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Nov 3, 2023
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I'll try and keep an open mind about Johnson, Cass. However, with the state of the US economy and the variety of other real internal problems it needs to deal with, separating Israeli and Ukrainian aid will only be a "major and masterful" warning to the establishment if that aid is completely cancelled. If it still gets voted through then what difference does it make if the aid was separated or hidden under a mountain of Dem pork barrel spending? "Well, we tried our best but those nasty Dems didn't play fair!" is no longer good enough.

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Good points. I’ve the same suspicion.

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The cbo numbers are whatever the Democrats want them to be.

It seems important for the left to have more irs auditors to go after voters that are likely to vote gop, small business owners.

I’m pleasantly surprised at this gop move. Hopefully it’s actually followed through and sustained, and not another usual symbolic effort before the gop surrenders as usual to the Democrats.

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agree - sounds like he is picking his fights.

After Libya showed the U.S. could not be trusted (Khadify stopped his nuke program with the understanding the U.S. would leave him alone, sigh), and Iraq showed you needed nukes in order to be left alone, along with North Korea, I’m surprised Iran has not gone full nuke yet.

And another Biden Admin is stranger than fiction - Taliban get $80 million every 2 weeks from the West.


My guess they are hoping money prevents another 9-11 till after the election.

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Picking your fights is a sound strategy as long as your include the MAIN fight in the war. That is stopping the government forking out trillions to protect the borders of other nations. It also feeds into other fights that are equally important for many people: shoring up the economy, stopping illegal immigration and avoiding WW3.

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The Biden Administration is still acting like they have a blank check to push their agenda.

Economy they will just continue gas lighting, while doing whatever short term deals outside the U.S. to keep the gas prices low. Iran and Venezuela are part of this.

Illegal immigration is still full speed ahead. The only exceptions are any from communist / socialist countries that would vote gop. Cuba and Venezuela. Note the recent Venezuelan criminals in the U.S. articles…

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Interesting coincidence this keeps happening to Biden opponents.

NY Mayor Adam’s, that has been complaining about Illegal Immigration, just had a supporter raided by the Fbi.


Hat tip Don Surber.

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Nov 4, 2023
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I think they've scaled it back, Cast, but it is still too much.

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Macgregor is quite insistent that Russia will not stand by idle if Iran is attacked.

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My guess is Russia will supply Iran with advanced missile and AA defenses, if it heats up more.

Russia owes Iran for helping them out with drones in Ukraine.

And Russia repays its debts.

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I believe I've read that the AA part is done.

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Macgregor says they have their own advanced missiles.

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The latest Russian stuff I don’t think anyone has besides them, that includes the software updates. The top ecm stuff has not been exported, and that seems to help against missiles as part of a layered defense.

An interesting mind game is thinking what options / levers does Putin have to increase pressure. The Black Sea hypersonic patrols was one.

Another is considering Iranian levers.

I still believe Biden is bluffing with the U.S. forces in the Middle East. In his own incompetent way the. Biden Administration is trying to deescalate the situation so he keeps his Dei Voters and Jewish Donors happy. He is showing he supports Israel with the massive show of force.

Having U.S. forces officially enter large scale combat against Muslims, with U.S. casualties would probably kill the Democratic election chances in 2024. In a fair election it definitely would. Misc bombing of Isis or Iranian backed groups is just business as usual.

Biden is trying to pressure Israel to negotiate a deal with Hamas and go back to the status quo so the 2024 Democratic election chances are safe, and the Democratic Party does not splinter. And bribe Hamas to do the same.

Netanyahu I have no idea of his real goals. Is he using the attack as an excuse to seize Gaza and expel the Palestinians? Or just destroy Hamas? Or do enough damage to Gaza to placate Israeli public opinion, while minimizing Israeli casualties? Or somehow survive politically?

Part of the fallout of this tragedy is the Ukraine conflict is now seen as something that is a negative for the West. And a peace settlement is needed with Russia. All the usual Western propaganda outlets are now signaling that. The Time Magazine article was the poster child. The are claiming it’s a stalemate for both sides.

