True, but they can't crush the American middle class. They can silence us, push us underground and disenfranchise us. We will survive, but those who depend on us for our efforts will face a hard time. Read the 1939 "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck, the results of FDR's New Deal. The middle class adjusted and survived nicely. Some I knew even made fortunes buying depressed stocks and farmland.
True, but they can't crush the American middle class. They can silence us, push us underground and disenfranchise us. We will survive, but those who depend on us for our efforts will face a hard time. Read the 1939 "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck, the results of FDR's New Deal. The middle class adjusted and survived nicely. Some I knew even made fortunes buying depressed stocks and farmland.