They certainly aren't moving as fast as Army Group South did in 1941. Lack of manpower or resistance? Certainly the Germans had the element of surprise and no Russian satellites to watch them :). Seems the Russians learned the Kesselslacht, just gotta move faster. Makes one wonder what the real situation is. BTW, no rooting for anyone, just looking at maps.

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Who Michael Tracey is and his views is interesting. I disagree on his trying to blame Trump.


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Actually I'm not "looney left". I know who Michael Tracy is, but as I've said before--I'll quote anyone when they're making sense.

Forbes, 2014 was six years ago. There were possibilities for defusing this during Trump's term--admittedly, he was hamstrung, but he reacted poorly by embracing confrontation with Russia.

Tracey is totally right that this is bipartisan--i.e., Neocon driven. 8 years of Clintons, 8 years of Bushies, 8 years of Obama. Each of those administrations is complicit in this disaster.

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With being impeached twice over Russia and Ukraine, I just don’t see how Trump could have been more effective with Ukraine.

Ukraine was political radioactive to touch for Trump, unfortunately. Lots of Ukrainian money made sure of this. And the uniparty / deepstate was hugely successful in demonization of Russia and making it hard for Trump to improve.

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Refraining from actions might have helped.

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Regarding Trump I don't know how it's possible to judge his actions separate from the TOTAL opposition of the foreign policy establishment. Trump is the one viable politician taking these ill- advised neocon and neoliberal policies on. If not Trump, who then to take on the foreign policy establishment? Is DeSantis going to buck the DC cabal?

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Awwww heck HH. I can't resist. The answer to your question, who, is "no one." There is no one who can take on the Fourth Branch and the DC mafia. Not Trump (we saw what they did to him already), not Desantis, not anyone who isn't empowered with...extra-constitutional powers, shall we say. We need to embrace the reality that no one we can elect in 2024 can solve the fundamental issue: we are ruled by a criminal Cartel. The solution has to come from elsewhere.

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Fair enough.

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