Jeff Childers mentioned some item that boggle my mind:


1. Was Diddy another Epstein for blackmail?

2. Hunter claimed he had C.I.A. backing to be on the Burisima board?

3. What’s Biden’s C.I.A. relationship?

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Brilliant review Mark...thanks.

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the Ukrainian "heroes" of the NYT article are Nalyvaichenko and Kondratiuk. According to a Dec 2020 article by Volodymyr Boyko, both were long-time US agents. Kondratiuk's derogatory nickname was "Biden's Personal Driver" - the title of a Boyko article. Both were also members of/closely associated with Ukro neo-Nazi Ukr nationalism, that was totally intolerant of minority Russian rights. Nalyvaichenko rapidly "lustrated" the existing SBU personnel and replaced it within a year or so with young zealots from west Ukraine.

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Absolutely. This Ukrainian tragedy is at the feet of the US, and it goes way back. Public officials supporting it make no bones about giving a crap about people.

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It’s interesting that Russia’s reverse agricultural sanctions on Europe in 2014 actually increased domestic supply. Surely that was a sign of things to come.

The neocon playbook that worked on Serbia’s 10 years sanctions was effective because Serbia was effectively land locked by the Euro zone.

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Listening to Jeffrey Sachs calling the notion that CIA skullduggery in Ukraine didn't start until 2014 "preposterous".

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I listened to the Duran podcast. Great as usual. However, once again, I find myself intensely irritated at Tom Luongo. Another day, another big conspiracy theory! The Eurobonds are certainly in the mix, and yes, the European Union is power-made, to suggest that this is their main motivation is ridiculous. There are many other varied reasons why the Euroweenie elites want to keep this going.

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1. Of course it was a massive intelligence failure! How do I know this? Because everything the neocons and DS do is built upon incorrect intelligence.

2. No, the US won't be able to walk away from this one. The playbook is getting very dog-eared around the edges and the audience is getting restless.

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I hope you are right. But they still wield enormous power.

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I look forward to the Alexander Mercouris podcast later this evening, great extracts, thank you. I laughed hollowly as soon as I saw the NYT headline that the CIA were "secretly" aiding Ukraine, and agree with you that if AM characterised this as angering Putin and co. then that will have been on a different timeline to the one he seems to be implying. This was readily apparent from the Tucker Carlson interview for example. (Jeff Childers called the NYT piece the most unlimited limited-hangout ever. Pithy.)

I also believe, ok maybe 'hope' is the better word, that the events of the last few days are all strong signals of Neocon death throes. As much as possible the blame is going to be heaped on Zhou who will in turn blame Zelensky to try and save his sorry ass. The latter claimed in the last couple of days that Ukraine military deaths are under 40,000 (37,000 iirc). The real toll may be ten times as much but in any case this is such a preposterous lie that it must have been whispered in his ear so that it can be used to prop up a story along the lines of "we believed Zelensky, we really really did..."

I wouldn't rule out Budanov having a nasty slip in the shower seeing as he totally debunked Biden's lie of how 'Yolanda' Navalnya's dear departed husband met his maker. It is no secret, if it ever was, that he has been in close liaison with CIA (and no doubt MI6) all along.

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It's like Scholz "revealing" that that Brits and French are running the Storm Shadow program with boots on the ground in Ukraine. As if Russia didn't know? The "secrets" aren't to deceive the Russians, they're to deceive the knuckleheads at home.

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Intelligence failure or failure of intelligence? Russia hoax or the Ukraine hoax - the fever dream of our well-heeled, well coiffed, duly credentialed and not a little demonic ruling class to enlist a corrupt, gullible and divided country bordering the Bear, to do our dirty work for us…and now it is the cover-up, the stream of lies as reality sets in, that are so dumbfounding, but as Sacks says, will continue…

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As night follows day, failure of intelligence leads to intel failure.

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Thanks for the post Mark.

Does the CIA do “intelligence?” Have they since the mid 1970s and the television hearings? The Agency was left bleeding on the side of the road back then. Few trusted it to do anything anymore. So it had to adapted to its “audience.” That audience is primarily the President: give me something I can wave on television and a way to get after my/our enemies. That is not intel. It is fantasy about geopolitics: television driven. We inherited this from the Brits…

As the guys on the Duran have talked about for two years, this was? really a British/MI6 operation…where they have zero skin in the game but play the psy-ops television game of “globalism.”

