Not “who we are”, as Obama would say. What we are—as in, What it means to be human, to have a human nature. Alex Krainer’s substack today raises that issue in the context of the Great Reset that’s being foisted on us in the name of a fundamental transformation of America, of human nature.
Ultimately, "the economy" is about what we are. Is it any wonder that the Great Resetters want to change what it means to be human?
Krainer begins by sketching out we all learned in school about “the economy”—all that “hidden hand” “let the market work” stuff. But that’s not the real world. It’s the ideology of “small c” “conservatives and liberaltarians who think society is about doing what we want. Morality based on human nature is an option for those so inclined. It’s a formula for tyranny, because it denies essential interpersonal bonds based on objective human nature.
Here’s the key part, as I read it:
A society's prosperity depends on the way capital allocation decisions are made. As we learned in school, in modern capitalist economies capital flows freely to where it will earn the highest return, as determined by free markets. Thus, if people demand more quality food, they'll bid up the prices of such foods, making its producers more prosperous. This will draw in capital investment in the production of whatever it is that people demand. Increased production ultimately leads to lower prices and as the magical self-perfecting process comes full circle, everyone is better off, thanks to the selfish actions of each and every cog in the big machine.
However, the self-perfecting magic of this system may only work to the extent that the markets truly are free and that the capital can flow unimpeded to where it will earn the highest returns. The efficient allocation of capital would have to be driven by bottom-up decisions by all the selfish cogs as they maneuvered around a level playing field for their own greatest advantage. Everybody knows this because that's what they taught us in school.
So much for school and ivory tower theorizing. Here’s the reality:
Unfortunately, the capitalist system is no more immune to collusion, cartelization and monopolization of markets than any other system. The selfish cogs can gain even more advantage if they collude to prevent others from competing against them. As their advantage grows, they’ll gain leverage over the political system where capital allocation decisions are made and regulated, further enhancing their advantage. Thus, with more collusion comes more and more top-down decision making.
Everywhere in the west we have seen a large-scale consolidation in every key industry, so that a handful of large corporations supply the bulk of market demand. The consolidation in the banking industry as well as the shadow-banking system has been the key catalyst in this process. The result is that larger and larger capital allocations are being made by fewer decision makers, enabling them to corral more and more wealth and productive capacities toward uses that are no longer shaped by the needs of the population but by preferences of the mandarins in power.
The most obvious example of this is the Great Reset, a radical overhaul of the global economy envisioned by a very small group of central planners and implemented through a top-down decision making process. As the former Bank of England chief and the current global climate czar Mark Carney banksplained it, "We need a whole economy transition... it's really about looking for and at the transition plans from all companies and backing those who are part of the solution and talking capital away from those who are part of the problem."
In a top-down world, if the mandarins decide that oil and gas are undesirable while windmills and solar panels are desirable, they'll allocate capital accordingly. If they think that insects are preferable to beef and poultry as a source of proteins, the economy will produce insects. And if they decide that fighting wars is preferable to peace, we might have permanent wars too. These are the decisions that determine the prosperity and quality of life in a society.
Here’s the thing. Anyone who thinks that this is simply about economic efficiency needs to rethink that idea. The “mandarins” have views on a lot more than just making money, and they use their money to advance those views. Obviously, that involves buying themselves some government. We see that. But it’s also about buying themselves the social environment they prefer. This is about George Soros’ “Open Society” and all that entails with regard to what being human means. Who thinks all the perversions of sexuality we’re seeing—the mainstreaming of perversion ranging from the usual garden varieties now on up to the surgically induced—is some sort of grass roots movement?
You can see the “small c” liberaltarian attitude toward all this here, in the context of Republicans voting for a nationwide redefinition of marriage:
I don’t care who gets married because their actions don’t cause harm to my family or anyone else if both participants are consenting. I have gay friends who are married and their unions haven’t managed to destroy my own marriage which has been skipping along for going on thirty years now. You are free to disagree and I won’t call you out for doing so, particularly if your objection is based on religious interpretations. But this gay marriage debate is going to be toxic for Republicans in the current national climate if these horses are allowed to fully get out of the barn.
Right. These are the knuckleheads who think that the ambient culture has no effect on them or their kids. Or that homo marriage is where this stops. As if this has nothing to do with the entire Queer agenda and the drive to take control of our kids for their own purposes. Do you, dear readers, have any conception of the amount of coordination, collusion, and MONEY that went into getting us to this point? Here’s what may be some news for you—”religious freedom” isn’t the solution:

In the real world where human nature is real, neutrality is defeat. It’s the top of the slippery slope, and it’s how we find ourselves so far down that slope. “Religious freedom” is, on its own, a concept without content—it’s freedom for perversion of human nature.
This form of “small c” conservatisim is the enemy of human nature. It’s also the direct path to tyranny—or what most of us would consider to be tyranny. Once the social reality of human nature has been degraded into a mere collection of autonomous individuals making choices unrelated to the larger social reality, the ability for organized resistance is also degraded. The money “mandarins” know this, and it is key to the extension of social controls. The hostility to religion that is ever more open, it’s marginalization from the public square and toleration only as a “personal” option, is a tool toward the end of transforming the reality of man’s social nature into a mere collective of independent individuals with no commonality that is not granted by the mandarins.
