Mark, I’m not sure you posted Larry Johnson’s most recent, blistering criticism of Nato/US generals training the Ukrainians as guilty of “military malpractice.” It’s from his blog, and he also lets rip on Judging Freedom.

“ Milley and the rest of the NATO chiefs are giving the Ukrainians the means to commit suicide by offering superficial, inadequate training. They are supplying Ukraine with weapons and vehicles and are exhorting the Ukrainians to carry out military operations that the NATO leaders know have no chance of winning.”

This “pause” in the counteroffensive is to me yet another sign in this abominable affair of the total moral and military bankruptcy of the Western puppeteers (In contrast to Putin’s cool and collected, rational demeanor). I’ll add the link below with LJ and AN.

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I'll check it out. Right now I'm waiting for The Duran to go live with LJ, less than a minute, on that same topic. I did read LJ and agree. I made a similar point re Milley's nonsense about "morale" trumping all else.

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Ok! I’ll turn it on.

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Silly me. I thought the pause was to celebrate Juneteenth.

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Black Sabbath indeed

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Ghost of Ozzie.

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I watched the alphabet networks at the gym tonight, an interesting thing to do when all are playing at the same time their identical reports on the same subject matter in quick succession, and abc ran a story about the Ukes taking 8 villages back, as if there were successes to be reported.

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Xi handled little Tony like a Boss. Our wannabe gangster government doesn’t stand a chance against the ChiCom gangster regime. Pathetic.

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Wow. We can bully the people who are involved in the manufacture of a lot of our antibiotics! How many medications are made overseas and how many medications are in shortage? The genius of our war pig leaders is boundless. Don’t forget their boundless wisdom as well. Together the genius and wisdom allow their thinking to escape the bounds of reality. War with the people who make our medicines or the precursors for a lot of them. How many GI wounded were saved from infection because we manufactured penicillin? Volume 7, page 604 of Martin Gilbert’s official biography of Winston Churchill discusses his pneumonia and treatment with sulfa. Invented in Germany but fortunately manufactured in Britain. In 1943 would the Germans have sent the antibiotic needed by Churchill? Certainly! In Hitler’s personal aircraft! Or so the neocons would have believed in their war mongering lunacy with regard to China.

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Not to mention we are dependent on them for the manufacture of our military parts. How genius is that?

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Kudos on the Black Sabbath War Pigs reference. So true.

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This is a bit like the NYT's headline about the offensive "faltering". How does something that is already stationary falter? As for Blinken, he might be genuinely trying to kiss and make up with China, but it's more likely that he's trying to drive a wedge between them and Russia. He'll fail on both counts.

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Jun 19, 2023
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I think it is a desperate attempt at establishing some kind of bureaucratic leverage with the Chinese in order to buy time when need be. After all, bureaucracy is how things work (or rather don't) here in the U.S.

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There are also rumours from the Alex chaps that Nuland will be promoted to deputy. Sec of State in the State Dept. This is scary because she is an unhinged neocon wingnut who will push for massive escalation. However, it might be a good thing because it will bring her more into the limelight and give the Great American Public a closer look at this evil individual.

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Personally, I would prefer not to have a closer look.

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G'evening! If, as S'21 suggests the generic public would even notice the evil this individual represents I'd agree with him. However, whether conditioning or just representative of our failed education system, truly important people and events just don't seem to matter much to the 'majority electorate'. As long at their phone has an internet connection to receive their pacification, the road of demise shall continue (sadly) well travelled.

I just wonder when the poo hits the fan what will remain from which to rebuild... Sadly, many upright, legitimate citizens will not survive that day. And likely, too many present-day losers might. Oh well, enough of my negativity for this special holiday day. After all, [edit:] celebrating 'being informed slavery is terminated' seems so, so, stupid. See, negativity abounds within me! Why, Juneteenth is such a stupid, I mean interesting sounding holiday name after all! (Sorry AGAIN!) WrH

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They’re all crazy now. Seems the more out of touch with reality they are, the higher position they occupy.

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Jun 20, 2023
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"I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America." Hey, Bobby, try Switzerland. We just voted to continue our Covid security state for another 8 years and to destroy our economy with stupid green measures to fight something called "Climate Change"

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