to protect the borders of other nations. It also feeds into other fights that are equally important for many people: shoring up the economy, stopping illegal immigration and avoiding WW3.

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The Biden Administration is still acting like they have a blank check to push their agenda.

Economy they will just continue gas lighting, while doing whatever short term deals outside the U.S. to keep the gas prices low. Iran and Venezuela are part of this.

Illegal immigration is still full speed ahead. The only exceptions are any from communist / socialist countries that would vote gop. Cuba and Venezuela. Note the recent Venezuelan criminals in the U.S. articles…

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Interesting coincidence this keeps happening to Biden opponents.

NY Mayor Adam’s, that has been complaining about Illegal Immigration, just had a supporter raided by the Fbi.


Hat tip Don Surber.

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Nov 4, 2023
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I think they've scaled it back, Cast, but it is still too much.

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Macgregor is quite insistent that Russia will not stand by idle if Iran is attacked.

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My guess is Russia will supply Iran with advanced missile and AA defenses, if it heats up more.

Russia owes Iran for helping them out with drones in Ukraine.

And Russia repays its debts.

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I believe I've read that the AA part is done.

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Nov 4, 2023
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Snarky comment…

Makes sense if Pakistan is a U.S. ally…

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Fiddling while Rome burns. At least half of America and many freedom lovers around the world want firm action by the opposition. This is just politicking as usual.

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Nov 3, 2023
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The Ukraine support percentages are way down, and Politicians pay attention to trend’s as elections come closer.

Source is Gallup, so actual numbers may be worse.

From Don Surber:

ITEM 3: Gallup reported, “As the harsh winter months approach in Ukraine, Americans’ views on the war there have shifted, with a plurality now saying the U.S. is doing too much to help Ukraine.

“41% of Americans overall say the U.S. is doing too much, which has risen from 24% in August 2022 and 29% in June 2023.

“33%, down from 43% in June, say the U.S. is doing the right amount, while 25% believe the U.S. isn’t doing enough.”


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My thoughts, too, regarding Johnson. To get to be Speaker with a divived GOP, and getting a unanimous vote (if my memory is correct), means he's on a short leash. Rep. Johnson might be against aid, but Speaker Johnson doesn't seem to be. I think I saw Johnson is proposing $70 B for Ukraine. It's the fault of We the People! We need to educate ourselves, not falling for the same faux outrage, the tired slogans, etc. Vote in a new breed of elected officials who possess integrity. And,.... change your elected officials on the same schedule as you change the antifreeze in your vehicle.

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So this $70B in Ukraine aid can be tied to the $80B for the Inflate Reduce Act - IRS.

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Good luck with the “educating ourselves” part. Left been in charge of public schools for 60+ years. Every year a new phalanx of leftists, sprinkled with a couple American kids, gets pumped into the arteries. We’ve been over the cliff for awhile now. Just waiting for us to smack into the bottom.

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Responding to my own comment. If Johnson had stood tall and opposed money for Ukraine, they would've deposed him. I was pretty happy when we had no Speaker. The House was in paralysis and wasn't stealing from the Treasury.

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Maybe that's what he should have done.

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But he does want to send billions to Israel. Where's the win here?

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It won't change until people demand clean elections and get money out of politics. The money is the reason why everyone who is elected to a federal office takes an oath of loyalty to Israel. The last one who refused to take that oath was Cynthia McKinney, who lost her bid for re-election because AIPAC and other pro-Israeli PACs used their money to back her opponent.

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