Can you picture a Trump/Harris debate?! She’d make Dementia Joe look like Stephen A. Douglas.

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My 2¢

I'll happily disagree w the rumors. Barring additional facts, I don't see Joe resigning from office. Certainly not as soon as tomorrow. It will destroy his legacy. I'm not saying it shouldn't be destroyed, but I would expect Joe, of all people, to put up a stubborn fight.

I think resignation from office unnecessarily raises the VP issue. Since a new VP requires GOP consent, I don't see it in the run up to election.

I think its more likely Joe concedes he is not up to a 2d term by reason of health and age. He will say *he* has decided not to run. He will ask the American People for understanding and commit to doing the best job possible as POTUS over the next six months. He will ask the convention delegates and the American People to decide who is best suited to carry on his legacy as the next POTUS. He will say he will support their decision.

Of course the decision will actually be made by the blob, but that's how it'll be spun. I still think Kamala will be the choice. I think she'll lose in November and while I think its conceivable Buttwhatever will be the VP choice, I think it will be a terrible choice. He has no - absolutely no - record to run on.

Just my 2¢

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He has earned the destruction of his legacy. His family (wife and son) are so (somethjng] that they can't even see it.

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Yeah, this would be the best practical approach for the Dems and for the Biden loyalists. But the question still remains, will Dr. Jill and the family go for it? They would have to have something in return, like mucho money and pardons.

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I expect Jill and Hunter to fight back hard. But as far as the nomination is concerned, I'm assuming the blob controls the money. If the blob withholds financial support, I don't think Biden can stay on the ticket. Not so with the office of POTUS. Here I think Joe can fight back and barring horrific new disclosures, I think he can hang on until Inauguration Day 2025.

Yes there will be mucho pardons.

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A sympathy and empathy approach. That's pure Zhou alright. You're probably right. Good call.

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I agree that he will negotiate to stay until his term is up and agree not to stay on the ballot. But I don't think Kamala will be his replacement. I don't know who will be, but I'm pretty sure it will not be her. If she digs her heels in she might be able to pull off a Bernie for an oceanfront mansion and the promise of the next SCOTUS seat, something like that.

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Yeah, she's pretty distatsteful, isn't she...But who else have they got?

I was joking (?) here a week or so and recommended that they nominate Mitt Romney. He would get the entire TDS vote, all of the MIC vote, and a good chunk of the Dem base that doesn't waste its vote on RFK...Plus, he's always been a closet Dem and he'd probably do it.

Then Manchin for VP.


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I get the reasoning, but this is an exceptional time. FWIW, my wife is predicting by next weekend--I'm relaying rumors that will cover me for tomorrow. However ...

I think things have gone too far for a simple step down from the ticket. Congressional Dems are desperate to get Zhou as far out of the picture as possible. That desperation adds up to resignation without delay. Plus, resignation gives Kama Sutra a semblance of experience.

I think Dems are desperate to convey/gaslight that the country is normal, and for that they need a VP. GOPers will probably nix any remotely sensible pick, if there are any.

Obviously I agree that Kama Sutra is inevitable at this point. As for VP, no record is the least of his drawbacks.

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Kama sutra and Butt gig, that will get the old thrill up Chris Matthew’s leg.

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Rumor going around that Zhou had some kind of medical emergency after leaving Wisconsin on his way to Wilmington. Could be a convenient excuse. Will he pardon his son before resigning?

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I'm glad this is coming out but I wonder why they're reporting this now.

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Remember the 'limited hangout' strategy from Watergate?

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Our new Miss Amerika!?

The first female (black?) president!!

The media apparatus is going to go nonstop nuts for the next four months with this historic wonderful turn of events.

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I want to know who Butt- what's his name is.

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Pete Bootyjudge. Male booty.

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Nooooo!! Not Petra Buttigiiegggeegggg! For heaven's sakes. Seriously????

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That's a real rumor. And it makes some sense. The new Veep would need to be approved by majority votes in both chambers. Why would the GOPers let the Dems off easy?

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RemovedJul 7·edited Jul 7
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They simply cannot be serious.

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They might bit be serious but I bet that it is their plan.

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With most of today left to go:

Chicago shootings: At least 87 shot, 16 fatally, in holiday weekend gun violence across city: police

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Update 99 and 17, what a city.

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Seems wrong to click the like button on a comment with such horrific stats

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Photo of Joe Biden's speechwriting team, explains the stupidity.

Citizen Free Press ^ |


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Lol, if Dems steal 2024, can't wait until this clown car all get their draft notices.

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REPORT: “Sh*t is Going to Hit the Fan” When Congress Returns Monday – All Eyes on Nancy Pelosi as Dems Want Biden Gone By the End of the Week


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Russiagate comes to France


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They are getting desperate. I'm praying for Front National to pull it off because they will put a spanner in the plans our new joke government has; they've already declared they're going to 'put Brexit behind us'.

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