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Some even-handed analysis of the TikTok law and Don's evolving position on the product and its ownership. Interesting stuff!


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Yes, thanks. More complicated than I realized and it is even-handed--recognizes that, yes, propaganda is everywhere and isn't harmless.

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However, while acknowledge complex issues, I have to add that there is no question regarding what the driving force behind that law was--it was driven by the Israel Lobby. Asserting legit US control over foreign media in the US is no protection of the First Amendment.

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Thanks, I also read his https://www.thebignewsletter.com/p/nvidias-trillions-why-we-keep-hearing, after reading Zitron's https://www.wheresyoured.at/subprimeai/ yesterday morning. Funny old world.

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VERY BIG: Trump is pulling the US out of the WHO.

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President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday night revoking the security clearances of 51 former intelligence officials who falsely claimed emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian “disinformation” to help Joe Biden’s 2020 election prospects. The directive also pulls the security clearance of John Bolton, who served as national security advisor in Trump’s first term.

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Two thumbs way up on this one, especially for that smug SOB Clapper! Arrogant jerk.

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I know nothing about the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (other than that it has historically been utilized as a trigger for identifying anti-Semitism (oops, I mean anti-Zionism). Nor do I really care to know more. Why? Because neo-Zionism and anti-Semitism should not be in the least germane to the United States foreign policy goals and purposes.

As I listened to President 45/47 Trump this PM I thought, "He really means what he says!" "He really is going to do it!" He REALLY means what he says, and he REALLY will attempt to do it -and he will not hold back! I kept thinking this over and over. Wonderful! My skeptic mind also nagged: "A lot of politicians can say what they will do and what does that ever end up amounting to?"

But then Trump said "The Untied States is going to be a sovereign and independent country!" That is when it all clicked for me (dense as I am).

Trump fully intends to wrest control of U.S. foreign policy away from Israel and Europe and place it back firmly in control of the U.S. and for U.S. interests and purposes only. How he will do this I do not know and I don't trust Congress or the bureaucracy to go along with this willingly. But he has said this is what he is going to do. I take him at his word as to his intent. He has endured too much to turn back now. He deserves the benefit of a chance.

A sovereign and independent country also means taking control of our monetary system and economy away from the U.K. and Europe. They have been leeching off of us for way too many years (including with LIBOR and Eurodollars and the BOE control of trading floors and settlements. Trump signaled to me that he wants our monetary system to be controlled by US alone and for the good of the U.S., alone. Will he succeed? Time will tell but many of the signals are there that he will certainly try. Who else would even have the guts and the vision to try?

Trump's outspokenness about what a failure the last four years have been and what tough shape we are in during his speech was astounding. He called out Biden and Harris (and indirectly Obama and Clinton) to their faces. In conjunction with that he has made a bunch of audacious promises on how much better things will get in the next four years. Will I hold Him to all of those promises? No. After all he is not God and no one can predict what will happen. But the next best thing: He is appealing to God for guidance and authority. To the extent that he honors God and follows His will he will succeed (at least in terms of God's purposes) . May God bless him and his administration accordingly.

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"That type of tactic seems to have really shaken Netanyahu."

A bully is really a coward.

When PDJT's envoy Witkoff spoke with force to Net.: 'This is THE way it is going to be!'

Bad guy bully Net. folded like a cheap tent.

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I was wondering if you might discuss the Unz article. I read it in it's entirety. Unz discussed many of the writers who have written about the power of the Jews and many of them were highly credited authors/scholars until.............they wrote their books, then they faded or more likely were suppressed and denigrated into oblivion. Many of our leading military figures in the first half of the 20th century and especially post WWI warned of Jewish intentions and were concerned about their radicalism and desire to undermine most countries they inhabited. Eisenhower fell into this group post WWII. His conclusion on the Protocols was to agree with critics that they didn't seem authentic, but could be seen as mirroring exactly what has been happening in the West. It was quite a lengthy article, as usual, from Unz, but I credit him for taking this subject on especially to mention them in the first place as they have been banned in some places, in fact in Bolshevik Russia to possess them could lead to death. the atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks seems a forerunner to those they have committed in the Middle East. Some time ago KimDot.com wrote about the protocols and commented: https://x.com/KimDotcom/status/1825187568834753021

I think the world is waking up to what's at stake and who the real enemies of humanity are and I would say it is not the Orthodox Christian Nation of Russia.

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The Kim Dotcom post is troubling.

I believe there has been a huge Weoponization of being accused of anti Semitism. They even tried to cancel Tucker Carlson. Luckily, it seems to have lost some of its effect.

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Hence the determination to pass all those bills such as the antisemitism awareness act I think that was 6090. There was another controversial bill Johnson passed. Remember you know who opressors are by those you cannot criticize.

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Jan 21
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Thanks for your comment the links and the context to your remarks. It helps shed more light and truth on this sad drama playing out, as you say, in real time.

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Poe leaves me unimpressed.

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Indeed. The blame shifting from guys like Poe gets nauseating.

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