Do you know how Joe Biden is in this position? He was sort of the default guy and had gotten in that position by being Obama's VP. Do you know how he got to be Obama's VP?

According to the hysterically team blue aligned New Republic magazine, writing in 2008, different factions of the party wanted one of theirs to be the VP and couldn't stand that some other faction might get *their* person to be VP instead. Each faction was afraid of some other faction having a leg up for 2016. So, they chose Biden because everyone regarded him as such a complete ZERO that no one worried about him having a leg up. That's how Biden got to be VP.

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Mark's one thing leading to another led me to a few things, also, including this gem of a video clip of Rachel Maddow (twitter.com/IwanRabbinstein/status/1476377635999694853) assuring us in no uncertain terms that the shots would end the virus, full stop. In case everyone here hasn't already seen this (and I apologize if it's already been dealt with here, but it's new to me), here are her supremely confident words:

"Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, potentially mutating and becoming more virulent or drug-resistant along the way, now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people. That means the vaccines will get us to the end of this."

I'll do my best to collect other such examples if I come across them. The value of a full hour or two of a mashup of these former ironclad promises from our global betters that the shot would prevent both infection and spread -especially when preaching to us, as Maddow does, with a tone of "only a knuckle-dragging science denier could possibly not see the obvious truth in this"- would be immeasurable.

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Don't know about history, but in what was once America nothing even approaching this has happened. All Washington and many States got their desired outcome and we no longer have a country. The only good thing I can think of is the American people are no longer on board.

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Yeadon nailed it, the greatest crime in history no doubt about it. Let the trials at the Hague commence forthwith. The ongoing and ever accelerating greatest theft in history has to be the central bankers monetary polices, inflation, debased currencies, minuscule interest rates have robbed us all!

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This group sitting with Scott Jennings -- what the hell? They all helped, no, actually gave us this president. How can they sit there placidly discussing how awful he is? Shouldn't they be frowning, leaning forward, eager to bludgeon Scott Jennings as he surgically slices up this past year of Biden's administration. Those people are appalling. Disgusting. They cosseted that old man, presented him in voter circle get-togethers of perhaps ten people. I can't think of a worse word that I want to use right now besides disgusting, but the media is more corrupt, more repulsive than any act the current president has performed, and these opinion promoters, encouragers, and enablers will sit and never bear the burden of what is swarming across our southern border. How can they sit there without squirming. The entire lot are absolutely immoral to assist any longer in propping up this administration.

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I think the media are squirming, now that time has exposed then for who they are. The lies and propagandizing have been relentless. The media are key players in the Great Reset. I hear some folks saying they are stupid. To me that is like offering forgiveness. They are intentional in what they do. Criminals all !

As for our politicians.... What US crime do you charge people with for taking away a child's god given right to grow up without being experimented on. I can see the changes in kids who have to wear masks. I can only imagine the mental changes when kids exposed to CRT are told to think of themselves as oppressors or victims (my grandchildren are not old enough for CRT so I don't have firsthand). Injecting children who cannot give informed consent and are at far less risk of Covid than the jab is UNTHINKABLY EVIL. Evil has always been with us but now we can see the face of evil in the people around us.

Every Institution we rely on has been poisoned for at least a generation. I'm sure many here already do this, but if you have been "laying low" now is the time to take your own personal risk and speak the truth. Focus on each persons fundamental god given rights. Pick your battles, be a happy warrior, and stand firm.

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One would think the DC Establishment would have put together a more politically savvy staff for Brandon than the one that is currently sinking with him into the quicksand. With just a smidgeon more intelligence, they could have gamed this to a better '22 election outcome by avoiding the crippling filibuster battle that was just lost and the tunnel vision blindness of Build Back Busted. Just a few moves to stabilize the southern border would give him a good 5% in the polls and a reversal on his assault on domestic energy production would likely have him treading water. But his staff is comprised of nothing but ideologues who would never bend away from their Marxist principles. That is good news for the conservatives...

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"One would think the DC Establishment would have put together a more politically savvy staff for Brandon than the one that is currently sinking with him into the quicksand."

Most are Obama admin. retreads. If Jen Psaki really did make a Freudian slip on The View, then we truly are suffering through Obama's third term. There's no difference in their agandas. Buyden himself has bragged that he talks to Obama several times each week, as if that was something to be proud of. To get his marching orders I suppose.

The scary thing is that Obama didn't dare show his full Communist colors when he had his feet up on the Resolute desk, but now that he is safely in the shadows, he can put his most radical policies in place through his puppet, Buyden. If they fail, the puppet gets the blame, not the puppet master.

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When there is no logic and no substance behind your arguments giving an inch might as well be giving a mile. You can have no confidence that your arguments will hold up to any scrutiny - unless you are totally inflexible and back them by force.

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Removed (Banned)Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022
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He was indeed the first expert voice to raise doubts.

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