Hearty kek at the intrepid BBC journo. Thanks for the laugh.

"Does anyone besides me wonder, what the hell is going on at the actual ruling level of our regime?"

My initial guess when this all began was Cold War 2.0 to quell domestic instability in Western gov'ts (J6, truckers, etc.) with an external, existential threat. AFAIK that still seems to be the plan. Pompeo's rhetoric fits the theory.

Most of the resistance is coming from the right of the political spectrum, so appeals to patriotism (copy-paste Ronald Reagan) will probably be part of the strategy to make restive conservatives more compliant.

I'll post about it soon as part of some red pills I've been meaning to upload.

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All I know is that during Trump's administration, Russia and China were pretty quiet. Maybe Trump and Pompeo knew what they were doing.

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I was just thinking that the other day. This is a very unique moment where policy seems incredibly stupid, foolish and mis- (or un-)guided. And where are some of the adults in Congress? Complicit I would say. Everywhere, the economy, energy and foreign affairs we seem to be doubling down on stupid.

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Richard Baris does a very smart (albeit lengthy) video. He covers the FBI-Hunter Biden fraud that installed Biden, the failure of Trump to dump it all (Ratcliffe for / Kushner against), the corrupt deals underlying the war in Ukraine, and election polling. I know it is sick for me to listen to a 2:10:36 video, but it is cathartic on a lovely fall Wednesday afternoon in AZ (90°). If everyone registered as a Republican and Independent watched this, the GOP would win 100 seats on Nov 6th:


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Biden is a liar. Lies about everything. I’ll believe it when I see the mushroom cloud.

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Excellent new article by Jacques Baud:


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This would be a very significant development, basic as it is. It would be a sign that Putin is making the shift from SMO to war:

MI-6 transmitted intelligence to the Office of the President and the General Staff about the transfer of Russian space forces to combat readiness, the Kremlin gave the go-ahead to destroy satellites over Ukraine.

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Maybe Duda would settle for having a nuke to stay every second Friday night with ice skating and Pizzaland, then taking it safely back to Ramstein? These people are all utterly deranged.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

"Does anyone besides me wonder, what the hell is going on at the actual ruling level of our regime?"

Last gasp money-grubbing and -laundering to fund their bug-out bags before in all comes tumbling down? They couldn't all be as stupid as their words and actions of late make them seem. Could they?

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Leaked White House talking points say an OPEC oil cut would be a “total disaster” & propose threatening OPEC members.

**A U.S. official said the White House is “having a spasm & panicking.”**

All to avoid more domestic oil production.

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Opec just voted "no" on World War. I think.

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Mark, on your home page the top archived post title is Do We Get to Debate World War. Day in and day out, that expresses our grave fear that we do not get a say.

Or that our rulers think so little of us as to not care if any of their statements comport with reality.

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I worry that a coalition of Dem neolibs and GOP neocons will defeat MAGA conservatives. I'm sure that this is the coalition that Pompeo, and Romney, and McConnell, and Graham, and McMullin, expect to elect them. Many more where they come from. If they're right, we're screwed (more than we are already screwed).

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How long till Russia starts targeting UK’s boots on the ground?

US Nukes in Poland - why not the Baltic State too? Unbelievable.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

I don't know how I could possibly have gotten Pompeo so wrong. Guess I projected on to him the same squared-away, measured deliberateness of West Point guys of his vintage whom I've known (and admired) for many years. Turns out, he's a full-on basket case, making me question my own judgment.

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Been out of the Army over a decade now, and somehow Dave Petraeus is still trying to get me—and everyone else—killed.

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