Hey I'm no Putin supporter and I spent many years fighting the cold war. But the Russian threat I see is they are against globalism that the US and the rest of the "free world" are seeking. Just look at Russia, pretty much declaring an end to the Pandemic. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/covid-19-pandemic-may…
Hey I'm no Putin supporter and I spent many years fighting the cold war. But the Russian threat I see is they are against globalism that the US and the rest of the "free world" are seeking. Just look at Russia, pretty much declaring an end to the Pandemic. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/covid-19-pandemic-may-end-in-2022-says-who-russia-representative-122022101087_1.html While Russia's response was the same as the rest of the world early on, they did not pursue more draconian job firing measures and the Russian people rejected any vaccine passport sillyness. (At least from what I see from Internet research.) The globalist see the Pandemic as a pathway to the reset where there is one world government and citizens do as they are told. The Russians are not on board and therefore are the enemy. Seems the Chinese are on board though.
Hey I'm no Putin supporter and I spent many years fighting the cold war. But the Russian threat I see is they are against globalism that the US and the rest of the "free world" are seeking. Just look at Russia, pretty much declaring an end to the Pandemic. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/covid-19-pandemic-may-end-in-2022-says-who-russia-representative-122022101087_1.html While Russia's response was the same as the rest of the world early on, they did not pursue more draconian job firing measures and the Russian people rejected any vaccine passport sillyness. (At least from what I see from Internet research.) The globalist see the Pandemic as a pathway to the reset where there is one world government and citizens do as they are told. The Russians are not on board and therefore are the enemy. Seems the Chinese are on board though.