The purpose of stories like the recent NYT piece is to dampen the charge that conservatives make that the MSM doesn't cover stories on Democrats. So the times, WaPost writes a story that no one talks about. But when it comes up later, the progressive liberal line is, but that was reported.

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Durham's indictments I fear are part of a similar PR strategy. Couple three four scalps and it's move on. We are living in a PR world, not a constitutional republic world, not a rule of law world (alas), nor a meaning in history world (alas). I think PR types like Trump intuit that, but few others on the conservative side of the spectrum do/can/find it a comfortable world.

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Here’s the $64k question: do the Republicans have the cahones to impeach Bai Den when they take the House next year?

Seems to me impeachment only ever goes one way, like pretty much everything else.

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That's not even a serious question, anymore. Most of them (in addition to having no moral principles) have enough survival instinct to know not to throw stones in glass houses.

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Makes one wonder if the majority of journo-fisters™ are ALSO on the payroll of the CCP. That would explain their curious silence.

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On the payroll...or on the same side.

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Payroll of CCP, USG, Soros, NYT, et al: same, same.

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Esp. the DS.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 25, 2021
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If what you are implying were the case, I would have to commend the criminal cabalist's efforts at verisimilitude; I mean, my CGI Biden would speak in coherent sentences.

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