Interestingly I just watched the local (CBS 2) Sunday night news. On page 3 half way they cover the Zhou recent discovery. As the reporter stated (paraphrase):

6 classified documents found at Zhou's Wilmington home on Friday. That brings to 25 classified documents now discovered.

Now I'm thinking "6" classified documents? I heard it described as "parcels" or "boxes". Secondly, who are they to keep factual track of the actual number of classified documents? Who's this TV stations local source to verify this? 25. KMA.

Mark, you'll know which local channel I'm referring to here locally. Ugh.

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Heard today DOJ/FBI are considering to investigate Zhou's Rehoboth Beach DE home. He's spending the weekend there. DOJ has to ask permission first.

Let's see Kathy Chung gave Hunter Biden a list of top politician / intelligence team members contact info in 2015. Wonder what Hunter wanted with this list?

Hunter Biden is the person responsible for getting Kathy Chung the job as Administrative assistant to then VP Zhou.


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Michael Goodwin wrote: "Joe was the mastermind..."

Perhaps, but it sounds like an oxymoron...

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Ha. Yeah, that's a good one.

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Will wonders never cease? The purloined Presidency of Josef R. Stolen has alienated Dick Dustbin!!!

What sneaky tactics will be used to remove Kalamity, which is an absolute prerequisite for the defenestration of Josef himself?

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Gas has been the key to a lot of our Foreign Policy. The US has a lot and the global price was much higher than the local US spot price. In order to get the market to pay for LNG terminals, and ships to transport it gas prices needed to be way higher. This is where Ukraine comes in. Gas pipelines cross Ukraine to get to Germany(Europe). Russia has to pay transit fees so Ukraine can make the price whatever they want thus influencing European (and therefore global) gas prices. Nordstream 2 would have allowed Russia to bypass them which is why this war had to happen when it did.

In my comment on the last post I said the benefits of the Ukraine war have been extracted these are the things I meant. LNG shipping has been built, Russia has been cut off from European market, the price of Natgas is high and the American tax payer funded it all. When everyone finds out they will be pissed so they are preemptively setting up arguments for why it is not so bad with the study about gas stoves. You don't want this asthma causing substance to be pumped into your home we can ship it off make money and use it to build clean energy. Look for more studies denigrating NatGas.

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"LNG shipping has been built, Russia has been cut off from European market,"

You're joking, right? Europe is buying huge amounts of Russian gas.

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At grossly inflated prices

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Yep from 3rd party countries like India.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

But, But President "Good ol' Joe" Biden! PRESIDENT. He can un-classify those documents without even knowing/remembering they exist./sarc [At least President Trump WAS president in connection w/docs he had at the time].

I am way too cynical anymore. I think there'll be a huge, mea-culpa and we'll all learn of ol' Joe's dementia requiring emergency changes. Worst case: Our President, I mean Vice- President ('cause Joe's dimentia- it's to blame for naming her as as VP, calling her Pres all the time) is unable to assume the position (better accustomed to Heels-Up) so a special appointment, in full agreement 'tween the Cabal, I mean leadership of our country, (*secret agreement w/repubs in congress included) in the interest of our country, will provide for salvation of our constitutional democracy (that's under-attack non-stop from neo-Magaists) resulting in government "Of the Cabal, For the Cabal at the expense of the People" republic. All will be just fine with the newly appointed President, formerly governor (all that executive experience put to work saving us all, remember!) from California! You. Will. Be. Happy. WILL. BE. ! Or else, ya hear?!

Silly, I know. But what I think is some how, likely due to 'medical issues', Biden will escape and maybe survive until 2024, just because he's a democrat. Made mistakes? well, at least he's not trying to destroy democracy, like us conservatives! The Afghanistan debacle? Ruined economic recovery? Destroyed economy, whatever was left after lockdowns and mandates? Money becoming less valuable by the minute? World about to devolve with the USA totally unable to deal with the many issues, let alone the ones we're involved in openly? At least it's not President Trump! Biden's a world-renown wonderful Democrat! Justice? Not unless you're in the un-favored class - a republican. And that will be mostly unjust but show trials will go on.

No, I think he will skate. That's what I expect.

Cynic me is frankly disgusted. This president represents My Country; and we look like crap. (WRH)

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"Joe the Mastermind"? Michael Goodwin must be smoking some of Hunter's best parmesan.

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Won't likely ever see what these docs are, or about. You can bet zhou had plenty of other elites involved. Deep state is just cleaning up the cover up.

Lifson at AT is a good man.

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Question I keep asking myself is if this just about getting Joey to deep six any ideas about 2024, why drive thumbtacks with a sledgehammer? Is the guy so arrogant and delusional that when he was told to forget about running again he told’em to F OFF? So they fired up the chainsaw to make it crystal clear that not only is he NOT running again, but if he doesn’t put a sock in it he and his entire family will be disgraced and ruined forever. Seems possible to me if for no other reason than the fact that Biden’s always been a legend in his own mind and has pretty much skated his entire life and folks like that usually end up believing their own BS.

Regardless of what is the end game, it would appear that it’s going to be brutal. All said though, couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of lowlifes. If it sounds like I’m gloating, it’s only because I am.

Anybody got extra popcorn?

