Could it be that Trump's knowledge of the facts behind the coverup is useful protection/leverage for Trump? When 'they' finally decide to take him down/out Trump will have a few cards of his own to play? The same thing has been suggested regarding original copies of papers the FBI thought they would find at Mar-a-Lago, but were apparently unable to. Trump's still got them.

The Art of the Deal?

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If Pompeo is allowed by DJT to get anywhere near any levers of power, then either DJT has learnt nothing, or he’s not exactly in charge. These twisted ‘we cheated, we lied, we stole, ha ha ha’ types are psychos from the dark side. He’s a chip off the old block, Casey: “We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false".

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Trump told Judge Napolitano a different story in a Jan. 2021 phone call before he left office. In March 2024 Judge speaks of the phone call on his “Judging Freedom Podcast” ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoC5P8dJUpQ..... Jeffrey Sachs was also present on the podcast and makes the most relevant response (posted below). RFK Jr. (before he endorsed Trump) also knows of Trump's excuse to the Judge because Bobby's comment appears on the Judge Podcast Facebook page. ...https://www.facebook.com/rfkjr/videos/809779637684626/

In Jan. 2021, about one week before Trump would leave White House, Trump called Judge Nap to get his opinion on some things. In the phone call, Nap asked why Don didn’t keep a promise he made to the public and to him privately:

Judge: “You made a promise many times in public and once to me privately that you haven’t kept.”

Don says, “What? I’ll do it now.” …

Judge Nap asks why Don didn’t keep his promise re JFK files:

"“Judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn’t have released it either.” “And I said, who is "they" and what did they show you? Trump replies, Judge, sometime when we’re in private I’ll tell you.

Nap seemed to believe Trump, saying his answer makes it worse, was it someone in the intel community, what did they show him, JFK's brains blown up?

Jeffrey Sachs went to the bottom line, that US no longer has presidents: ”This is it. As one person said, since the Kennedy assassination, there has been no president, there have only been factotums of the system since then. It may well be the most decisive event in modern American history.”….

In other words, Sachs didn't wonder if what Trump said was true or not, or why the Deep State would all of a sudden trust Trump with "scary" info. Sachs effectively says we'll never know....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoC5P8dJUpQ..."Napolitano to Trump: "you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination"

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It's not exactly a different story--not in the sense of being contradictory to what RFK says Trump told him. The "they" could very well have been Pompeo.

Sachs is certainly correct in the constitutional sense--at least for the most part. The president is defined as the CinC, but since Kennedy has been unable to act as such when his policies have conflicted with the Deep State or Interagency. It could be argued that Reagan/Bush did defy the Deep State, although their independence was undone by the Clintons.

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Mike Pompous

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Look at it this way: there are two sides to the coin. If there was no cover up, why cover up? If there was no cover up and everyone who could have involved is dead anyway, why not release the files? Why would Pompeo "beg" to keep them sealed? Or did Trump lie to RFK? Or did RFK just make this story up?

My best guess--which is what it is--is that there are records pertaining to the activities and contacts of persons that, while not being a smoking gun, would point in a certain direction. Those activities (travel, maybe) and contacts would have been memorialized in the ordinary course of business--perhaps to get reimbursement for expenses that were involved--but now point in a particular direction. Presence in Dallas, etc.

As matters stand, there seems to be ample evidence that the investigation jiggered the physical evidence. So I wouldn't expect that anything that was released would involve that aspect. But we'll only know if ...

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RFK Jr seems quite certain: “More than 60 years after my uncle’s death … none of the people who were implicated in that crime are alive now. ... it clearly is to protect the [CIA]. And that’s wrong.” In other words, he says there was a coverup. Pompeo seems to vindicate this by saying that releasing the info would be a "catastrophe." In other words there is something that still needs to be hidden, in Pompeo's view. In other words a continuing coverup.

So it seems we can conclude there has been a coverup. The question remains what was covered up and why didn't Trump release the records as he promised? I find it troubling that he is promising to release the records now (as before) and he didn't then. Was Pompeo's view so important? Couldn't Trump have decided for himself it it was too damaging to release? If it isn't too damaging now why was it too damaging then?

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If Trump places the warmonger Pompeo in his administration as anything other than White House dog catcher we will know that it’s going to be a long four years filled with belligerent foreign policy and no IC reforms.

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Agreed, but I would put it more like:

If Trump places the warmonger Pompeo in his administration as anything we will know that he's been lying to us.

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You have wise readers. I, too, have wondered why there are any files of any significance lying around concerning any issues we care about. These people are content to lie, deceive, scheme, and even kill opponents. Why would they care about the protocols for saving files and documents? Someone is curious about that whole concept.

My limited guess is that it is one more among so many ways to divide and distract the good hearted people of this land from investing in that which really matters: faith, family, and fruitfulness.

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“Something is curious…,” I meant to say.

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I am missing something here. If it was a cover up from the start....( I have no doubt it was) why would the Truth be actually written down in the sealed files?

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I don't know any of the details of this case but to be able to lie successfully (that is, "cover up" the truth) knowledge of the truth is needed. Not necessarily a complete knowledge of it but enough so that the lies serve their purposes of deceit and misdirection from it. Someone somewhere has to have the "true record" and coordinate the lies around it - otherwise people will not be able to keep their lies straight.

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That's the thing that perplexes me. They would kill a president but feel themselves bound to abide by archival rules?

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My thoughts too!! It doesn't make sense.

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I just wish they would stop saying that Oswald did the shooting from the Book Depository. He was in the lunchroom. I have that book. He was the patsy. But the "investigators" suppressed a lot of testimony. Lt Col Craig Roberts, the sniper, also wrote a great book about this.

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If it was just the CIA, then the truth could come out because possible to place blame on individuals (like Dulles for example) who are now all dead. The question is who does the CIA work for, certainly NOT the US government. After studying the life of Dulles and reading between the lines in books like The Devil’s Chessboard (which attempts to direct blame for JFK death on Dulles), it seems obvious to me that Dulles reported to superiors above his own station in life, men he'd encountered through the law firm he and his brother Foster worked for. Super rich families, especially those in banking, were the controllers of the CIA. And they are still around today. I do not think Mossad is in charge of CIA, rather they both report to the same bosses.

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And remember, LB Johnson wanted to escalate in Vietnam, Kennedy no. Funny how we’re seeing a similar dynamic play out vis-à-vis Ukraine, which is on the verge of a nuclear nervous breakdown and trying to get the US to take on Russia directly, and Israel similarly luring us into a conflagration in the ME. And the attempt to kill Trump in Butler PA…banking families you say! Sounds like they’re still around and being protected.

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Everyone knew from the beginning that the CIA was "involved" in The assassination of JFK. So that is not the reason that Pompeo (Christian Zionist) pled with Trump not to release the files, and Trump failed to fulfill his promise. No, it is my firm conviction that the reason is that the Mossad was the lead agency. In other words Jews were at the center of it. The repercussions of revealing that are enormous.

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Q: in the next generations, might there be movements among the young to have Nuremburg style trials aimed at all the institutions, corporations, etc., that lied, misled, manipulated people?

This would be a reaction against the fantasy world purposely created to try and get people to behave/believe within a box that people are now rejecting.

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Mark, I read your final words about how learning the truth will heal.

I said out loud "I want to know".

The story of President Kennedy's death involves my emotions, and I do feel the need for the peace and closure the revelation will bring...not only to me, but to my fellow Americans.

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