Great analysis.

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DD Geopolitics @DD_Geopolitics

 Putin says that one of the Nord Stream pipelines is still in working order, but for some reason, Europe does not want gas to run through it.

However, they are perfectly happy with Russian gas being delivered through the Ukrainian and Turkish pipelines.

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Swedes should have remained neutral - served them well for seven decades - but probably promises of joining the In-Club caused them, or a younger generation, to give up their independence and sovereignty and join Nato - no longer a defensive alliance, but a full-fledged agressor.

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Hard to understand what was going through the minds of some of these countries. In effect placing all their money on the one bet--that the Anglo-Zionists would crush Russia and China. That was the bet. I guess that speaks to the moral corruption of the entire Western ruling class.

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Thank you Mark for great news and analysis.

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‘By sanctioning RT, the US has set a precedent…’ Does this in-your-face hypocrisy reflect pathological, zealot-level entitlement, or sutterly servile subservience to the grey men? Understanding/exposing the chain of command would help. Blackrock etc? Or further up? Ultimately it’s spiritual, and there’s the core evil.

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It’s insane how objectively stupid all of this is. If we had played our cards even half-right over the last 30 years we could have lived off the labor of the rest of the world for centuries and everyone would have been happy to participate. But it was already rotten to the core. The intentions of the deep state were always evil and were always going to lead to the total destruction of the thing they crave the most.

What better example is there that humans can’t be trusted with unchecked power, and that power not only corrupts, it literally rots the brain. The stewards of the empire have failed so spectacularly that they now must destroy the host in order to survive for just a few more moments. This is a total societal failure.

I’m not saying I support the empire but looking at things objectively we made a horrible horrible error in freeing Russia of communism while we embraced it ourselves. Like a civilization-aborting mistake. Every ally is in flames now and their only response is fascism, censorship, and coups, not against some enemy but against the very source of their strength in the first place.

This country is a joke now, a punchline. The current executive branch is the worst in history by leaps and bounds, and it’s completely unchecked by any adult supervision.

Mark is there any faction left in the 3 letter agencies that understands any of this? All I see is rudderless little people who look terrified but somehow think they can still win a game that is so over.

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US hegemony needs to go. Very harmful and murderous. US foreign policy reckless racist idiots like Sullivan and Blinken are hastening the inevitable demise of US empire. Will it happen in time to save Palestine?

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I feel so sad for all the young men and women dying or being injured in this terrible conflict but so angry at the US government and its enablers in Europe for planning and provoking this over decades. Jeffrey Sachs did a guest post for Matt Taibbi today which summarises the appalling history of the neocons' deliberate actions since the Berlin Wall fell to cripple Russia, promote US hegemony and instigate the European war they've always wanted. https://www.racket.news/p/a-true-shock-economist-jeffrey-sachs

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So, the seeds for our downfall were sown years ago. Funny that, choices and decisions made have consequences in the real world.

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