I checked Alastair Crooke’s site repeatedly yesterday, hoping to find his analysis of recent events. I came up dry, but Larry Johnson has republished Crooke’s latest without a link to the original:
The article is excellent and is, in major part, a follow up on Endgame for Ukraine: America vs America. In other words, he’s focused on the civil war within the US establishment Deep State, which we’ve been discussing in the light of the drip, drip, drip of revelations that are clearly intended to damage the Zhou/Neocon cabal that’s driving the American Empire into the ground.
Crooke begins with some observations on the deadline that Ukraine has received—show results by summer or your life support gets unplugged. We see the results in the ever more meager arms packages being sent to Ukraine, the regular trips by high placed officials to Kiev for urgent meetings.
It’s all a bit much, since it was the Neocons who ordered Zelensky to break off negotiations with Russia a year ago April. Now they’re blaming him. Well, we knew they’d never blame themselves. So …
The ‘narrative’ in the MSM has already begun to transition to that of a coming crushing Russian offensive – and of heroic Ukrainian resistance overwhelmed by crushing force.
Zelenksky was put on notice. Results now, or else!
But what’s behind these trips to Kiev is the civil war in DC, even as Zhou travels to Warsaw to claim—against the evidence—that the US is in it for the long haul. Crooke quotes from Hersh’s inteview with the Berliner Zeitung to describe what’s motivating the Deep State:
But then Seymour Hersh finally says out loud, an unspoken harsh reality — one with hugely complicated political consequences … “… rising anger in Washington — and contempt for Biden and his close team of neocons’ immature political judgements.“
Hersh comments that although the CIA answers to ‘power’ in the broad meaning, rather than to Congress, “even this community is horrified by the fact that Biden decided to attack Europe in its economic underbelly – in order to support a war that he will not win”…
Hersh said in his Berliner Zeitung interview:
“What I know is that there is no way this war is going to end the way we [the US] wants it to end … It scares me that the president was ready for such a thing. And the people who carried out this [sabotage] mission believed that the president was well aware of what he was doing to the people of Germany. And in the long run, [they believe] this will not only damage his reputation as president, but also be very harmful politically. It will be a stigma for the US”.
... And two nuclear powers in an existential confrontation is bad news.
Let us be very clear: This was not the first time that Biden did something — regarded by the US intelligence professionals — as wholly reckless: Robert Gates, the former Defense Secretary said on Sunday that Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign and security issue over four decades. In February 2022, he seized Russia’s foreign exchange assets; he expelled its banks from SWIFT (the interbank clearing system) and imposed on her a tsunami of sanctions. The Federal Reserve and the ECB said afterwards they were never consulted, and if they had been – would never have consented to the measures.
Biden claimed his action would ‘reduce the rouble to rubble’; he was grievously mistaken. Rather, Russia’s resilience has brought the US closer to a financial precipice (as dollar demand dries up, and the world shifts eastwards). From the perspective of significant financial actors in New York, Biden and the Fed now must hurry to rescue a systemically fragile US.
Simply said, the import of Hersh’s Berliner Zeitung interview (and his other pieces) is that factions within the US Deep State are furious at the circle of neo-cons (Sullivan, Blinken and Nuland). Trust is ‘done’. They are coming for them; and will keep on coming … Hersh’s piece is but a first taste.
In other words, the drip, drip, drip we’ve been talking about is likely to continue and perhaps swell. But there are problems going forward. As we’ve also discussed. Kama Sutra, for starters.
It is not hard to see why factions within the Deep State are “appalled”: America’s defence industry products are being consumed in Ukraine faster than they can be manufactured. It is adversely changing the US calculus on China, as the US military inventory burns away in Ukraine. And the Ukraine war easily can spill across eastern Europe …
The bottom line is the unexpected insight (for the élite) that the US itself may be the biggest loser in the war on Russia. (Moscow understood this from the outset).
Team Biden has essentially sparked a concerted push-back from the Establishment ...
Can Biden be removed? Theoretically ‘yes’. ... The difficulty however, lies with Kamala Harris’ deep unpopularity as a possible successor. ...
If Biden is forced out, it will be done from ‘smoke filled rooms’ of insiders. Too many have quietly benefited from the Ukraine boondoggle.
Where does Europe go in the wake of the Nordstream allegations? ... Europe will likely pay a devastating price.
In any event, the EU does not discuss the really sensitive issues in public — only in meeting rooms where all mobiles have been removed in advance. Transparency or accountability barely figure in such discussions.
Lots more. All good solid stuff.
THE US? Who, me? The US, whoever that is, lost me already. I am an innocent bystander, just hoping I don't get swept up in the collateral damage. An article in yesterday's American Thinker says it all. "A Heaphy-handed Jan. 6 lead investigator tells all, or at least too much" By David Zukerman.
"Heaphy concludes with the ironic comment: "I didn't fully appreciate sometimes how fragile democracy is." Next he stated the Big Lie that I will here redraft: "I never comprehended how a relatively small number of people, putting a lie-driven narrative above principled application of congressional hearings, could have subverted the notion that 'No Person Is above the Law,' into the totalitarian concept: 'The law is whatever we leftists say it is.'"
The guv'mint might do well to address the lack of trust or support on the home front. Until then, the US is not us.
Explains why the Western wonder weapons are failing. Very insightful with lots of examples and comparisons.
In The Spirit Of Russian 'Total War'
An exploration of how Russia's warfighting doctrine differs from the West.