As it happens I've spent a lot of time in Scandinavia, in Denmark, since the war in Ukraine began, and inevitably the subject of the war and the US role in the war comes up. There is, in Denmark, a starting point, which is a virtually universal belief that the US is "good" and Russia is "bad". This belief is certainly held by the most educated and (nominally) sophisticated elements of the population.

I have asked why Russia is 'bad' and the answer is vague but certain. It goes along the lines of "You don't know them. We live next to them. We know them. They are 'bad.' Well that is a hard argument to counter (since I haven't lived 'next to them'), so I move on and ask, "Why do you think the US is 'good'? The answer is similar. They just know we are good. WWII. Disney. The American Flag. So I try to counter with examples where the US is not so good. As in, for example, blowing up the NordStream pipeline (just east of the Danish island of Bornholm). My friends listen, but who knows whether they are hearing.

I finished one conversation with a Danish friend by saying, "Ok. I have no basis for countering your argument that Russia is 'bad' and you seem convinced that the US is 'good'. So I'll just leave you with one thought. Be very careful in trusting us with your lives. You could end up paying a very high price."

I think Diesen explains a lot of what is behind this situation and his explanation resounds with me. Here is a link to his entire article.


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Ugh. I can't believe I forgot to link the article. I'll do that.

Diesen and Mercouris had a terrific conversation with a former German diplomat. Ironically, the German accuses the UK and Dutch of being two of the main war mongers in Europe, sending their military everywhere the US asks--sarcastically terming the Brits a "warrior nation". The Danes have been similarly compliant in this war. He even says that Americans as a people are not as war mongering as Euros. Same with the Dutch, of course, despite their experience of WW2 (extremely gentle in comparison to the East).

Of course, the Danes don't actually live "next to" the Russians--they live next to the Germans, who are the ones who invaded them. But Germans are widely regarded as superior in culture and development to Slavs. There's an irrational element at play here, a hatred of "the other".

It's similar in Poland. A common Polish saying is that the Germans destroy the body but the Russians destroy the soul. And yet, read about the German occupation of Poland sometime. How that cannot be described as soul destroying is anyone's guess. No doubt the Poles resent the Russian attitude that they're the Poles' Slavic "big brother". But you have to find a way to deal with Russia, and warfare won't work. The Scandi idea that they can get away with blockading the Russians from the Atlantic is just crazy.

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Great historical context as always, Mark, this is why you are one of my favorite reads. Thank you 🙏

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Oh, you're welcome. When I was a kid my grampa (father's side) and I would sit for hours on Sunday afternoons paging through historical atlases and talking about what we saw.

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Megatron @Megatron_ron


 Trump suggests he will lift US sanctions on Russia and Iran if he wins:

"You’re losing Iran, you’re losing Russia. China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency."

* It is already clear that the US sanctions from now on only have a counter effect and harm the dollar. Russia and Iran are proof of that and their economies have grown.

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My guess the ruling parties in Sweden, Norway, and Finland are using Russia as a scapegoat to distract from their own disasters, such as immigration, increased energy costs, and denuclearization.

And joining or increasing participation in NATO increases negative responses from Russia, which helps the narrative.

Except Sweden’s government did not realize Swedish, um, “volunteers” would get targeted and killed inside Ukraine. Sweden viewed it as cost less virtue signaling to send trainers and equipment. Hence the resignation of their FM.

What happens in Sweden when the voters become aware of the deaths?

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