Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

"I take issue with much of the last three paragraphs. For that reason, and because I’m cautiously optimistic that the Globalist Elite will be neutered by Russia’s moves, I believe the US comeback could proceed more quickly. But that will depend on spiritual factors, as well."

My thoughts exactly. The climate change comment is just out there. And one of the author's replies in the thread went,

"Ukraine will be sacrificed on the Altar of US Interests. US wants a long war to hurt Russia. Nothing else matters to them. And 2% of the population is dragging the other 98% of the population there. Like most, if not all wars. The great tragedy of Nationalism."

1) "US wants a long war to hurt Russia. Nothing else matters to them." I have no problem accepting the Biden Admin wants a long war to hurt Russia (Putin), but the mission is about way, WAY more than just that. There are these pesky domestic problems (covid policy, vaccine injures and ineffectiveness, inflation, the economy - etc, etc) festering here that have the US FAR more worried than Vladimir Putin being in power and that a long war serves to help paper over, at least for a while.

2) "the great tragedy of Nationalism" Uh, no. The idea that the Biden Admin is a nationalist one and that nationalism is the problem here is as clueless as the climate change comment.

It just goes to show, as if this were necessary, that we always need to take from other people's views what we can and filter out the rest. I'm glad this thread was reproduced here. It gives us all a lot of really good food for thought while including enough airheaded gibberish to remind us we need to think through things on our own and never just mindlessly nod our heads in agreement.

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Putin's target after setting a Rub5000 floor under gold is $1 =/< 75 Rub by end of Q2:



7.3.2022 $1=152 Ruble

29.3.2022 $1=85 Ruble

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Regarding our dollar this is the money quote for me - "They are backed by nothing but trust. Now there is no trust. This is a disastrous policy." Trust is/has been destroyed over the last 2 years (and before of course). Hate to admit it but, I don't trust my country's institutions anymore. That isn't good for a country's currency.

The other thing he said that made me think was the manufacturing strength of China. I look at everything I buy now and all of it, almost without exception has "made in China" on it somewhere. I know it's mostly consumer stuff but it got me thinking the other day, "We can't even make a damn coffee cup?" It is cheaper to manufacture a coffee cup and ship it across the Pacific than make it here?? What the hell happened? Why did we listen to people who told us that an "information economy" was better? No! Making things is better. Producing tangible, usable products is the way a middle class thrives and prospers. I despise the totalitarians of the world but, they've run rings around us, with the complicity of our "elites."

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Michael Tracey


Anyone who claims with zero evidence that the Biden call for regime change in Russia was merely an unintentional "gaffe" -- despite being delivered at the climax of a formal, prepared speech -- is a total idiot

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Did you notice which plane Xioe took to Europe last week? It wasn't Baby Blue AF1, but the doomsday jet. Kind of a bad escalation to Putin's Kindzal hypersonic I would think to go hand in hand with the regime change threat.


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When you are told so many lies, it’s hard to know what’s true.

And with a President that says the real truth, unintentionally, and has dementia that requires a cheat sheet to clean up, it’s even harder.

I agree 100% the real goal of the Biden Administration is regime change for the Russian Government. The hubris is amazing.

I wonder whom the adult in the room was that realized that statement was insane? Where did the pushback come from?

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How much of the debt , death and destruction that occurred over the past 30 years would have been avoided if the USA had simply minded her own business rather than becoming a scold/ nanny to the world?

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Why Digital Currency?

Sundance's point is Digital Currency is needed to track all transactions to enable a Global Carbon Tax and increase control over all economic activity.


Something that was puzzling me, is why so many of countries working on this per ZeroHedge? Representing 90% of Global GDP.


Another fact - Right after Canada froze the bank accounts of the Truckers, it got rescinded. I figured it was due to a bank run, but perhaps it was because it exposed the danger of digital control could have? Think about what would have happened to the Truckers, if not only their bank accounts had been frozen, but even their ability to use cash?

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"Sundance"--really he's just a frontman--is also saying that Putin and the rest of world inaugurating a new system won't make any difference for us--we still get the Great Reset. That's why I said these are optimistic takes. I think Europe is f*cked just like Luongo is saying and that Davos collapses. What do I know?

