Clearly this is a "placeholder" to assure Dem Senate majority and votes in interim. Senate is a pay cut for her so once they figure out Zhou/Kamala issue, she'll do as ordered and resign if needed for Kamala to get the Senate spot (probably for life).
That just floors me! Will the braindead CA voters be outraged, or will they be good little democrats and accept that someone who does not live in CA will "represent" them. This seems so unconstitutional!! Why would anyone in CA accept this?
In line with Tucker saying they'd be doing things we've never seen before, Boy Gavin just appointed a MD resident to be senator for CA.
Clearly this is a "placeholder" to assure Dem Senate majority and votes in interim. Senate is a pay cut for her so once they figure out Zhou/Kamala issue, she'll do as ordered and resign if needed for Kamala to get the Senate spot (probably for life).
Shrewd, Mike. However it works, I think you're right that this is a ploy looking forward.
That just floors me! Will the braindead CA voters be outraged, or will they be good little democrats and accept that someone who does not live in CA will "represent" them. This seems so unconstitutional!! Why would anyone in CA accept this?
Most them are probably unaware