I'm just flicking through Stanley Karnow's magisterial history of the Vietnam War. The sense of deja vu is uncanny. As you mention, Mark, the type of incidents, the inexorable drip-drip-drip of events and patterns of thinking are almost a carbon copy. Most overpowering of all is the similar level of total delusion and refusal to question ideological standpoints. We now know that even McNamara had serious private doubts about US involvement, but he still went along with it. I wonder if there is anyone in the NATO hierarchy with any doubts about where this is leading?

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SLOC = Sea lines of communication (ICYDK)

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Or concerning Ukraine and Israel, Send Lots of Cash.

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‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ (Aleister Crowley) - seems to me the ‘Rules-based order’ is a deceptive, pussified version of the same satanic thing. Current events seem to bear it out.

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Guess which degree Crowley reached in the lodge-dweller's order? Here's a clue: higher than thirty-second. Something for the greater mass of brothers to think about.

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MenchOsint @MenchOsint

"NATO-Jordan Statement on the decision to open a NATO Liaison Office in Amman."


9:50 AM · Jul 11, 2024

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Well, from deep space, Jordan does look pretty close to the North Atlantic.

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And near the perimeter of the old Roman empire.

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That may be the beginning of the end of the Jordanian Kingdom.

Bad call King Abdullah

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The Jordanian monarchs have always been westernised. More interested in being feted in Washington and having their wives appear in Paris Match than actually fighting the Arab cause.

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I think they own him.

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Great starting point with the Roman empire.

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It's amazing how the Roman Empire is such a great comparison to the Anglo-Zionist project to rule the world for the benefit of the .01% and Israel.

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I wonder if you gave a quiz about the Roman Empire to all member of NATO and the US congress how many would get over 20%?

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Aaron Maté @aaronjmate

European Israeli settler to me: "You're not from here."

Me: "You're not from there either."


Children of Darkness @brokenmirror33


Jul 9

Replying to @brokenmirror33 and @aaronjmate

There’s no way I could live long enough to get tired of watching this clip 

0:05 / 0:22

11:02 AM · Jul 9, 2024

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