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It isn't only about Zhou. The sledgehammer on thumb tacks is to assure the message is clear to all the other players (a big enough fraction of world gov'ts, companies, and media at this stage to have effective control): we can wreck any of you whenever we like, and we can obfuscate & criminalize so much so fast your voice will never be heard.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

Hello SMH, hope you're day is going great!

I've maintained that this is likely what you've outlined; Joe is taking himself and presidency seriously. I believe he's simply not capable enough to do the job or to recognize he's not capable to do the job... but is so accustomed to living a lie the dementia can't be stopped in his delusion.

Mark, and likely most others, see the accumulation of negativity, particularly from within the Dems, as proof it's more than stopping a fantasy reelection campaign. I see it as them not stopping until he capitulates - which he seems unable to do.

I would join you in celebrating the debacle except it is our country that's having a heavy toll extracted, not just the socialist democrat party. Maybe it's what's required, I dunno. I ache and am embarrassed for our president. Remember, he represents our Country, for all it's ails, it's still the best place with the (past tense?) best gov't representing citizen's freedom, liberty and God-Given rights. I'm hoping diminished status rather than 'has-been'. Hope. Sometimes it's all we got. Blessings from Idaho-(WRH)

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Hello WRH from Massachusetts. My fear is when whoever it is finally gets Zhou out of office, everyone will give a big sigh of relief and forget about going after who was actually making all the decisions, pulling all the strings and probably lining their pockets with taxpayer and bribe money. Zhou is but the face of this debacle, not the mastermind. Peace

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Hello back and thank you NE'terner and friend! (I think I've once again made up another word... intendedly kindly tho'!)

I'm wavering on 'when' Joe winds up going. I think there's too much existing failure in this Presidential term that with the grid-locked congress a replacement is going nowhere, [so my thinking is it may as well be Joe eating the blame, etc.]. Of course, a replacement would be establishing their cred for 2024, at least within the Dem party. Altho', it appears this country is over-run with zombie-like voters for democrats so that may not matter. What you mention about the puppeteers there is little doubt in my mind; however I think it's way bigger than simply Democrat / Biden admin. I use Mark's term, Cabal. Includes (but not limited) to a 'National Security State' (rather than Republic), globalists and more elitists, etc. than is known. I don't know how that gets addressed when, for example, the NY Bankers have so much influence over repubs as well as the dems. With many trillions printed these past 3 years, there is a lot of cash sloshing around and that means lots of bought people. Take care, I wish you the best! (and warmth this winter). (WRH)

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I’ve had a weird thought. Is getting rid of Biden their way to get out of Ukraine blaming it all on Biden trying not to lose face.

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This is, by far, the most corrupt administration in the history of our country and this includes the entirety of the alphabet agencies. I keep telling myself that other administrations are just as corrupt and we just didn’t know about it. But, no. This is the most corrupt administration in the history of our country.

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Hello Athena! What kinda sad is corruption is all on the wrong side. Even if it's our side. Degree doesn't really excuse it. I guess worse corruption is, well, worse.

I will note, our original Constitutional Gov't had designs on resisting the power that's corrupted or present rendition of Gov't. Calling ourselves 'constitutional' may be okay, but not accurate relative to our founding. So much a mess; so painful to see. Blessing from Idaho! (WRH)

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We don’t have sides in this United States. We have a ruling class and the rest of us.

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Hey again! unfortunate, but accurate. One of those founding protections was our vote, and I don't trust that system anymore. I do know, focus on loving your family and those around you and while the country may be in shambles, you'll have peace and joy in Love. :^) (WRH)

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From your mouth to God’s ears.

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I'm looking forward to any new postings from your blog, Athena! Thank-you for your replies. (WRH)

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Won't it be easier to move all the docs from the National Archives into Biden's garage? Economy of effort!

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Excellent Point "making great humor fun again!" (too many letters for a Hat -acronym, tho') (WRH)

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Biden 2024!


Biden 20 to 24!

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Occam’s razor. The simplest possible explanation: Zhou was put in place by Xi to rape the country. With a “taste” for the big guy. All the rest is commentary.

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I wonder how Durbin can be sure that his similar shenanigans - and I'm sure as an Illinois politician he has engaged in them aplenty - won't at some point also be uncovered if Zhou is thrown to the wolves. It will be quite interesting to see how all this unfolds.

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It appears Biden's departure is a fait accompli. Even if his supporters tried using such "leverage" it is doubtful it would make any difference in the end - so why bother unless you wanted to ravage Congress on the way out? Plus, Joe can go the easy way or he can go the hard way - and the hard way may mean more than just Impeachment and removal from office.

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We're certainly seeing key players making all the public moves to avoid the "hard way." Whassup?

Is it a coinkydink that Durbin took that public dive having formerly been a fellow senator to Obama in IL?

Just curiosities, mebbe nuthin.

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In the best of all possible worlds, they're ALL squirming, shuffling & at risk of peeing their pants (or worse). Not that we'll ever get to see, but I enjoy picturing it anyway.

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We can hope!

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There's a reason why I've stuck with the PinYin spelling: Zhou.

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Maybe with all his links to Ukraine, we should expand it to "Zhoukrainian"

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I saw someone ask recently if Ukraine was the 51st state? Perhaps it shd be. We've raped & plundered it countless times over. See how that works? Use 'woke' thinking to demand reparations for tribes whose indignities & injustices have long since been rectified, to distract from committing atrocities & injustices on the next one in the present. Bizarro world.

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How ‘bout Maidan China?!

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