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100% Agree - my only point is there is a huge push by the West for controlled digital currencies. Climate change is part of the elites religion, but it seems more about control.

This fits perfect with the techno fascism being pushed the Globalists. It was illuminating to me reading who the board of directors of the WEF is. I’m trying to understand their goals.

UK’s over the top actions are explained as a way to distract from Partygate. How many of the actions by European countries were to distract from their stupidity on Covid? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/uk-police-issue-20-fines-partygate-participants

I wonder if this will finally destroy the Euro? We are in the calm before the real economic storm happens, and Europe will be hit worst, followed by food importing countries.

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You can see this, somewhat nuanced, in the latest CTH post. He makes the fair point that, hey, how could the globalists be really this stupid not to realize the effect of the sanctions? But ... the FACT is that they did the sanctions and Russia is now countersanctioning. Robert Malone makes the point that the globalist cabal is not composed of really smart people and that does appear to be the explanation. The main thing, however, is that Russia's actions now--not just military, but economic/monetary--are the culmination of a two decade lead-up. A new system has been decided upon and Russia is not going to return to the Neocon plantation.

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It's a trust thing. Russia has reached the end of the line with the West. Trust but verify. That doesn't mean returning to a position of vulnerability to sanctions.

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Every country is worried about US sanctions, including France that got fined $1.3 Billion for a loan to Sudan. https://www.pymnts.com/legal/2018/societe-generale-fine-violation-sanctions-banking-regulation/

And a LOT of other countries are going to address this:

“That doesn't mean returning to a position of vulnerability to sanctions.”

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Ukraine does not seem to be working for the Biden Administration as a scapegoat for their actions.

My guess is same thing is happening in Europe. Majority of Hungarians want to stay out of Ukrainian mess. Elites are only one in favor. Germany is cracking down on any posting of anti government stuff on social media. Gut feeling you will see more censorship, both government and by big tech.

More and more is coming out about atrocities by the Ukrainians. This is a game changer. With all the Demonization of Russians inside Ukraine, I don’t see atrocities as preventable.

Biden’s big adventure trip overseas only highlighted his incompetence / dementia.

And the Hunter Biden laptop is back in the news.

What’s the deep states next move? They are getting more and more desperate to change the narrative.

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We now live in the surreal world of Dr. Strangelove -- only most of the current administration and the alphabet agencies are too eager to play the role of BG Ripper.

Here's the other thing likely coming to bite us in the @$$. Are you seeing the numbers of vaxxed now begin to turn up in the healthscare system with a range of debilitating and very costly diagnoses?!

And, how do we rise to even an inkling of our pre-WWIII status when we produce absolutely nothing here?! We are never bouncing back to prominence, with all due respect. We will be lucky to survive with a greatly diminished/sick population, with no manufacturing base, and a world that loathes us for the BS we pulled in Ukraine and elsewhere. Don't be surprised when the "Others" want to get even, and use economics to do so.

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.... Or force....

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Luongo has a great piece today along the same lines. Basically, Putin has all aces and the crazies (neocons, etc) don’t.


Also as a follow-up to my post yesterday from Martin Armstrong, the one showing that they want to roll out digital dollars as well as a wealth tax, it looks like the real thing. I don’t understand how they think that somehow taxing the rich is somehow going to buy them more votes come this Fall.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

From Luongo, he is spot on. "The problem there is the unquenchable arrogance of these European elites who simply do not believe they could be bested by the “colonies” in the US and the “dirty slavs” in Russia. I’ve told you for years now that it is their inherent racism that drives their actions."

After having spent 10 years traveling to UK, Belgium, Germany & France for business, I found this to be true more often than not.

I made many friends in Europe, but the 'holier than thou' was common and hard to take - especially so in UK.

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Good Analysis.

Agree these are two huge changes coming:

1. De-dollarization is happening. Seizing of Russian assets, including central bank stuff, was insane, but a natural outgrowth of what started with Iran, then went to Venezuela.

2. Growth of alternate payment systems

Two things missing:

1. What is missing is the food angle, and what impact that will have on countries world wide on refugees. I don't see how this will be leveraged for the new world order.



a. Regime changes due to food riots and increases in prices of energy. May be George Soros will be happy with more Color Revolutions, but the blow back will be HUGE. Most of the Color Revolutions that happened actually made things worse.

b. Refugees due to starving people. This will impact the US and Europe.

