Everyone should know by now that the entire Ukraine - Russia food fight (in the MSM) is definitely not about freedom, democracy, or any other supposed American value.
Clearly Putins teams have been working behind the scenes for a while. After Putin signed the docs recognizing Donetsk and Luhansk, he was invited* as the peacekeeping entity. The MSM has completely ignored this, and the reality is that Ukraine has been shelling the people in both these regions for quite some time.
This was really a masterstroke by Putins regime, and a disaster for the Ukrainian regime installed by O'Biden. Side note: is this another major US intelligence failure, or flat out incompetence? Biden got bitch beat, again.
If other repoerts out of Munich are accurate, the morons running the EU as Davos' puppets partly drove this by signalling Nordstream 2 off the table.
So this is also a potential disaster for Germany especially because they simply don't have the fuel without some other source...
Hey I'm no Putin supporter and I spent many years fighting the cold war. But the Russian threat I see is they are against globalism that the US and the rest of the "free world" are seeking. Just look at Russia, pretty much declaring an end to the Pandemic. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/covid-19-pandemic-may-end-in-2022-says-who-russia-representative-122022101087_1.html While Russia's response was the same as the rest of the world early on, they did not pursue more draconian job firing measures and the Russian people rejected any vaccine passport sillyness. (At least from what I see from Internet research.) The globalist see the Pandemic as a pathway to the reset where there is one world government and citizens do as they are told. The Russians are not on board and therefore are the enemy. Seems the Chinese are on board though.
It’s strange where the US focuses on. Why Ukraine?
Congo has had an ongoing civil war with deaths in the millions. It’s ignored. Huge amount of killings of Christian’s, ignored. What is happening to the Sunnis in Syria, ignored. And ignoring the one sided economic loans China is doing to get resources.
It seems the criteria is not humanitarian. Maybe the criteria is the best places for laundering money and providing a rationale for congressional financial expenditures in support of defense industry contractors? Maybe we should ask Lindsey. He seems to be very concerned with places like this, including the Ukraine.
It's popular these days and what they can get away with they will. Even the 'stache with the gas made a mad dash to say his old boss would have been just as much an ass as Biden:
Listened to Joe Rogan’s interview of Maajid Nawaz earlier today. He has some interesting observations about consistency and our (US) and UK etc foreign policy in light of domestic stands. (And much more, of course.) Not sure I fully agree, But in light of covid and current global issues all this is a really important, needed analysis and debate, as you said, Mark.
So, yeah, Vladimir Putin has apparently decided he can live with Joy Behar being mad at him…

In happier news, our newly transgender-friendly force has DEFINITELY been focusing on the right issues since Uncle Joe took over!

Fresh out of West Point and exquisitely trained in understanding white rage, butter bars of all genders will be very ready to bring their peacemaking and community building skills to bear against this white-on-white violence!

