I don’t agree with ALL of Matt Gaetz’s policy positions, but I do agree with most of them. In fairness, I think it would be difficult to argue that Gaetz is not acting on principle. I know, he is a politician, but within those parameters his positions have been consistent and well articulated.
Now he’s going to file a motion to vacate, to remove Speaker Kev. His reasoning is that the only way Kev can remain Speaker is with the support of Dems. If that occurs, if Kev remains speaker, that will reveal the true scope of the Uniparty to Americans.
Gaetz went on ABC yesterday to be baited by a pretty pathetic interviewer. The interviewer obviously had his points to make against Gaetz, but Gaetz swatted them away in masterful style:
Tucker Carlson recently predicted that we will not see a Biden - Trump presidential race—Biden will be removed. He also predicted that 2024 will see the most gloves off power plays this country has ever seen:
Carlson predicted Americans will witness unimagined upheavals in the near future.
“These issues will be forced,” he said. “Soon. Like, in a year. And the road from here to November of 2024 is going to be filled with developments nobody in this room could foresee, I can promise you that.”
“So, it’s about to get very serious, for sure,” he stated. “Only leadership of the world at stake, which is also, by the way, we now know, the most lucrative possible franchise in human history.”
He challenged the audience to let their imaginations “run wild” for a moment.
“What wouldn’t they do?” he asked. “What haven’t they done? What might they do next?”
“The people who are responsible for it are the most dishonest, the most ruthless, the most anti-human group I’ve ever dealt with, and I spent 35 years living in Washington,” he stated. “I don’t even recognize these people. And what they’re doing… it’s so dark. They’re doing things that can’t even on an academic level conceivably help the United States or the population that lives here.”
He pointed to the border and the “seven million people from the poorest countries in the world” who are illegally crossing our borders, only to receive “public benefits.”
“I mean, that right there will destroy the country,” Carlson said, “and they did that on purpose.”
“So, these are really, really dark people,” he stressed. “The darkest.”
“I do think this is a spiritual battle,” Carlson continued. “There’s no political explanation for it whatsoever.”
He reminded people of how they feel when they are honest and proud of themselves.
“You’re power ebbs when you lie,” Carlson stated. “Tell the truth.”
Gaetz’s motion to vacate seems to be a good place to start.
In line with Tucker saying they'd be doing things we've never seen before, Boy Gavin just appointed a MD resident to be senator for CA.
Spiritual battle.
Demonic possession is real.