A bit off topic, but not as far as one would first think:


Simplicus gets to the root cause of our sick society.

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Agree, not OT. See this comment and my long response:


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Don't know how I missed Ray's comment and your reply, oops. As one who was raised in a family composed of Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Evangelical Christians, I see where you are coming from, Mark. My late parents were members of The Church of Christ, which attempts to practice "first century Christianity", often referred to as The Restoration Movement or Campbellites. Basically that which is scriptural is practiced, if not scriptural, it is not done. For example, church government beyond the individual congregation is totally rejected. Christ is the head of the Church, Elders and Deacons are in charge of each congregation . . . period. My father and his parents were all members of The Church of Christ, my mother was originally Roman Catholic as was her mother, her fathers side were Lutherans.

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Problem: The canon of Scripture was established by tradition centuries after the first century. "Scripture", therefore, is part of of tradition. I'm sympathetic to the general idea, but would opt for apostolic tradition going back to the first century, or confirmed as apostolic by historical testimony and study.

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I believe that Catholics, Orthodox and the Restoration Movement agree on the vast majority of scriptural questions, my opinion is the so called "mainline protestants" have completely gone off the rails. There have been efforts past and present by scholars dissecting and interpreting the Greek and Aramaic texts to determine their meanings. I am no expert in the field, you have much more knowledge in such matters than I ever will.

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Gretchen Whitmer book to drop July 9 amid Biden replacement rumors as ‘book deal gamble seems to have paid off’: source


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Whitmer or “Herr Witler” as many in Michigan referred to her during her Covid atrocities is perhaps the worst governor my former home state has ever suffered. The fact that she displaced granny Granholm (our Canadian import) says a lot. She’s another indolent child, propped up by parents and never really held a job outside of politics, well maybe she had a lemonade stand. She is now, along with her evil twins Nessel and Benson trying to rig the Michigan polls further to preserve Dem power. God forbid she ever get to DC.

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What I failed to add is if she is so concerned and a “Bite Me” supporter, then why did she just complete a “look at me look at me” tour of DC?

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PR tour planned too. Where does she find the time and energy to govern? If give her lower odds than the greasy spoon in your state.

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Greasehead has been getting horrible PR lately. The short video of Oakland looks so third world.


Plus the Witch gets intersectionality points for being female.

I may be hugely biased against my disaster of a Governor, and not know enough about the Witch’s negatives.

And the fbi investigation of the Oakland mayor signals to me the deep state has made it’s preference known.

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"where Turkish-backed Syrian rebels are clashing against the Turks, especially in Afrin city."

I'm confused.

Are Turkish-backed rebels turning on the Turks who backed them? 🤔

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Other way around, just as it says in the post.

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Yep, my bad, apologies.

But... Turks fighting their allies? That can't be good. 🤔

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I agree that the Supreme Court decision is reasonable. It does not stretch presidential immunity in an unreasonable fashion, in my opinion. The dissent is interesting. Basically, it says, "but we need to indict him."

I didn't read Barrett's supporting opinion (as if she hasn't been busy enough). The fact that she wrote a (not necessary) opinion here gives me a little pause for hope: maybe she has a ditz for an assistant, and the real Amy has a little more there than what she has shown this June? At this point, I have a lot more hope in Jackson (I thought that her dissent on the gas station decision this morning was great).

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Whitmer as POTUS is almost as bad as HRC. Apart from the usual Dem incompetence, she revealed herself as a nasty, power-crazed witch during Covid. Those cold, dead eyes! As for Lebanon, it's not hard to imagine the nail-biting and slanging matches going on in the Israeli inner-circle as the Zionist crazies like Ben Gvir and Smotrich try and shout down and bully the still-sane IDF generals. They know that they have to go into Lebanon or they will never get back Northern Israel, but they also know that Hez will destroy them and larges swathes of the country. It's very heartening (if true) that thousands of reservists are saying "Enough!" The madness in Israel and the West in general will only stop when ordinary people echo that and vote with their feet.

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Those cold, dead eyes indeed.

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I think she understudied for the shark in "Jaws"

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When this popped up in my Activity feed, I thought that you were talking about Hillary. No, instead Whitmer? Yikes. And you're right.

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