Woke militaries throw fear in the hearts of their enemies.
Stop laughing. You’re destroying my safe space.
Okay, that’s it. I’m sending you to a seminar on intersectionality.
Our totally feckless President whom I refer to as Иосеф Столен (Josef Stolen if you don't do Cyrillic), and his entire administration are a corrupt oligarchy, absolute hypocrites to criticize any other nation for any reason.
Yeah, we used to say Iraq was corrupt, but the Iraqis assured us there was no country more corrupt than Afghanistan.
News flash, and I grieve this insight, the Number One, numero uno corrupt country in the world is America.
Petty corruption, not so much (e.g. cops taking bribes for no ticket, etc)
No, I'm talking about billion dollar corruption. Hell, Ukraine was just one big maytag for laundering tax dollar foreign aid back to congressmen, senators, and many, MANY, others. Ukraine may have had issues, America: "hold my beer, and will show you how this is really done.". 20% of our uranium to Russia?!
Glenn Greenwald, after a brief hiatus, has a good piece touching on some of your thoughts and more. Well recommended:
I've heard from Afghan vets (US vets) that the amount of money/waste over there was simply mind boggling--and of course a lot of that was with the contractors. Money sinkhole, well before the great giveaway.
re the growing Ukraine cesspool: It seems that every generation or two Europe blows up. Can America just skip the latest iteration? We don't need no stinking empire.
That last paragraph is priceless and I only wish it could be posted someplace where everyone who is a citizen of the U.S. could see it and ponder it and act upon it.
Mark, one of my favorite people was Samuel Huntington. As he once once put it, "the delegates (I believe he was referring to our politicians) view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite’s global operations.”
One of my favorite books was "The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order. He wrote:
"Peoples and nations are attempting to answer the most basic question humans can face: Who are we? And they are answering that question in the traditional way human beings have answered it, by reference to the things that mean the most to them. People define themselves in terms of ancestry, religion, language, history, values, customs, and institutions. They identify with cultural groups: tribes, ethnic groups, religious communities, nations, and, at the broadest level, civilizations. People use politics not just to advance their interests, but to also define their identity. We know who we are only when we know who we are not and often only when we know whom we are against."
Clash of Civilization Chap 1, page 3.
I liked the statement and see a lot of current events attempting to corral the majority of people into acting in a way contrary to our nature and this creates chaos which then people, like George Soros trade off the chaos and enrich themselves further at our expense. The Progressive mindset can't handle these truths or simply ignore them and the only way to accomplish their goals is through totalitarianism..
Our freedom at home concerns the majority of Americans. Our current regime does not have a foreign policy, nor does it have the support of the majority of its citizens.
True, but they can't crush the American middle class. They can silence us, push us underground and disenfranchise us. We will survive, but those who depend on us for our efforts will face a hard time. Read the 1939 "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck, the results of FDR's New Deal. The middle class adjusted and survived nicely. Some I knew even made fortunes buying depressed stocks and farmland.
Clearly Putins teams have been working behind the scenes for a while. After Putin signed the docs recognizing Donetsk and Luhansk, he was invited* as the peacekeeping entity. The MSM has completely ignored this, and the reality is that Ukraine has been shelling the people in both these regions for quite some time.
This was really a masterstroke by Putins regime, and a disaster for the Ukrainian regime installed by O'Biden. Side note: is this another major US intelligence failure, or flat out incompetence? Biden got bitch beat, again.
If other repoerts out of Munich are accurate, the morons running the EU as Davos' puppets partly drove this by signalling Nordstream 2 off the table.
So this is also a potential disaster for Germany especially because they simply don't have the fuel without some other source...
Obama and Biden strike again!
"the Russian threat I see is they are against globalism that the US and the rest of the "free world" are seeking."
because they can see that globalism is a scheme to subject the rest of the world to the will of the already super rich elite.
Hey I'm no Putin supporter and I spent many years fighting the cold war. But the Russian threat I see is they are against globalism that the US and the rest of the "free world" are seeking. Just look at Russia, pretty much declaring an end to the Pandemic. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/covid-19-pandemic-may-end-in-2022-says-who-russia-representative-122022101087_1.html While Russia's response was the same as the rest of the world early on, they did not pursue more draconian job firing measures and the Russian people rejected any vaccine passport sillyness. (At least from what I see from Internet research.) The globalist see the Pandemic as a pathway to the reset where there is one world government and citizens do as they are told. The Russians are not on board and therefore are the enemy. Seems the Chinese are on board though.
It’s strange where the US focuses on. Why Ukraine?
Congo has had an ongoing civil war with deaths in the millions. It’s ignored. Huge amount of killings of Christian’s, ignored. What is happening to the Sunnis in Syria, ignored. And ignoring the one sided economic loans China is doing to get resources.
It seems the criteria is not humanitarian. Maybe the criteria is the best places for laundering money and providing a rationale for congressional financial expenditures in support of defense industry contractors? Maybe we should ask Lindsey. He seems to be very concerned with places like this, including the Ukraine.
I find it hard to impossible that they can get away with this amount of gas(!)lighting.
It's popular these days and what they can get away with they will. Even the 'stache with the gas made a mad dash to say his old boss would have been just as much an ass as Biden:
The hubris and lack of consciousness is unbelievable.
TD, it is apparent you will never become a MSM journalist.
Biden Says Defending “Freedom” for Ukraine will Mean Higher Gas Prices
Biden Ignores All Questions From Reporters on Putin-Ukraine After Showing Up Over an Hour Late for Remarks
Listened to Joe Rogan’s interview of Maajid Nawaz earlier today. He has some interesting observations about consistency and our (US) and UK etc foreign policy in light of domestic stands. (And much more, of course.) Not sure I fully agree, But in light of covid and current global issues all this is a really important, needed analysis and debate, as you said, Mark.
Alex gets American values:
Understanding white rage
Alex Berenson
So, yeah, Vladimir Putin has apparently decided he can live with Joy Behar being mad at him…

In happier news, our newly transgender-friendly force has DEFINITELY been focusing on the right issues since Uncle Joe took over!

