Thank you!

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The US/Western hegemon has lost because the RoW (Rest of World) now has an alternative they can go to (BRICS). It's wonderful, too, to know that the Chinese are offering Africa cheaper nuclear energy options. I had the bad luck years ago of working in the international education system. The kids there, all being trained up to be our next generation of "global leaders" often had to do projects about energy for Africa. The solutions were always giving them poxy little solar powered LED lights and other token "green" solutions - with the hidden message that it would be good if they all just died off too. Now Africans can have a real source of reliable energy.

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Interesting story on Chinese participation in nuclear energy. I worked for a company that was involved with Lockheed Martin in developing nuclear systems for the Chinese. The project originated out of a Lockheed div. in PA and a division in Ft. Worth, TX. The Chinese were holed up near DFW airport and very secluded and hush-hush (and sounds a little like the land grab the Chinese are making in North Dakota near a SAC airbase.). It seemed like a crash course in the development of nuclear systems for the Chinese and a source of revenue for Lockheed. The Chinese were planning to develop these back home after an initial round of prototypes and pre-production units. I left the company before the project came to full fruition, but it looks like we enabled their ability to undercut us again, this time in nuclear energy development while we remain committed to failure in wind and solar..

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Right. This is why I have little patience with people who blame the Chinese for taking what we give them--why wouldn't they? The resulting problems from our NS point of view are strictly of our own making. Same goes for our view that people who become citizens don't retain divided loyalties. Flies in the face of human nature. A common refrain of Chinese government is--take the mirror test! If you look Chinese, well then ... Works for them.

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Mark, what is "NS point of view"? Sorry, I just can't figure this one out.

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National Security

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"Same goes for our view that people who become citizens don't retain divided loyalties."

Spot on. Samuel Huntington wrote about this i.e. dual loyalties and the emerging fad of American citizens acquiring dual citizenship in his book "Who are we?" At one time there was an oath immigrants had to take in order to be granted citizenship. Citizenship was supposed to be exclusive and you could change your status, but you could not hold more than one at a time. The 20th century saw the erosion of the concept of citizenship by the impact of massive immigration and the deconstructionist movement. The exclusivity principle was undermined by the rise of powerful political forces promoting dual loyalties, dual identities, and dual citizenship. These are trends primarily in the West.

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Interesting update on Thailand and Burma - us sure is busy.


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I found this description of the US puppet to be almost poetic:

"...a rich playboy retreaded through Harvard University and pitchforked to the vanguard of the colour revolution in Bangkok..."

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Who knew Obama was in Thailand! :)

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O/T but relevant in the greater war against the globalists, I had believed that the Canadian freedom convoy was crushed out of memory until I read this. It has the ring of truth, so I chose to hope:


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As a Canadian let me just say that this tweet is absolutely true from my perspective.

One point they didn't mention was that after the government threatened to close bank accounts, many Canadians went to their banks and drew out large amounts of cash. I'm sure that was on the minds of government officials as well.


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Very similar to the whiskey rebellion early in American history. The government 'won', but the tax was never collected. It very probably indicates our future. The ruling class wins, retains power and gets their graft, but the people determine the facts on the ground. They propose, we dispose.

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That's a real eye opener, Mistcr. I too thought that the truckers were beaten. Good to know the truth!

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Thanks Mark. This is very helpful. Also, I think it rather poor judgement for US to continue to use Nuland so much. But that’s consistent with other policy.

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That's why it might have been a good move for freedom lovers that Nuland was promoted. Now the whole world can see exactly who she is and what she is like.

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Very good point, Steghorn. I didn’t think of that. There are always so many issues to weigh - but it really depends on just who is doing the weighing. How we westerners do relative to how the Africans do. A tough call.

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Nice one about “Nuland throwing US weight around”! I’m normally not into fat shaming, but Nuland is fair game. Rather large game at that:-)

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Were they “aptly” using nuland or “amply” using nuland?

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I'm surprised Bill Gates isn't using her to block out the sun.

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Oh, you bad boy, I luv it!

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Game, set, match!!

Bravo Joe:-) :-)

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

I’m not sure that’s far from their view. The US Afghanistan embassy was pushing flying a pride flag.


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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

I'm sure that made the Taliban kinder, gentler people!

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

$2.35 Billion of us aid to the Taliban - just insane.

Or is there some deal, quid pro quo, of No Terrorism against us targets as long as the money flows? A terrorist act would hurt the Democrats electability.


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This is Biden we're talking about, Ray, so I'm sure he got something in return. Maybe the right to sniff Afghan goats or some free crack for Hunter.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Thanks Steghorn that just made me realize something.

Economic colonialism was a huge issue in Niger, but I’m sure the pushing of the lgbt agenda by France was another issue in very Islamic Niger.

And the us is using its embassies worldwide, example Hungary, to push the lgbt agenda / culture. Ambassadors see themselves as lgbt missionaries to convert the heathen. I’m sure in religiously conservative Christian and Islamic African Countries that is causing cultural resistance and generating anger. It’s just not the remnant if colonialism, which is has been a useful scapegoat, but the new lgbt cultural colonialism.

Ugly American Lgbt edition?

And Russia has positioned themselves as fighting the lgbt agenda, increasing Russian influence in Africa.

I’m sure the regular news media is ignoring this entire angle, and focusing on other issues with France in Africa / Niger.

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Yes, Ray, they are definitely pushing this angle, especially through the Millenium Development Goals of the UN. These include the usual stuff about eliminating poverty and providing safe drinking water, but they've sneaked in a lot of stuff too about women's rights and the rainbow garbage that won't go down well in the traditional societies they are targeting. As I've mentioned, I work among the people pushing this and there's a definite schizophrenia involved here. On the one hand, they hate "The West" and rail on about the horrors of cultural imperialism; on the other hand, they push the new Western "values" on these traditional societies. No wonder we call it Clown World!

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

That's some serious cognitive dissonance you're describing there! It sure sounds like the Lord has given them over to a reprobate mind. No sound minds there!

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