I just don’t see why Russia should negotiate a peace now. They are slowly advancing, Ukrainian forces and supplies are exhausted, and the West has shown they can’t be trusted. And Russian forces are growing in strength every month.

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Netanyahu's aims are simple: stay in power and keep out of jail. To do that, he has to go with the dominant extremist wing in Israeli politics and be seen to being the Supreme Warlord where Hamas is concerned. I don't think it will work militarily or politically.

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My 2¢

I don't buy the happy talk about a 'stalemate' leading to a freeze for one second.

I don't think there is a 'stalemate'. Russia patiently allowed the Ukrainian offensive to fail by allowing it to walk into an impenetrable wall. This allowed it to annihilate the Ukrainian forces while suffering a minimum of losses itself.

Having suffered a minimum of losses, while at the same time building up its men and materiel over the last year, Russia is now in a position to make tactical moves against (weakened) Ukrainian positions.

I still expect Russia to advance to Odessa and take over control of the entire Ukrainian Black Seacoast, as well as all of Russian-majority Ukraine. I don't see that Russia has to do this urgently. I believe they will do it methodically and efficiently (ie, with a minimum of losses).

I don't expect Russia to want to have anything to do with western Ukraine (whatever is left of it), although I do not believe it will withdraw from Ukraine without a (enforceable) promise that Ukraine will be neutral and will not join NATO.

As far as calls for the US to support Ukraine all the way to a Russian defeat are concerned, I believe this is pure propaganda. I don't discount the (remote) possibility that a Uniparty Congress and Neocon Executive could print more money to spend in (on) Ukraine (if that were deemed politically expedient) but I don't see Russia ever conceding its stated goals. I think Russia will be willing to engage indefinitely and endure multiples greater losses and would still never concede.

So I simply don't believe any Western talk about defeating Russia is realistic or achievable in any way.

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Agreed. The only people who decide when this stops are Russia.

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Yes. The most efficient way for Russia to achieve a "demilitarized" Ukraine for the future is to keep this thing going. Also, NATO missile attacks on Russia simply reinforce the desirability for Russia to maximize the territory it incorporates into the RF.

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And Dimitry Peskov concurs.

Tass reports that Peskov "disagreed with...Valery Zaluzhny that the conflict...has reached a stalemate...in connection with the Ukrainian troops' inability to achieve a breakthrough on the front." Said Peskov:

"No, it has not reached a stalemate. Russia is consistently carrying out the special military operation. All the set goals should be fulfilled."


It might save the West a lot of time, money, lives and reputation if we would just listen a little bit more carefully.

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Turkey has the S-400, purchased in preference to NATO stuff. Iran has been considering the S-400 and Russia says it's ready to sell to Iran.

Re Russia:

the Atlantic Council in a new position paper is warning NATO allies that "Putin will win unless the West finally commits to Ukrainian victory":

These factors mean there is currently little incentive for Putin to end the war. Indeed, any outcome other than an unambiguous Russian military victory would likely lead to uncomfortable questions being asked regarding the sacrifices Russians have made since the start of the invasion. **From Putin’s point of view, it is far better to maintain a long-term conflict in Ukraine with the prospect of increasingly favorable circumstances.**

Meanwhile, Poland hasn't formed a new government yet, so Dmitry Medvedev has given the Poles some food for thought:

MOSCOW, Nov 2 (Reuters) - A top ally of President Vladimir Putin warned Poland on Thursday that the NATO member state was now considered a "dangerous enemy" by Russia and could end up losing its statehood if it continued on its current course.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, made the comments in an 8,000-word article on Russian-Polish relations, saying Moscow now had a "dangerous enemy" in Poland.

"We will treat it (Poland) precisely as a historical enemy," Medvedev said. "If there is no hope for reconciliation with the enemy, Russia should have only one and a very tough attitude regarding its fate."

"History has more than once delivered a merciless verdict to the presumptuous Poles: no matter how ambitious the revanchist plans may be, their collapse could lead to the death of Polish statehood in its entirety."

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Nov 4, 2023
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Snarky comment…

Makes sense if Pakistan is a U.S. ally…

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Fiddling while Rome burns. At least half of America and many freedom lovers around the world want firm action by the opposition. This is just politicking as usual.

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