Simplicius sums it up! (Fill in the blank - Israel/Ukraine, Bibi/ Zelensky) - we’re not at our best!

“At the critical moment when Israel needed the strongest possible America, they got the weakest America in its history. That is Israel’s blunder, which may be its ultimate, calamitous undoing. But Bibi will likely have no choice but to continue escalating, or at least keep a strategy of tension a constant presence in order to survive.“

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At the 42- minute mark, Mercouris gives a “blessedly” succinct summary of the genesis of the current ME crisis, starting with Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate. He fairly damns the withering dithering failure of Zhou and co. to condemn the strike, thereby setting once again the “escalator of escalation” in motion. As often with AM, he reserves his total contempt for the Zhou administration, which he says, citing the Chinese media, has gotten itself entrapped by warlords of various stripes (Zel, Bib)…


Not a great posture to be in…

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"But the Iranians likely now have almost a full map of what Israel’s missile defence system looks like"

OUT standing!! someone is thinking. Yes unless the Israelis held back(???)). They have now exposed their ADA sites and capabilities for all to see. Not good. Because this thing is far from over.

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Looks like combining drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles is a lesson Russia learned against Western air defences.

Mass drones are particularly cheap and effective, pesky but if they get through they can do damage so they have to be dealt with.

I wonder if Bofors is getting mass orders for its venerable and cheap guns.

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Disturbing if true:

Max Blumenthal


"Rumor has it Pompeo is being pushed for Secretary of Defense

Pompeo coordinated the attack on Assange and Wikileaks through Trump’s top donor and CIA asset, Sheldon Adelson, whose widow now runs his foundation and maintains substantial influence over Trumpworld"

Recall that Adelson's widow is holding back on giving Trump money and I speculated that she wanted some specific guarantees.. Is something like this the sticking point? Good for Trump is he's resisting.

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Who was it that said, “doing the same thing over again and expecting different results is the classic definition of insanity”?

Pompeo also thought that the recent FISA renewal legislation was a great idea.

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I don’t know, still seems to me that this situation is teetering on the thin end of the wedge. I’m not convinced that the fat lady has sung yet.

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The neocons should not only be worried by the gulf in technological development between their side and the Axis of Resistance; they should also be even more worried by the vast gulf in strategic thinking. The West is being outthought at every level by Russia, China and now Iran. We are witnessing a masterclass.

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Critical race theory doesn’t actually involve critical thinking.

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The drone and cruise missile component was just target practice for Israel and their allies. With a 9 hour flight from Iran, basically a turkey shoot. It makes the Israelis look good.

The ballistic missile hits on the other hand I wonder how many were stopped, and what the Iranian's targeted. The lack of deaths was deliberate by the Iranian's, it reminds me of the attack on a U.S. base in Iraq by ballistic missiles. It was more of a message / warning of Iran's capabilities.

The Israeli strategy has been to keep on hitting Gaza, and other areas trying to re-establish deterrence, by making other regional countries afraid to take direct action. I believe it was the mowing the lawn strategy. Oct. 7th was a huge blow to the Israeli psyche, of Gaza being manageable outside of a few missile attacks that were a nuisance. The result is the Israeli population is on board with the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. There is no Jewish majority in Israel, that trusts the Palestinians for a two state solution. The part I have no clue on is Israeli politics, with all the different parties in a parliament built with coalitions with some calling for a great Israel, the red heifer, etc.

The Iranian attack is a huge blow to the perceived deterrence of Israel. And Hamas and the Palestinians have redefined success for them as just surviving. The attack diverts attention from the economic hit that Israel just took from the seizing of the Cargo Ship.

On the Netanyahu Lawfare issue, I note the same strategy is being used world wide against people that the globalist elites hate. Brazil's ex President, AFD, Trump, Putin, etc. I question if this is a huge motivator for Netanyahu. Netanyahu is riding the silent majority in Israel that wants the historic deterrence doctrine and causing chaos in the enemy camp so the threat of enemy action is manageable, in order to keep power.

I question the part of Israel wanting the U.S. to intervene and crush Iran and Herbozolla. I just don't see the ability of the U.S. to do so, and I am sure the Israelis know that.

Iran is combining a strategy of economic, military, third party actions, and political against Israel. It reminds me of the Russian strategy against Ukraine.

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Ray, if you are wondering why Iran's display of power yesterday would in any way change Israel's policy of 'defending' itself at all costs, I am, wondering, too. I expect a resumption of the offensive in Gaza sooner or later. It seems to me Israel's existence is more existential than ever. Nor do I see Netanyahu weakening. Odds on, I see him entrenching. With or without Biden.

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Thought provoking and a truly sad State of Affairs.

We had the Abraham Accords and some deterrence, but alas the current administration deep sixed much of the progress made.

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Apr 15
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Yes, key word “restrained!” Not exactly applicable to Israel’s “extremely provocative” ( Mercouris) attack on Iran’s Consulate in Damascus which was a kinda “I dare you to respond” move. The question is, what does Netanyahu do now, as restraint doesn’t seem to be in his vocabulary…

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