Fresh out of West Point and exquisitely trained in understanding white rage, butter bars of all genders will be very ready to bring their peacemaking and community building skills to bear against this white-on-white violence!

Woke militaries throw fear in the hearts of their enemies.
Stop laughing. You’re destroying my safe space.
Okay, that’s it. I’m sending you to a seminar on intersectionality.
Our totally feckless President whom I refer to as Иосеф Столен (Josef Stolen if you don't do Cyrillic), and his entire administration are a corrupt oligarchy, absolute hypocrites to criticize any other nation for any reason.
Nice piece, Mark, thank you.
Yeah, we used to say Iraq was corrupt, but the Iraqis assured us there was no country more corrupt than Afghanistan.
News flash, and I grieve this insight, the Number One, numero uno corrupt country in the world is America.
Petty corruption, not so much (e.g. cops taking bribes for no ticket, etc)
No, I'm talking about billion dollar corruption. Hell, Ukraine was just one big maytag for laundering tax dollar foreign aid back to congressmen, senators, and many, MANY, others. Ukraine may have had issues, America: "hold my beer, and will show you how this is really done.". 20% of our uranium to Russia?!
Glenn Greenwald, after a brief hiatus, has a good piece touching on some of your thoughts and more. Well recommended:
I've heard from Afghan vets (US vets) that the amount of money/waste over there was simply mind boggling--and of course a lot of that was with the contractors. Money sinkhole, well before the great giveaway.
re the growing Ukraine cesspool: It seems that every generation or two Europe blows up. Can America just skip the latest iteration? We don't need no stinking empire.
You are in fine form on this one Mark, well done and thank you.
That last paragraph is priceless and I only wish it could be posted someplace where everyone who is a citizen of the U.S. could see it and ponder it and act upon it.
Thanks. It's pointless to pretend that we can go about foreign policy as usual as if it has no connection to the threat to our freedom at home.
Mark, one of my favorite people was Samuel Huntington. As he once once put it, "the delegates (I believe he was referring to our politicians) view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite’s global operations.”
One of my favorite books was "The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order. He wrote:
"Peoples and nations are attempting to answer the most basic question humans can face: Who are we? And they are answering that question in the traditional way human beings have answered it, by reference to the things that mean the most to them. People define themselves in terms of ancestry, religion, language, history, values, customs, and institutions. They identify with cultural groups: tribes, ethnic groups, religious communities, nations, and, at the broadest level, civilizations. People use politics not just to advance their interests, but to also define their identity. We know who we are only when we know who we are not and often only when we know whom we are against."
Clash of Civilization Chap 1, page 3.
I liked the statement and see a lot of current events attempting to corral the majority of people into acting in a way contrary to our nature and this creates chaos which then people, like George Soros trade off the chaos and enrich themselves further at our expense. The Progressive mindset can't handle these truths or simply ignore them and the only way to accomplish their goals is through totalitarianism..
Yes, outstanding book.
"Peoples and nations are attempting to answer the most basic question humans can face: Who are we?"
In the woke West the answer is, Whoever you say you are. This is the endgame of Liberalism as a philosophy.
Our freedom at home concerns the majority of Americans. Our current regime does not have a foreign policy, nor does it have the support of the majority of its citizens.
True, but they can't crush the American middle class. They can silence us, push us underground and disenfranchise us. We will survive, but those who depend on us for our efforts will face a hard time. Read the 1939 "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck, the results of FDR's New Deal. The middle class adjusted and survived nicely. Some I knew even made fortunes buying depressed stocks and farmland.
Oil was $98 yesterday so Russia is absolutely raking in the cash right now.
All while taking 10% for whoever happens to be the big guy at the time.
Bravo x1000
The two go hand in hand. The empire enriches the oligarchy and vice versa.