Did you know that Samantha Power is a lying POS? Well, she was US ambassador to the UN, so it kinda goes with the territory. She’s currently head of USAID—the United States Agency for International Development. Most recently Power’s aid for international development has included traveling to Hungary to try to destabilize a stable country—one might say, a based country—and foment a color revolution. According to her It’s all about “core values”, which include spreading LGBTQwerty stuff worldwide in the name of, well, you and me—the United States. But she’s flexible. She married the divorced Cass Sunstein in a Catholic Church in Ireland, which probably also says a lot about the Catholic Church in Ireland. Why it was important to her to get married in a Catholic Church is anyone’s guess. My guess is she liked the setting.
As I say, she’s flexible. The “core values” she’s currently touting are those of the country she calls the “United States”. What the US is all about, its core values, she says, is “just wanting your freedom and independence”. That sounds almost like MAGA, but, no, she’s flexible—you’d be quite mistaken to think she’s actually anything but a globalist. Or imperialist—take your pick. Hungary might want its freedom and independence, too, but … well, that’s different.
In this remarkable video clip Power expands on those “core values”. She makes it clear that what’s at stake in the US war against Russia—the one taking place in Ukraine and, increasingly, globally—are the core values and interests of the United States. She doesn’t mention the core values of the Ukraine regime, like Nazism or Banderism. But she does make it abundantly clear that the reason the US is so intent on maintaining a facade of international support for its war on Russia—”making sure that this isn’t just the United States and Russia”. But, hey, “it’s Ukrainians doing the fighting”—and the dying. She doesn’t mention the fact that our support is direct participation. But the entire video clip is nothing but a tissue of lies—including characterizing Putin as a “dictator” who “shut down dissenting voices”, but avoiding the reality that it’s Ukraine that has done exactly that, shutting down dissenting media and banning political parties.

It’s a truly disgusting display. She collected degrees from Yale and Harvard (JD), so one presumes she can actually distinguish fact from fiction. Apparently, what she didn’t collect during her education was principles.
For some reason, all this reminds me of the core values of Russia—values that the Bolsheviks did their level best to eradicate. Even to demolish, as in the case of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This glorious cathedral was literally demolished—as in, demolition—in 1931. In 1990, in the closing days of the Soviet Union (d. 1991), the Russian Orthodox Church sought and obtained permission to rebuild the cathedral—a symbol or metaphor, if you will, of Russia rising from the ruins. A representation in stone of Russia’s core values, those that Putin has labored to restore for twenty years:
Samantha Power is part of the ruling elite that, not satisfied with demolishing American core values based in our history, is intent on extending that demolition globally.
When I heard she was in Hungary 2 weeks ago I wondered why the Hungarian gov't didn't revoke her travel. Why let the termites in to advocate for woke, global, elites? Orban has to do better next time.
She belongs in the same Hall of Shame as Nuland. Megalomaniacs of the worst sort.