For a concrete example of how this plays out in reality we need look no further than the Covid Regime. It never could have happened in a society that was informed with a vision of human nature that went beyond the myth of an empty choice making automaton. Emerald Robinson discusses this today, where these pernicious ideas can lead when social control is exercised by elite mandarins:
COVID 2022: Here Comes "The Big Kill"
Why is the hashtag #diedsuddenly always trending on social media?
The corporate media in America has completely dropped the COVID pandemic narrative in the second half of 2022 — it’s almost as if our corrupt corporate and political elites want you to forget their two-year propaganda campaign to impose universal vaccinations, public masking, and lockdowns.
What has happened? They’re all scrambling to obscure the next stage of the COVID pandemic: The Big Kill.
Mortality statistics from the first half of 2022 have finally been released from a handful of countries— and what started as terrible anecdotal evidence a year ago has now hardened into a nightmarish data-storm.
The Big Kill.
Actually, the gaslighting continues, although the truth is getting out:
(John Hinderaker)
Kevin Roche emailed this morning:
This “gentleman,” Dr. Jha, is the new dunce in charge of the federal CV-19 response. He said today that the vaccines would literally prevent every death.
Dr. Jha: "We can prevent every covid death in America" if everyone gets their updated booster.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 22, 2022
Kevin continues:
For months in Minnesota, over 70% of all events–infections, hospitalizations and deaths–have been in the vaxed or vaxed and boosted. Deaths in particular are heavily concentrated in the boosted, which is partly an age effect. But it is either complete ignorance or just flat out lying to say what he said. It is amazing to me that almost three years in these guys still think they can get away with this crap.
In reality they’re not getting away with it—at least, not in the sense that they’re fooling everyone. If they were, people would be getting boosted and having their kids injected. On a statistical basis, only a small minority are doing that. But what’s notable is that “these guys” aren’t facing a nationwide insurrection. That, I submit, speaks to our social atomization, our lack of confidence in our vision of human nature.
Here’s another example provided by Techno Fog that shows that the truth is out there, even in the MSM:
Significantly, the trend is upward:
There’s a remarkable concession appearing in The Washington Post today:
“a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.”
The latest data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.)
As Emerald writes:
It’s the same story everywhere now. Deaths are way up, and vaccine injuries are way up too. This is now happening on such a scale that it’s impossible to cover it up with the usual media gaslighting tactics.
She also has a video clip of Ed Dowd—just 2 key minutes from the longer version that I referenced the other day. In it Dowd discusses the evidence from Denmark on excess mortality. Basically, the Danish government’s actions tell anyone who’s paying attention that there’s more danger from the mRNA injections than there is from the virus:

Again, the point here is the lack of pushback—even in the face of so much evidence, both anecdotal as well as (increasingly) statistical. I contend that this is the result of the loss of social cohesion formed around an explicitly held understanding of human nature. Individuals who have lost the idea of a common nature find it difficult at best to organize for action. Abstract concepts like “freedom”—essentially devoid of substance—will not offer a rallying point.
Do yourself a favor and read all of Emerald’s substack today with this view of “the economy” in mind—it’s about what we are. I’ll finish with a few excerpts that pose questions for the future—just the concluding paragraphs, so don’t miss the in-between. We’ve seen the excess mortality (also disability) trendlines headed upward, which does not bode well for the future:
How bad is The Big Kill? How many are suffering from vaccine injuries? How many will die before their time? How many unborn babies were killed? How many people have sterilized themselves — and their own children — by getting jabbed? We simply don’t know — neither the specifics nor the scale — at this point.
Most of the heavy-lifting and data-gathering are being done by a handful of journalists on Substack — not by government agencies or world health organizations They are just beginning to unpack the data — and already it’s very bad. More than 5 billion people have been injected with at least one dose of a COVID vaccine — so if we extrapolate a 6% heart injury/hospitalization rate from Steve Kirsch’s famous survey, that works out to 300 million people.
300 million people with heart injuries.
If the brilliant and brave Dr. Robert Malone is correct that a majority of vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis, that would mean 3 billion people are at serious risk of sudden cardiac death.
The Big Kill.
Is it bad if it’s undiagnosed or you don’t even feel bad?
Didn't one of the founders say something about a republic needing to be populated by people of virtue? Capitalism must be counter-balanced by a sense of morality and virtue otherwise you get what we have now. People with neither move entire industries to Mexico and then China This obliquely fits into the post regarding whether or not we have enough industrial capacity to fight a real war. The industrial might of the United States has been hollowed out by these virtueless capitalists who worry not at all about the "little people." Now, when and if we are faced with an existential threat what do we do? They have created a system where it is, apparently, cheaper to make a ceramic coffee cup in China, transport it across an ocean, put it on a truck or train for more movement and then sell it a profit. That isn't a free market encumbered by virtue, morality or any care about the common man.
Don't get me wrong. I am not anti-capitalist. I AM anti-rampaging, blood-thirsty, devil may care capitalist like Gordon Gecko.
I won't even comment on the Covid stuff as I've said my piece here many times. Doom on Fauci, Birks, Pfizer, Moderna, Covidians, the whole damn crap-show.
I don't want to excuse the majority of the general public's lack of fightback on this. However, I think in part, it can be explained by the fact that the truth is so terrible that most normies can't or won't even contemplate it. As you say, Mark, the fact that so few are taking the boosters shows that there is a growing awareness that something is very wrong with these vaxxes. Yet, for most people, to make the next logical step and accept that the government and medics whom you trust have played this evil trick on you, is still a step too far for the majority. I think we will get there, but that point hasn't yet been reached. This story has a long way to go.