What has happened to the children with the responses to COVID and with the degradation of the public schools will have a pernicious impact on both them and society for decades to come.
I don't understand parents who go along with and actually support what has happened and is happening. Don't they care about their kids? Or is it a matter of now knowing how to be parents? Or is it a matter of utter stupidity? But not to worry, I guess. The educational system and the government will be more than willing to take control over the kids, as we have seen, even as the parents abdicate their responsibilities.
I graduated High School in 72 and had a 2 year old little sister at the time and my Dad was a studied Anti-Communist who was active in groups. After I left he got involved with one group for over 15 years out to Return to Basic Education. Lenin said "Give me a child for the first 5 years of his life and he will be mine forever." California has had an organization pushing hard for State Funded/Mandated Preschool, their name is FIRST 5. Of course few listened to my Father and friends and now look at what we got today. It will take a lot to reverse this and even more "Will" to see it through and even more, more people got to realize what's being done to our Country.
While we, on this side of the aisle, have known about and followed the reports about these issues for some time, the Progs will take credit for "discovering" that the policies around the China-virus are now really hurting the children.
And, I guess, in some small way we should be thankful for their new-found discovery, as maybe this will be the beginning of the end of mandates and the irreparable harm that this "pandemic" has caused us.
Nah! No thanks to these bastages that got us here in the first place with their flippant, ignorant, arrogant push for mandates, lock downs, etc. -- they should be shown no mercy. It's the only way to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
What has happened to the children with the responses to COVID and with the degradation of the public schools will have a pernicious impact on both them and society for decades to come.
I don't understand parents who go along with and actually support what has happened and is happening. Don't they care about their kids? Or is it a matter of now knowing how to be parents? Or is it a matter of utter stupidity? But not to worry, I guess. The educational system and the government will be more than willing to take control over the kids, as we have seen, even as the parents abdicate their responsibilities.
I wonder if she will be banned?
When you can do it to a multi millionaire, who is safe?
I graduated High School in 72 and had a 2 year old little sister at the time and my Dad was a studied Anti-Communist who was active in groups. After I left he got involved with one group for over 15 years out to Return to Basic Education. Lenin said "Give me a child for the first 5 years of his life and he will be mine forever." California has had an organization pushing hard for State Funded/Mandated Preschool, their name is FIRST 5. Of course few listened to my Father and friends and now look at what we got today. It will take a lot to reverse this and even more "Will" to see it through and even more, more people got to realize what's being done to our Country.
Epoch Times via instapundit:
Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children: Psychiatrist.
While we, on this side of the aisle, have known about and followed the reports about these issues for some time, the Progs will take credit for "discovering" that the policies around the China-virus are now really hurting the children.
And, I guess, in some small way we should be thankful for their new-found discovery, as maybe this will be the beginning of the end of mandates and the irreparable harm that this "pandemic" has caused us.
Nah! No thanks to these bastages that got us here in the first place with their flippant, ignorant, arrogant push for mandates, lock downs, etc. -- they should be shown no mercy. It's the only way to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
Why is she being allowed to interrupt the COVID fear mongering even for a second?
I have seen it up close with the children of family members. The damage is real and unforgivable.
Another crack in the propaganda of Covid Fear justifies everything.
Note she actually used facts - 1 in a million chance of dying of Covid - WOW!!!