2. Inflation - This is happening, and German's have a Phobia about the subject.

Rand on the Military Pressure is delusional. Biden has ZERO credibility on using the military, and has done an amazing job of neutering the US military.

I don't see much changing till after the mid terms, and even then, the UniParty is VERY Strong and has a huge amount of funding. I hope I am wrong, and the GOP does a huge defenestration of Uniparty members.

There are so many issues that are riling the base:

1. CRT

2. Inflation

3. Open Borders

4. Covid Theater and lying

5. FBI / DOJ Corruption

6. Rich getting richer, while the middle class is being destroyed

7. Internet Censorship

8. Transgender Demands

Inflation, it seems the FED wants to jawbone the issue, but will do little. They don't have the spine. And QE is something not talked about. Lots of money has been printed, spending is out of control, and nobody in power seems to care.

And the powers that be, seem focused on destroying the petroleum industry, to magically get to our new world order powered by Unicorn, oops, I mean Green Energy. And the pain along the way to this brave new world just needs to be endured.

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Amy Tarkanian


Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine in December 2016 preparing for a proxy war with Russia all the way back then.

Then, Trump came in and stopped it all from happening.

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Thanks Mark! I appreciate your finding all these interesting nuggets.

Main Points of the article:

1. US thinks it can have an insurgency in the Ukraine that is like Afghanistan and the USSR.

2. US thinks it can destroy the USSR's economy and cause regime change.

3. The US deep state has had this goal for years.

4. The US has no interest in ending this war.

I look forward to part 2.

Stuff Not Mentioned:

1. Biden Admin thought this War was the perfect Scapegoat for all their bad decision.

2. It's not working, and Biden's polls are dropping even more.

3. Europe is not gong along with the US Agenda on a forever war that destroys their economy

4. Non Western Countries are not signing up for sanctions. China's saying they will continue to buy stuff is huge.

5. The reduction in Western Influence in Russia, is actually helping them.

6. All the Hatred against Russians in the West, is making Putin more popular in Russian.

7. Putin perfected in Syria, the use of mercenaries as a way to reduce Russian casualties. Outside the Russian speaking areas, I expect this will be how Russia works.

8. War is an incredible learning experience, and a great way to find problems in a military, as well as identifying ineffective leadership. My gut feeling is Russia is fixing the many problems in their military.

9. The Ukrainian Atrocities is a big deal.

10. The continued Ukrainian Fake News is creating a loss of credibility. Gut feel. It is with me at least.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 28, 2022
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It raises a red flag when I see anything about climate change, peak oil, etc.

I also recognize for some writers, if they don’t say the right things, they risk being canceling. It’s a proforma statement, just like the usual dig at Trump or the gop added into many articles.

“climate change, environmental degradation and a coming oil shortage (only 45 yrs of known oil reserves left in the world). “

With all writers, I take what I find useful. It’s a rare writer that I 100% agree with. There is usually some agenda / bias. The trick is spotting it.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 29, 2022
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Virtue Signaling is everywhere, due to the fear of being canceled, sigh.

I agree with you on publishers, the majority are located in Manhattan, and it shows in the ideology of what they choose to publish. One of the major publishers of Sci Fi, I just gave up on their books with the exception of a few authors that are also published by Baen. Once I became aware of the ideological logstep of publishing, it explained so much of why something was published, why I had such a hard time finding anything halfway interesting to read, and how the awards were garnered. Sad Puppies was eye opening.

I am SO TIRED of self published Sci Fi Authors that are going all Woke and it seems every other couple is LGBT in there book. There is one author, that I had read all of his 20 or so books, I just gave up on his latest book after reading 20%, which is VERY rare for me. Another I only read his last book, because it was the last one in the series. Both are Canadian. Occasional Gay person in a story, I don't care, that is like real life. What matters to me is the story. I am debating if I should include that in my amazon reviews, but I am afraid of being banned by Amazon. I read one review which has not been censored mentioning how woke they were, that made me decide against even trying an author.

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ALL credibility? Not just SOME, or maybe ALL credibility with regard to that aspect in which that phrase occurs? I agree that I don't buy into those last three paragraphs, but much of the rest seems shrewd enough.

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That's the catch.

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