As i said in another blog comment… Taiwan goes down without a shot fired.

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As has been mentioned, it seems inevitable that the US will be the biggest loser after the dust settles on this fiasco, I think the real question is just how big the “ biggest” is actually going to be. Might just shake the pillars of empire to their very foundations!

But what do I know, I’m just another one of those Constitution, Bill of Rights believing radicals who’s no doubt on several of the FBI’s potential domestic terrorist watch lists.

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I think the most likely scenario for America vs America will be the search for internal enemies that will follow if Ukraine goes down. It will be the "who lost China?' witch hunt on steroids. (The answer is no one, since we never had China in the first place.) That one resulted in a lot of hunting for internal enemies real and imagined. It also led to two foreign wars, Korea and Vietnam, both of which miscarried. The American ruling class resolved to bear any burden and pay any cost (Or at least force their people to do so) rather than be blamed for another Asian country falling to Communism.

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"The answer is no one, since we never had China in the first place."

I think you have that wrong. The question won't be "Who lost China," but: Who pushed Russia and China into each others' arms (!) virtually overnight, giving us no chance to react constructively? There IS an answer to that. It's Neocons all the way down.

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Yes, Mark and you are correct it's is the NEOCONS. As I wrote the other day Russia and all it's rich resources could have been a great trade partner for the West and a bulwark against the Chinese. I, however; wonder if the pivot to China as our mortal enemy is simply subterfuge. China shares a pretty long border with Russia and I can imagine they, with scarce resources of their own, may be eyeing Russia and it's resources themselves. The NEOCONS have demonstrated some real geopolitical weakness are nothing if not resourceful connivers and great deceivers. Remember Tom Friedmann/NYT expressing his admiration for the Chinese style of government and pined for a chance to be China for day so they could get things done more quickly?

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But the richest areas in Russia in terms of resources are nowhere near the China border. They're in West Siberia up against the Urals. Attempting to wrest resources from Russia would be an enormous overreach, IMO.

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Hi Mark, thanks for your reply. I get your point however; what I am doing is thinking out loud so to speak since this pivot to China puzzles me given our leadership class is bought and paid for by the Chinese Government and CCP. The USA is not exactly any closer to the resources either. Who benefits from the destruction of Russia and/or China? Just the West? How do we make war on a country that supplies many of our most needed commodities? I am often surprised at how little our leadership knows about other nations and their cultures. Below another commenter posted a great link to a article on U.S. vs. Russia and their respective war strategies. Most enlightening.

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Those two questions are not mutually exclusive. I think two different groups of people will be asking them. The people who led the country down this particular rat hole will be looking for someone to blame for the fact that their Ukraine project didn't work out, because I don't see them shouldering a lot of responsibility themselves. People stuck picking up the tab for this will in fact ask the question you pose.

The danger I see is that for however long the people responsible for taking the country dpwn this road retain power, they will be looking for someone else to blame. If they find them, they will have ample means to persecute them. Remember what Mundt said near the end of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. "There is a conspiracy, and I will be told to find the conspirators. I shall find them among FIedler's friends."

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THE US? Who, me? The US, whoever that is, lost me already. I am an innocent bystander, just hoping I don't get swept up in the collateral damage. An article in yesterday's American Thinker says it all. "A Heaphy-handed Jan. 6 lead investigator tells all, or at least too much" By David Zukerman.

"Heaphy concludes with the ironic comment: "I didn't fully appreciate sometimes how fragile democracy is." Next he stated the Big Lie that I will here redraft: "I never comprehended how a relatively small number of people, putting a lie-driven narrative above principled application of congressional hearings, could have subverted the notion that 'No Person Is above the Law,' into the totalitarian concept: 'The law is whatever we leftists say it is.'"

The guv'mint might do well to address the lack of trust or support on the home front. Until then, the US is not us.

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Explains why the Western wonder weapons are failing. Very insightful with lots of examples and comparisons.

In The Spirit Of Russian 'Total War'

An exploration of how Russia's warfighting doctrine differs from the West.


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Wow. Great read! What we don’t understand yet is America really hasn’t had a foreign war within the lower 48. We’re immune to thinking of its impact at home.

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Would Russia allow this?

A NATO deployment into western Ukraine as ‘a buffer force’, to ‘protect it from Russian advances’ is under consideration.

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Would be interesting to see if / when Ukraine gets carved up that Poland asks for some of its former territory back.

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That would, IMO, be extremely unpopular in Russia. Political third rail.

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Absolutely not.

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The whole point of what Russia is doing is that they're demanding a neutral, non-NATO Ukraine. Allowing NATO to advance into Ukraine would be Russia accepting existential defeat. Not gonna happen.

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I was surprised it was mentioned in the new Alastair Crooke article you analyzed.

And General Petraeus had musings a while back on US intervention. Sounds like it would be modeled after the Korean War intervention.


Which could be why code pink came out of hibernation recently.


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Feb 22, 2023
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You're joking, right? "literally conquered the world"? We conquered Japan. We played a hand in defeating Germany, but the larger part of that work was done by Russia. We did find ourselves in a powerful position--dominant with regard to Western Europe--because we had come through the ordeal far less scathed than any other major country.

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Feb 22, 2023
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Well, looking at the idea of "destroy America", what does 'destroy' mean and 'how'? Destroy could be covered by i) remove ability to project power economically [the key] and militarily; ii) neuter the dynamic culture (incredible ability of USA to adapt and regenerate). Zhou and team have in play the basic elements of 'the how': ruin the dollar (bidenflation and uber-stoopit Russian-financial sanctions; USA budget about to be fiscally in a debt-lock straight-jacket and lose reserve-currency status, financial mechanisms can't be trusted); ruin NATO + the zeitgeist and capability of the military (thoroughly modern Milley, which see. Post Afghanistan and the Ukrainian debacles, zero trust); strangle/shift the culture (tech/media/Deep-State censorship + wokesterism/open-borders + election outcome control). We are living in interesting times. Prediction = financial reality drives fundamental resets domestically and internationally, culture shrugs off attacks and thrives anew.

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Feb 22, 2023
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IDK. Supposedly 20K Polish army dudes masquerading as mercenaries? Prob a few thousand other country Merck’s too.

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Speaking of Ursula, I ran into this article in a comment from another blog - maybe Larry’s. To be read with a stiff drink. Cue “European values”:


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An interesting read; Ursula's story illustrates the process by which the controllers get controllable people into positions of power. Her elevation to the EU presidency in 2019 was "just in time" for the plandemic rollout.

Though I'm not able to take the time to spot-check facts, one fact stands out:

"The rank-and-file of the Covid regime, the army of people who physically made the Covid machine do the murderous work of subjugating and exterminating an entire continent went almost entirely unpunished for their crimes."

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Chilling, the Covid tyranny, and to think the US backs this fascistic bureaucracy she heads - all we fought against in the last W War, and with Russia as our ally! Nothing makes sense any more…

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Apples don’t fall far from the tree’s

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yes, and in this case the apples are rotten.

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It's a no win situation.

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Feb 22, 2023
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Pockets full of loot from trip.

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Failing upwards?

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