‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ (Aleister Crowley) - seems to me the ‘Rules-based order’ is a deceptive, pussified version of the same satanic thing. Current events seem to bear it out.
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ (Aleister Crowley) - seems to me the ‘Rules-based order’ is a deceptive, pussified version of the same satanic thing. Current events seem to bear it out.
Guess which degree Crowley reached in the lodge-dweller's order? Here's a clue: higher than thirty-second. Something for the greater mass of brothers to think about.
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ (Aleister Crowley) - seems to me the ‘Rules-based order’ is a deceptive, pussified version of the same satanic thing. Current events seem to bear it out.
Guess which degree Crowley reached in the lodge-dweller's order? Here's a clue: higher than thirty-second. Something for the greater mass of brothers to think about.