"Rumor has it Pompeo is being pushed for Secretary of Defense
Pompeo coordinated the attack on Assange and Wikileaks through Trump’s top donor and CIA asset, Sheldon Adelson, whose widow now runs his foundation and maintains substantial influence over Trumpworld"
"Rumor has it Pompeo is being pushed for Secretary of Defense
Pompeo coordinated the attack on Assange and Wikileaks through Trump’s top donor and CIA asset, Sheldon Adelson, whose widow now runs his foundation and maintains substantial influence over Trumpworld"
Recall that Adelson's widow is holding back on giving Trump money and I speculated that she wanted some specific guarantees.. Is something like this the sticking point? Good for Trump is he's resisting.
Disturbing if true:
Max Blumenthal
"Rumor has it Pompeo is being pushed for Secretary of Defense
Pompeo coordinated the attack on Assange and Wikileaks through Trump’s top donor and CIA asset, Sheldon Adelson, whose widow now runs his foundation and maintains substantial influence over Trumpworld"
Recall that Adelson's widow is holding back on giving Trump money and I speculated that she wanted some specific guarantees.. Is something like this the sticking point? Good for Trump is he's resisting.
Who was it that said, “doing the same thing over again and expecting different results is the classic definition of insanity”?
Pompeo also thought that the recent FISA renewal legislation was a great idea.