We'll get clarity after Netanyahu addresses Congress. It'll be a "Who's with me speech". Watch the Neocons and Republicans react.

In addition, Megatron's a little whacked out IMO. There is no way the US will allow Israel will to suffer incursions by others and dominate on Israeli land. Just don't see the US allowing Israel to float away.

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I'm pretty sure that Iranian strategy is to create a prolonged war using militias, tunnel fortifications

and rockets. After all they have seen prolonged wars work against the US in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

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“This was Suleimani's plan from the beginning.”

Don’t know why, but that line caught my attention. That’s the same guy Trump had smoked in Iraq right before the WuHu Flu scare, right?

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This could end in 24 hours if the US stopped all funding and weapons supplies. But there doesn't seem to be anyone in DC with the cojones to take on AIPAC and tell them to go to hell.

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Do you think that's going to happen? I don't.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

My thoughts exactly when reading this post, Steg. Moreover, it is the U.S. that enabled and continues to support the genocide in Gaza, without which the Houthis and Hezbollah never would have put Israel and the West in the bind they are in. Now it may be too late to stop the impetus toward war given the political dynamics in Israel and the U.S. and the moral and military advantages given to the "axis of resistance" by Israeli stupidity, greed, and evil.

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It's a tough thing to say, Diss, but as Meredith says below, a war and a crushing defeat is probably the only thing left that that might bring these maniacs to their senses. Israel getting hammered from Dan to Beersheeba by Hez missiles and an aircraft carrier or two in Davy Jones's locker is the only thing these people understand. And even that may not be enough.

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I am so angry at my country, the US, for supporting the deranged entity of Israel and doing this evil + pointless + stupid genocide of Palestine. Ppl "running" the US -- Biden, Blinken, Austin and the other stupid, bought, amoral dolts -- possibly see that going to war w/ Hezbollah is a very bad idea, but they are too spineless and in thrall to their Zionist paymasters to change course.

Israel is too off the chain -- genocidal, deranged, lawless and desperate -- to stand down. They are doing evil beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime. They are enabled and abetted by the most stupid, incompetent, corrupt, and wholly immoral and evil US admin I have ever seen, wrt US foreign policy.

So a war where Hezbollah bombs Israel to smithereens and possibly invades is what it will take. Give the gutless, overindulged, psychopathic and fast degenerating Israelis a taste of their own medicine. Stop them.

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Do Republicans a.k.a. Speaker Johnson fit into your "other stupid, bought, amoral dolts"? How about Lindsay?

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Absolutely. I presumed that was self-evident.

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"I am so angry at my country"

I suspect you are not alone and anger is growing among more people at I think an increasing rate of speed. I am angry with how we have squandered our reputation as the land of the free and the home of the brave and acquired the status of pariah. It's not enough that we support the sort of human carnage going on in the Middle East and Ukraine but declaring up to half the country as domestic terrorists is a dangerous act of aggression on the citizens of the United States. This is an act of desperation and the desperate become irrational.

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It looks like that is the only thing that will make the US neocons pause for thought.

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I have never seen anything like this self-destructive and pure evil US foreign policy in my 56 years as an American. Neocons are bloated from their 30+ years of supremacy getting away with murder. Nothing will make them "pause for thought" other than defeat.

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You're talking about the Deep State bureaucrats of course. Like the 10's of thousands of them.

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That's what I meant, M. Being dead is the ultimate pause for thought. These people deserve the ultimate penalty.

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Uninhabitable by 21st century standards only.

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For Israelis, that means uninhabitable.

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Waa waa. This is supposed to be their promised land overflowing with milk and honey, not wifi and running water.

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It is funny how Israel is fillow9ng the exact same logic of Russia in Ukraine. I am guessing that they won't do a blitzkrieg for the same reason that the Russians didn't -- that it doesn't make strategic or tactical sense, it is too hard to pull off, too hard to defend, leaves too many gaps.

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Simplicius has a post today. The public part is Ben Rhodes, key Obama staffer (and I think with Israeli ties) saying that it is time for the US to accept that the world is done with its Rules-Based Order. Rhodes' article was in Foreign Affairs.

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have yet to get to that article. Later tonight. If what you say is accurate that's a pretty big position to take.

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Interesting. As Simplicius notes this could be a signal that the political class is seeing the writing on the wall for the demise of "American primacy" and the rules-based order - and they are scrambling to save their skins and collectively absolve themselves from blame for the current foreign policy mess. Still, virtually the whole of the foreign policy establishment is comprised of neocons. What are they going to do, disavow the only views they've ever had? Maybe they'll have to go back to school to learn about multipolarism and the "post-American" world order - haha. But those textbooks haven't been written yet!

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Imminent war, or high stakes bluff/saber rattling? The Axis of Resistance has undoubtedly been planning on how to take out carriers for decades now. Just like China.

Megatron @Megatron_ron


 The USS Theodore Roosevelt is also currently on its way to deploy to the coast of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea, due to the expected war with Hezbollah.

Most likely the US will directly participate in an air attack on Lebanon and also Israel will use these aircraft carriers if Hezbollah destroys the airfields in Israel.

Looks like we'll be seeing a sunken aircraft carrier soon. The US invests heavily in protecting Israel.

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So do they (the Zhou admin) want war or not? Maybe Hochstein ought to give Austin a call.

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Does Austin understand Hebrew?

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Zhou himself and Blinken don't want war but they're not in charge.

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They're really buying into their own propaganda, aren't they? There is zero awareness of how war has changed forever.

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Democrat inbreeding.

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LOL. Those aircraft carriers are sitting ducks for a hypersonic missile. I guess US is going to demonstrate to the world that its projection of force viz the carriers is antiquated and inutile.

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US wants others to escalate e.g. hypersonic missiles amongst others. Then it can retaliate along with NATO worshippers. This is a feature not a bug.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

A costly mistake that others will pay for with their lives. Not the DC crowd.....

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If the US becomes embroiled in Lebanon and the ensuing chaos....be very interesting to see what Russia does. There is no doubt, that they are watching and have gamed out their responses (if any) in the ME as well as Ukraine.

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Putin will no doubt do whatever needs to be done to protect Russian assets in Syria and the current Syrian government.

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Putin has just come back from NK and Vietnam, revivifying military and economic pacts that lapsed after 1991. I'm sure he's done the same thing with Iran. All these nations know that if they stick together, they will win.

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Which is more than we can say for the US.

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Obama culling out the military and intelligence services has come back to haunt the Dems. There are no sane voices left inside the bubble.

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True, but they use the correct pronouns!

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That's the only area where they have escalatory dominance. However, I think the Russians will respond asymmetrically with proper nouns like "Kinzhal".

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Well played!

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