Samantha Power - smugly, narcissist without reason, poisonous purveyor of misery. Go home and hide your face.

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The pre-Bagdad playbook? Coalition of the willing?! Fossilized Neocon Dinosaur. Oh my, what could go wrong

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USAID should stand for “United States Agency for Intervention and Destabilization.” After the collapse of the USSR, USAID was one of the primary agencies responsible for establishing U.S. influence in post-Soviet Russia (with more than a little help from George Soros).

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The metaphoric significance of Christ the Saviour Cathedral is even richer than Mark indicates. The church was demolished to make way for a grandiose Palace of Soviets. This typical bombastic monument to the Revolution was supposed to be nearly 1,400 feet tall and crowned with a 300 foot statue of Lenin. (See the images at the link below.) Construction began in 1938 but was interrupted by WWII. By war’s end the foundation flooded due to seepage from the nearby Moscow River. The site remained an embarrassing scar on the Moscow landscape until 1958 when the regime gave up any hope of completing the project and chose instead to convert the pit into an enormous public swimming pool.


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Interesting how objects and monuments many hold sacred are the first to be destroyed by the perversions of Marxism coupled with the racialist policies of Naziiism which is how the USA is evolving.

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Forgot to say that, throughout the post-war era, many Russians understood the Palace of Soviets project to have been cursed by God.

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Never dreamed it would come to this!

I forget who said it over at AT, but they resented how difficult it had become to winnow out the truth of current events.

Honestly, without sites like this I don’t know how it would be possible to ever get to the real facts.

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When I heard she was in Hungary 2 weeks ago I wondered why the Hungarian gov't didn't revoke her travel. Why let the termites in to advocate for woke, global, elites? Orban has to do better next time.

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Again, Putin comes across as someone of principle! How in the world do we go two more years with the imbecile in residence as the face of the US?

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Mar 5, 2023
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Bobby: I’m going to file that in the “sad but true” folder.

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I can’t wait for Tucker’s reprise!

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The neocons are like Hitler in December 1941: taking on the whole world.

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Hopefully Hungary gets wiser and boots her and USAID out

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Hungary doesn't directly border Russia as Belarus does, but I hope Putin does all he can to help Orban.

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She belongs in the same Hall of Shame as Nuland. Megalomaniacs of the worst sort.

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I was reading somewhere the other day, perhaps here, that the government is being run by a cabal of women including:

Yellen - Treasury

Power -AID

Nuland - DoS

Monaco - DoJ

Rice - Domestic Policy



Not to mention:

Biden (Jill)

Harris, kamala

Seems about right to me.

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I forgot to include:

Haines, Avril - DNI

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Can they be tried for treason along with Susan rice? What a trio!

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I prefer the term psychopaths. And as we have stated here many times, they are demonically possessed. I am hopeful - just about - that Good and Truth will prevail.

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Mar 6, 2023
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Do I understand this right? "The United States of America" is doing what it thinks is right for America--it's not just the Zhou regime. Or maybe, the Zhou regime's policies reflect the wishes of America. Sorry, I don't believe that for a moment. "The United States of America" is doing what a largely unelected ruling class wants without regard to the interests of Americans.

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Mar 6, 2023
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A rather jaded view on your part. It matters a great deal to those suffering within our own borders under this regime of oppression. This regime is evil and perverted, To a small slice of humanity this perversion is welcome to most, it is not. It is very material whether this country is right as what's wrong with it is being felt by millions who are being oppressed by it's perversions of justice, sexuality and the meaning of life itself. You may disagree with it's actions, but accepting it as neither right or wrong is a mindset found far too frequently among those who are willing to accept these perversions and tolerate it. A growing percentage of Americans are finding these perversions intolerable. The actions of this country is as the aggressor so Russia's reactions to these perversions is more than understandable and to many Americans their reactions are just like how this country might have reacted at one time if it was not under the grip of perverted Oligarchist's..

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Nah. More like Naive Dude.

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How could opening the southern border of the United States of America and let over five million aliens flood across be perceived as 'right' for the US of A? And, you say our leaders actions are valid, well, as far as validity that word means the actions are well grounded or just, efficacious. How is opening the border, flying aliens to all parts of the States any of those things? If you are using the word valid as this action has legal action or force, it might have force -- the force of the administration backed by the military it would call out if people would start demonstrating and protesting vociferously, but it isn't legal. We have laws against this invasion, they are being broken. Your argument from your first statement to the second has no justification for its citizens, and that is what a government is for -- nothing else but to work and protect its citizens or it is no country at all.

