America didn't succeed so spectacularly because it was capitalist, or conservative, or Republican. It succeed because it was founded upon the concepts of good and evil, and that the pursuit of life liberty and 'happiness' were rights given by God, not man or man's laws. The God referred to was not terribly well defined, but it was basically the Judeo-Christian God. And the Bible was the principle textbook used in the early schoolhouses.
We are now failing spectacularly because we have forgotten that, and have forgotten God.
That we still have a Republic to conserve is very much in doubt. What we have today looks to me more like a Fascist State, where the selected-not-elected ones in charge are in business with the ones making all the money, and they collude together to use the principles of mind-control and manipulation to create what we have now, which is an army of 'useful idiots' the likes of which the world has never seen.
The fact that we are not in all-out bloody revolt is testament to it working so well, they must be wearing themselves out, high-five-ing each other all the time.
But the sun don't shine on the same dog all the time. "We must believe that the arc of the universe is long, but that it bends toward justice, toward one Divine end towards which creation moves onward and onward, forever."
Something to consider for that piece: Government properly instituted must consider itself to be subject to God and God's laws. As we go forward in rebuilding the government under God, we should rethink the structure by which we people consent to being governed not only by whatever Congress came up with that seemed pragmatic, but that served the mission so well stated in the Constitution to "...establish justice...provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare...". We should rethink the entire structure of the courts, the three letter agencies and the system of punishment/justice. Tall tasks all. But what we have is profoundly broken.
I don't want to excuse the majority of the general public's lack of fightback on this. However, I think in part, it can be explained by the fact that the truth is so terrible that most normies can't or won't even contemplate it. As you say, Mark, the fact that so few are taking the boosters shows that there is a growing awareness that something is very wrong with these vaxxes. Yet, for most people, to make the next logical step and accept that the government and medics whom you trust have played this evil trick on you, is still a step too far for the majority. I think we will get there, but that point hasn't yet been reached. This story has a long way to go.
This part of your comment covers so much of what is wrong and what is going on in our society in regard to how ordinary people communicate: "Mass media has provided no alternative sources challenging The Narrative. And everyone who presents a challenge gets cancelled and/or smeared."
We, the average person/people, have no way to 'get the news out that the jab is bad. Our once local, middle-of-the-road to slightly conservative newspaper has been purchased by a national chain Gannett; the corporation also owns all major newspapers in our state. I tried to get several 'Letters to the Editor' published against school policy of quarantining school children in the past two years, and they weren't published. I received no reply. We have no way to get our opinion and/or facts out to the general public. For sure and certain, we hold no sway over the various television stations. Unless people would march or picket the hospitals and doctor's offices carrying placards (and be branded nuts) how do ordinary, hardworking people influence national policy. We've for sure learned that our votes don't matter.
Thanks! I get a lot of frustration out just talking to my family and knowing they feel like I do. Plus a do live in a 'red' state, but so-o-o-o many liberals get transferred in here on the corporate side.
Didn't one of the founders say something about a republic needing to be populated by people of virtue? Capitalism must be counter-balanced by a sense of morality and virtue otherwise you get what we have now. People with neither move entire industries to Mexico and then China This obliquely fits into the post regarding whether or not we have enough industrial capacity to fight a real war. The industrial might of the United States has been hollowed out by these virtueless capitalists who worry not at all about the "little people." Now, when and if we are faced with an existential threat what do we do? They have created a system where it is, apparently, cheaper to make a ceramic coffee cup in China, transport it across an ocean, put it on a truck or train for more movement and then sell it a profit. That isn't a free market encumbered by virtue, morality or any care about the common man.
Don't get me wrong. I am not anti-capitalist. I AM anti-rampaging, blood-thirsty, devil may care capitalist like Gordon Gecko.
I won't even comment on the Covid stuff as I've said my piece here many times. Doom on Fauci, Birks, Pfizer, Moderna, Covidians, the whole damn crap-show.
Capitalism doesn't need to be counter-balanced by a sense of morality and virtue. There is nothing wrong with people providing goods and services for a profit. What we have now. is crony capitalism where the government is in cahoots with those who would restrict competition and dictate the rules to the small business people, effectively putting them out of business. FDR's New Deal was an example of that, and it created the Great Depression, after which they traded with the enemy while our kids were dying in World War 2.
Free markets without morality and virtue inevitably devolve into "crony capitalism". That's what rule of law is about--order based on morality and virtue in human nature.
I think what we have now is the re-emergence of fascism. You only have to look at the history of Mercedes; BMW; Siemens et al and compare that to how corporations are behaving now. Corporations are now de facto govt aren't they? If the Soros and Gates of the world want a big die off and the rest of humanity in digital chains then they only have to hold a secret meeting or 2. I don't think fascism ever went away. It just hid in plain sight.
