I did not realize how bloody the history was.

1797 - Poland partitioned

Post WW1 - Poland reborn after being partitioned in 1797, and tries to culturally integrate Ukrainians.

WW2 - Russia invades Poland and through deportations and liquidation tries to pacify.

WW2 - German pacification of Poland

WW2 - 1943 - Ukrainian nationalists ethnic cleanse areas of Poles, as German presence reduced

WW2 - Overall 20% of population killed per Wikipedia

End WW2 - Russia redraws borders

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Our biggest problem is not the end of our empire. It is the end of us as a nation. "There are two more years to a presidential something or other—here in the US we call them ‘elections’—so there’s plenty of time for blowback to reach even the hinterlands. Americans aren’t used to being laughingstocks, or defeated." I don't consider myself defeated. What those clowns in Washington do is not my concern, except for the problems they create on the home front. They are no longer the home team. This is sad, and apparently as long as they can keep stealing elections and maintain power they are not concerned about little people like me. The feeling is mutual.

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Etch-a-sketch it all, there and, here.

Said differently: Kill them all and let God sort it out.*

* This statement is not intended as a threat to do violence or encourage others to do violence against any person, or entity of any sort.

I abhor violence.

This phrase of somewhat undetermined origin has been known for at least 800 years. One exposition, among many, can be found here:


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Will Schryver


I submit the EU is Germany, who no longer wants the job as herd boss for the exotic menagerie in the European barnyard.

I continue to predict Germany will turn east. It will kiss and make up with Russia, deal with China, and become the westernmost node of Mackinder's Nightmare.

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Will Schryver


I figure Poland already has close to 5000 casualties in Ukraine, and is likely to incur at least another 5000 before the final chapter on this war is written.

I don't foresee the Polish fools who bumbled into this mess sitting at a table with Germany and Russia when it's over.

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I'm currently reading Trevor Royle's account of the Crimean War of 1854. Remarkable parallels across the annals of history: UK government ministers calling Russia a "barbarous nation" that must be destroyed; ordinary people swept up in "war fever" against the Russian bear; heady, delusional optimism and "home by Christmas". Amazing how we never learn.

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I assume the inflection point will arrive when all Russian reservists are deployed. And then there’s the question of Odessa?

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interesting commentary, as always.

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"four oblasts in Western Ukraine that Poland had captured from the USSR in 1920". I thought that Galicia has been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to being incorporated into Poland in 1920.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 30, 2022
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