It seems fitting that the second year of the Covid Regime should come to a close with a renewed attempt to cancel Christmas. After all, Christmas is all about the birth of a child and the birth of a new hope for mankind. And the Covid Regime is all about the crushing of hope and a war on children.
Becca Lower at Red State focused this evening on a presentation that Jan Crawford gave on Face The Nation. The panelists were asked to present their ideas of the most important under reported stories of the past year. Crawford led off:
Here is Crawford, followed by Lower’s transcript of Crawford’s presentation:

For me…my kids hear me rant about this every day, so I might as well tell you guys.
It’s the crushing impact that our COVID policies have had on young kids and children. By far, the least serious risk for serious illness, but — I mean even teenagers, you know, a healthy teenager has a one in a million chance of getting and dying from COVID, which is way lower than dying in a car wreck on a road trip.
But they have suffered and sacrificed the most, especially kids in underrepresented and at-risk communities. And now we have the surgeon general saying there’s a mental health crisis among our kids.
The risk of suicide attempts among girls now up 51 percent this year. Black kids nearly twice as likely as white kids to die by suicide.
I mean, school closures, lockdowns, cancelation of sports. You couldn’t even go on a playground in the D.C. area without cops scurrying, shooing the kids off!
Tremendous negative impact on kids, and it’s been an afterthought. It’s hurt their dreams, their future, learning loss, risk of abuse, their mental health.
And now, with our knowledge, our vaccines, if our policies don’t reflect a more measured and reasonable approach for our children, they will be paying for our generation’s decisions the rest of their lives.
And that, to me, is the greatest underreported story of the past year.
Crawford comes across as terribly sincere, but also terribly misguided in important respects.
Let’s be clear, the Covid Regime—the “policies” she refers too—came into existence in the first part 2020. This under reported story of 2021 was also the under reported story of 2020. I say that as one who has tried, in a small way, to draw attention to this story on a semi-regular basis.
Even more importantly, however, the Covid Regime was only part of the story. The other major stories that have had such a negative impact on kids have been the rise to dominance in schools of BLM and everything it represents, as well as the rise to dominance of sexual deviancy. Just look at the two examples that Crawford tries to blame on Covid policies alone: suicide among girls and among black kids specifically.
BLM has turned the black neighborhoods of our cities into lawless war zones. Black kids are at the mercy of highly organized gangs. Is it any wonder that, with the schools closed, those kids who lack the inclination toward organized criminality and lack the skills to survive in such an environment should disproportionately take their own lives?
The rise to dominance of sexual deviants, that is, the dominance of sexual deviants over the environments in which our kids spend their days, is all about the devaluation of the specifically feminine in human nature. It doesn’t take much reading on the current culture to realize that the transgender movement is largely about allowing deviant men to dominate actual women. Girls who are drawn into transgenderism are largely reacting to the devaluation of girlhood and femininity. Increasingly we see women, Karens?, acting out aggressively in masculine style. A change of roles that women are bound to lose, as our culture grows ever coarser.
Yes, closing the government run schools has crushed our kids—crushed what remains of their human spirit, after the government indoctrinators have spent the past several decades tearing down all links to normal human nature. But the deviant movements that have been advanced by liberals like Crawford are even more to blame. Make no mistake about it, this has all been a long time coming, and it won’t be easy to reverse.
Reopening the schools isn’t the cure for what ails our kids. Hopefully Election 2022 will give voice to the concerns of normal parents.
I have seen it up close with the children of family members. The damage is real and unforgivable.
Another crack in the propaganda of Covid Fear justifies everything.
Note she actually used facts - 1 in a million chance of dying of Covid - WOW!!!