Russia/US conflict is NOT about geopolitics. That was the TELEVISION paradigm. We are DIGITAL now, so it’s a religious war, Russia is an exceptionally spiritual/religious place now and has been going in this direction for 30 years. “Intel” would have realized this. It’s not what the West does. They would have realized that the “ground” of conflict has changed worldwide…they refuse to go there. So it becomes about “politics” or “culture,” when the other side is singing from a different hymnal.

To say this was an “intel” failure assumes a continuity over time. DIGITAL created the discontinuity. New narratives. New ground.

The US/West is woefully behind on understanding the shifting “balance” towards spirituality worldwide (abandonment of “liberal”), but we are subject to the same ground. Our “spirituality” is most obviously seen in the “America first” stuff. We think of it as “politics” or rational thought about what we want and don’t want, but it’s really the same thing happening everywhere on the planet: retrieving the spiritual past of each civilization, now being mandated in many places.

Not an intel failure, it is much worse than that: willful disregard.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

“What did this operation in the end achieve?”


1. It kneecapped the Trump Administration

2. Resulted in two impeachments

3. Helped keep the Ukraine money flowing to the right people

4. Installed a censorship machine due to “Russian Disinformation”, that has been used for political gain by the Left.

5. Helped get Biden elected by burying his son’s laptop as Russian Disinformation.

6. Increased financial controls by the West.

7. Increased the cost of energy in Europe - green party goal.

8. Increased de industrialization - green party goal.

9. Putin as boogeyman may enable Eurobonds / eu ability to tax.

10. Decreased Russian leverage over Europe as an energy supplier.

All the above helps the political elite caste, and hurts regular people.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

True. I'd like to add another list, Ray, if you don't mind me encroaching on your territory. It's been truly amazing how much Team Biden has screwed things up in the last few years. Here we go:

1. Failed in and kicked out of Afghanistan within nothing to show for it

2. Driven Russia into the arms of China after 70 years of diplomacy kept them apart

3. Tied themselves forever to Israeli genocide

4. Probably destroyed Israel's future by not reining them in

5. Destroyed Ukraine

6. Made Russia vastly stronger and meaner

7. Probably destroyed the US dollar supremacy

8. Given a massive boost to Brics (see 7)

9. Alienated the key player in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia

10. Destroyed the European economy

11. Brought Sunni and Shia muslims together

12. Lost control of Syria

13. Allowed Russia and China greater entry into the Middle East

14. Angered China and probably fast-tracked the loss of Iran

15. Lost to the Houtis

16. Destroyed America's armed forces

17. Vastly encouraged and strengthened Iran and all other enemies of the US

I'm sure there are more, but can anyone think of another government outside of Adolf Hitler's who has done more damage in such little time?

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You know, what these "achievements" (and many others that Mark Wauck highlights in his column) really show is that it's not Russia that is "the enemy".

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Yep, our enemy is much, much closer to home.

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Which is why the Biden YouTube ads that promise to finish the job I’m inundated with (I watch them all the way thru so they are billed), thrill me do much.

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The operation they're talking about is the sabotage/overhear/assassination operation in Ukraine and forcing Russia into war. Those "in Ukraine" ops aren't what achieved all those results on your list, although the Ukraine connection for all of it is obvious. These are all Deep State ops, but the NYT story is talking about ops that started in 2014 or earlier. Your list starts later.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

They had huge results with a long list of successful color revolutions with no pushback. So the deep state assumed Russia would be easily fall.

Plus their seems to be a quasi religious angle to the Russia must not win.

Aurelius wrote of this, and how the purpose of NATO and the Eu intertwine with the why.

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Absolutely agree.

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RemovedFeb 29·edited Feb 29
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Yeah, I meant to but forgot to include the UK angle. Call it a massive Anglosphere intel failure.

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Trump scared the HELL out of them. Four years out of power for these people must have felt like a lifetime. That's why they are going to do anything - and I mean anything - to keep him out in November.

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Steg - I ‘liked’ your comment mostly because I agree with your use of the word ‘anything’. As in ‘no limits’. They may be losing but their arrogance is unlimited.

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That “anything” clause is the one that worries me as well, and it’s a very long time until November.

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