It's not just the corporations, Amanda. One of the great ironies of recent years is just how fascistic the Left has been. They're the enemy they've always railed against.
Capitalism is the only moral system, enshrined by religion and morality. Possession is nine points of the law. What would you replace it with? Charity? The virtue of charity is that one gives up what one owns for the benefit of the needy. Forced charity is not charity. Religion dictates is that one is to use ones possessions for good. Capitalism is private ownership, something everybody believes in (at least when it concerns their private possessions. Even, and possibly more than others, Marxists do not share.) Some people choose to defer the pleasure they might enjoy at present in order to invest in future profits. Without this incentive why endeavor anything, or even work for that matter? All other systems are based on theft, I would suggest.
Of course immoral people will always try to take advantage. Caveat Emptor, let the buyer beware. Of course a government function should be to assure just weights and measures, and a stable currency. Yeah, sure.
I posit that the 1% have been using capitalism as a form of social control, usurping religion to a big degree. People are now addicted to 'stuff'. They have been trained to need 'stuff'; to work to get 'stuff' and to ultimately worship 'stuff'. For many years I've been sickened by the rampant materialism in the west, but when I look deeper it seems to me that it isn't just selling people 'stuff ' - it's feeding them an ideal to aim for; all the must haves for a perfect life that people literally believe they cannot do without. Capitalism is the only system I've lived under but the degradation in morality brought about from when I was a child (70s to 80s) to now is horrifying. People literally fight each other on the first day of New Year sales while the media reports it almost gleefully for eg. Capitalism may be the best way for countries to operate but I feel that dismantling it from it's current form would be no bad thing in the long run.
I totally agree. I don't advocate for replacing capitalism, more a bottom up change of course for it. I believe in the system but the people who run it and control us need to go hence my feeling that a dismantling and rebuilding would be no bad thing in the long run.
I suppose the definition of uniparty would be that the two are united in support for (because from) big corporations. That's how Barr got rich. Years of litigating for Big Telecom.
Barr is so right. Think of the political damage Trump could cause! Better let the Country burn down as long as Washington can keep up the pretense of governing a viable country.
America didn't succeed so spectacularly because it was capitalist, or conservative, or Republican. It succeed because it was founded upon the concepts of good and evil, and that the pursuit of life liberty and 'happiness' were rights given by God, not man or man's laws. The God referred to was not terribly well defined, but it was basically the Judeo-Christian God. And the Bible was the principle textbook used in the early schoolhouses.
We are now failing spectacularly because we have forgotten that, and have forgotten God.
That we still have a Republic to conserve is very much in doubt. What we have today looks to me more like a Fascist State, where the selected-not-elected ones in charge are in business with the ones making all the money, and they collude together to use the principles of mind-control and manipulation to create what we have now, which is an army of 'useful idiots' the likes of which the world has never seen.
The fact that we are not in all-out bloody revolt is testament to it working so well, they must be wearing themselves out, high-five-ing each other all the time.
But the sun don't shine on the same dog all the time. "We must believe that the arc of the universe is long, but that it bends toward justice, toward one Divine end towards which creation moves onward and onward, forever."
Well put. I'm working on a long piece that tries to put this in a sort of Western world historical context.
Something to consider for that piece: Government properly instituted must consider itself to be subject to God and God's laws. As we go forward in rebuilding the government under God, we should rethink the structure by which we people consent to being governed not only by whatever Congress came up with that seemed pragmatic, but that served the mission so well stated in the Constitution to "...establish justice...provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare...". We should rethink the entire structure of the courts, the three letter agencies and the system of punishment/justice. Tall tasks all. But what we have is profoundly broken.
I don't want to excuse the majority of the general public's lack of fightback on this. However, I think in part, it can be explained by the fact that the truth is so terrible that most normies can't or won't even contemplate it. As you say, Mark, the fact that so few are taking the boosters shows that there is a growing awareness that something is very wrong with these vaxxes. Yet, for most people, to make the next logical step and accept that the government and medics whom you trust have played this evil trick on you, is still a step too far for the majority. I think we will get there, but that point hasn't yet been reached. This story has a long way to go.
This part of your comment covers so much of what is wrong and what is going on in our society in regard to how ordinary people communicate: "Mass media has provided no alternative sources challenging The Narrative. And everyone who presents a challenge gets cancelled and/or smeared."