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Mar 5, 2023
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The Feminist's of the 60's-70's coined the term, "The personal is the political." So for women today, after years of being indoctrinated under this mind set that men are misogynists and unworthy, are themselves, embracing the same cruel, treacherous, and deceitful politics of exclusion under the guise of DEI. The result is more bigotry and hate cuz it is an acceptable "value." How bloody twisted is that..

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Oriana Fallaci, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Phyllis Shlafly, Jeane Kirkpatrick ... naw, plenty of solid female leaders that lead well in plenty walks of life. Mittens? Paulie Ryan, Gavin Newsome? Cuomo? Reid? The male/female leader argument isn't very helpful; too broad a brush

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I like that you included Oriana Fallaci among these strong females. She was a journalist who sought the truth and was true to her principals.

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Yes, Power and Nuland...Not to mention Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Gretchen Whitmer, Kathy Hochul, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rachel Levine, Lori Lightfoot, Stacey Abrams, Rochelle Walensky...to mention a few...

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Of course levin’s a man. Minor detail. Good list though

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My attempt at a small joke...I thought about including Joe Biden, too...

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I was thinking the same thing last night, as a woman who grew up in the era when women's lib was the all important goal. Sad.

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I think they are worse. I think they are meaner and far more vindictive

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Mar 5, 2023
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Yep it’s really convenient how the feminist crowd skips over Lucretia Borgia, Jezebel, Lizzy Borden and a host of other less than exemplary females! And WTH is with Kamala’s

eunuch husband’s rant on “toxic masculinity”?

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Mar 5, 2023
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There is a very simplistic thought process that occurs in many women, not all, today and you are correct about Democrat women and their susceptibility to emotional rather than critical thinking. I think we are encountering this at alarmingly increasing rate. Look at the type of parent that takes their kids to drag queen hour? Most are fat and ugly people who think it's cool or enlightened to subject their children to such vulgarity. "See, look at me and how progressive I am!" Propaganda and indoctrination are the main culprits.

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Mar 5, 2023Edited
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That was Susan rice I believe. Or did she do it also?

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Mar 5, 2023
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Dear Steve - to your question, how could this have happened? see Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom (chapter 10: why the worst get on top). Short take - they cheat to win; ends justify the means. Our political and elite class are corrupt

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George Orwell predicted this in 1944, when he wrote "1984", so it took a while. Read the Molly Ball article in 'Time.' All the big shots in Washington got bought up so they made millions and followed orders. The people behind this made trillions. Now we, or rather our government, is bankrupt morally and financially. The good news is that unlike FDR they don't care about their public image, so anyone with half a brain couldn't care less about Big Brother Biden, and like true proles we can go about our lives with minimal compliance with their edicts. They are not very smart.

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Steve: I think that one of the biggest reasons that we are in this mess is because we have been constantly lied to by the politicians on both sides of the aisle. We do our homework and vote for the people that we think view the world and the country the way we do only to find out that once they are elected, they show their true colors to be diametrically opposed to what they told us. The Bushes, Romney, Graham, McConnell, McCain, Ryan and the list goes on and on.

We sit here helplessly and watch people like Chris Wray, Garland Merrick, Nuland, Powers, Jarret, proceed unchecked by the “conservative” members of the house and senate. You and I, and countless others just like us, didn’t vote for this and we don’t condone it or support it, but those we elected to stand in our stead just look the other way and label us domestic terrorists and threats to democracy if we object.

The old admonition that evil will triumph if good men do nothing remains true and I am firmly convinced that it will ultimately come down to each of us as individuals standing firm to what we know to be true. Solzhenitsyn said that refusing to participate in “the lie” is one act of personal rebellion that is available to all of us as individuals. Before this mess sorts itself out, we each going to face the refiners fire, probably not going to be a pleasant experience.

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Mar 5, 2023
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When do you think we lost journalism?

Increasingly I'm thinking we've never had it...at least not during our lifetimes...and I'm a relative old-timer.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself! :-)

As my father used to say, “ these clowns wouldn’t know real journalism if it jumped up and bit’em on the ass in broad daylight!”

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