We, the average person/people, have no way to 'get the news out that the jab is bad. Our once local, middle-of-the-road to slightly conservative newspaper has been purchased by a national chain Gannett; the corporation also owns all major newspapers in our state. I tried to get several 'Letters to the Editor' published against school policy of quarantining school children in the past two years, and they weren't published. I received no reply. We have no way to get our opinion and/or facts out to the general public. For sure and certain, we hold no sway over the various television stations. Unless people would march or picket the hospitals and doctor's offices carrying placards (and be branded nuts) how do ordinary, hardworking people influence national policy. We've for sure learned that our votes don't matter.
Thanks! I get a lot of frustration out just talking to my family and knowing they feel like I do. Plus a do live in a 'red' state, but so-o-o-o many liberals get transferred in here on the corporate side.
Didn't one of the founders say something about a republic needing to be populated by people of virtue? Capitalism must be counter-balanced by a sense of morality and virtue otherwise you get what we have now. People with neither move entire industries to Mexico and then China This obliquely fits into the post regarding whether or not we have enough industrial capacity to fight a real war. The industrial might of the United States has been hollowed out by these virtueless capitalists who worry not at all about the "little people." Now, when and if we are faced with an existential threat what do we do? They have created a system where it is, apparently, cheaper to make a ceramic coffee cup in China, transport it across an ocean, put it on a truck or train for more movement and then sell it a profit. That isn't a free market encumbered by virtue, morality or any care about the common man.
Don't get me wrong. I am not anti-capitalist. I AM anti-rampaging, blood-thirsty, devil may care capitalist like Gordon Gecko.
I won't even comment on the Covid stuff as I've said my piece here many times. Doom on Fauci, Birks, Pfizer, Moderna, Covidians, the whole damn crap-show.
Capitalism doesn't need to be counter-balanced by a sense of morality and virtue. There is nothing wrong with people providing goods and services for a profit. What we have now. is crony capitalism where the government is in cahoots with those who would restrict competition and dictate the rules to the small business people, effectively putting them out of business. FDR's New Deal was an example of that, and it created the Great Depression, after which they traded with the enemy while our kids were dying in World War 2.
Free markets without morality and virtue inevitably devolve into "crony capitalism". That's what rule of law is about--order based on morality and virtue in human nature.
I think what we have now is the re-emergence of fascism. You only have to look at the history of Mercedes; BMW; Siemens et al and compare that to how corporations are behaving now. Corporations are now de facto govt aren't they? If the Soros and Gates of the world want a big die off and the rest of humanity in digital chains then they only have to hold a secret meeting or 2. I don't think fascism ever went away. It just hid in plain sight.
It's not just the corporations, Amanda. One of the great ironies of recent years is just how fascistic the Left has been. They're the enemy they've always railed against.
Capitalism is the only moral system, enshrined by religion and morality. Possession is nine points of the law. What would you replace it with? Charity? The virtue of charity is that one gives up what one owns for the benefit of the needy. Forced charity is not charity. Religion dictates is that one is to use ones possessions for good. Capitalism is private ownership, something everybody believes in (at least when it concerns their private possessions. Even, and possibly more than others, Marxists do not share.) Some people choose to defer the pleasure they might enjoy at present in order to invest in future profits. Without this incentive why endeavor anything, or even work for that matter? All other systems are based on theft, I would suggest.
Of course immoral people will always try to take advantage. Caveat Emptor, let the buyer beware. Of course a government function should be to assure just weights and measures, and a stable currency. Yeah, sure.
I posit that the 1% have been using capitalism as a form of social control, usurping religion to a big degree. People are now addicted to 'stuff'. They have been trained to need 'stuff'; to work to get 'stuff' and to ultimately worship 'stuff'. For many years I've been sickened by the rampant materialism in the west, but when I look deeper it seems to me that it isn't just selling people 'stuff ' - it's feeding them an ideal to aim for; all the must haves for a perfect life that people literally believe they cannot do without. Capitalism is the only system I've lived under but the degradation in morality brought about from when I was a child (70s to 80s) to now is horrifying. People literally fight each other on the first day of New Year sales while the media reports it almost gleefully for eg. Capitalism may be the best way for countries to operate but I feel that dismantling it from it's current form would be no bad thing in the long run.
I totally agree. I don't advocate for replacing capitalism, more a bottom up change of course for it. I believe in the system but the people who run it and control us need to go hence my feeling that a dismantling and rebuilding would be no bad thing in the long run.
I thought this article was apt.
I suppose the definition of uniparty would be that the two are united in support for (because from) big corporations. That's how Barr got rich. Years of litigating for Big Telecom.
Barr is so right. Think of the political damage Trump could cause! Better let the Country burn down as long as Washington can keep up the pretense of governing a viable country.
Exactly, billionaire. Hell, I've known from very early on that it was an evil fraud, yet even I don't want to accept it.
Not just American society - the whole of the west. We've had an infestation happen and we didn't notice.
If anything, Europe is worse.