After eight years of open political warfare—which resulted in the Potemkin presidency of Zhou, a presidency by committee—the Ruling Class and Trump appear to have reached a political compromise.
I think there is an inherent conflict in Trump's foreign policy which will be hard to resolve. In particular, I cannot see any easy resolution in a day or a month (as Trump has suggested in respect of Ukraine) or an even longer period of time.
On the one hand, Trump's strong instinct (which I believe he shares with a large portion of his electoral base) is that the U.S. has to get out of the business of enforcing our foreign policy by war, especially when it leads to extensive loss of life, especially among civilians, and especially when it leads to military/defense spending that is either deficit spending or spending at the expense of domestic needs, and especially when the 'war' is, as a practical matter, 'unwinnable'.
On the other hand, Trump's instinct (which it is becoming increasingly apparent that he shares with perhaps half his cabinet, representing the Washington Establishment) is also that in a dangerous world where the US has global interests, we must have a strong and respected military able to project sufficient power to prevent the 'bad guys' (whomever we deem them to be) from making the world a more dangerous and, from the US perspective, a less secure (especially economically) and profitable place. This instinct may seem to be symptomatic of late stage American Imperialism, and not necessarily a good thing, but it is the American Imperialism of the entire post-WWII period which has enabled the explosive increase in American wealth over the period (no matter how poorly distributed in recent decades) and which wealth is, ultimately, the basis for our national standard of living and, of course, for the power which American elites enjoy today.
Obviously, these competing interests are colliding in Ukraine and on the borders of Israel, but they are also colliding in Syria, Korea, Venezuela, Armenia,Taiwan and numerous other hotspots around the world. They are also colliding with the increasingly apparent reality that the American experiment is failing at home, where income inequality, disfunctional infrastructure, immigration policy, national health and political and racial conflict are more and more obvious problems. And the United States is not the only place in the so-called developed world where the political consensus regarding domestic and foreign policies is in dissarray. Is the European Union not also literally coming apart at the seams?
So, for the time-being, at least, I am disinclined to criticize what we are seeing from Trump, no matter how apparently dissonant. It is not even early innings yet. As Ray-SoCal has reminded us several times, the first pitch is still yet to be thrown.
I'll admit that I basically dashed this off. I'd been mulling the theory over in my mind, but decided to go with this without too much in the way of detail. This morning a correspondent pointed to a certain type of confirmation--the backing of Wall St. for Trump in the person of Jamie Dimon. This, of course, means that Trump has another important constituency to satisfy, in addition to his base. His fiscal and trade related appointments appear to indicate that Wall prefers Trump 1.0 to what the Dems had to offer--they're willing to tolerate keeping Trump's base happy for the time being and, indeed, may be on side with Trump's base in terms of shutting down the social turmoil. That can be seen in the turn of major corporations and universities against the DIE madness. That doesn't happen without Ruling Class support. In that field Trump is basically a follower who has been making incrementally stronger statements since the election--mostly with regard to the trans in the military issue. The military is in a terrible state of morale, reflected in recruitment woes. My own view is that addressing the trans takeover is only part of the problem and that that alone won't solve the military's recruitment problems. I alluded briefly to all this:
"fiscal irresponsibility on an unprecedented scale and similarly unprecedented social divisions—has put American hegemony (the Ruling Class’ main focus) in jeopardy."
Because American hegemony means wealth. It ties in to FP. We may now see a tug of war between mainstream Wall St.--call it the Dimon wing--and the Neocons, who also have big money backers.
Not to blow my own trumpet but I've said a few times over the last few months that all that's happened is those who hold the reins in the race have switched horses. It was obvious from the moment Zhou was ousted - the ruling class simply switched their bet to Trump. In short Mark has hit the nail on the head with this summary.
I totally agree there was some serious horse-trading going on - T’s victory was so “incontestable,” there just wasn’t any room for the cheating that took place under cover of Covid in 2020. But the takeaway remains nevertheless: it’s not the people who have the final say! The ballot box can be a darn inconvenience! In this case, as Mark has discussed at length, the Dems themselves got buyer’s remorse, and even Kamala’s gender and ethnicity were not enough - the whole package was rotten. A deal - or blackmail? If T had refused, he wouldn’t be allowed to assume the presidency.
After reading your earlier articles, two of them, "After Assad Begins; It's not Pretty" and "Winners and Losers in Syria", I think there are dangers ahead for the Western Intel Community including the U.S. Deep State. Two days ago, Foreign Min. Lavrov spoke about the Syrian crisis, just prior to the accomplished coup, at the Doha Conference, answering an argumentative British accent interviewer, working for Al Jazeera. Lavrov addressed the Ukraine conflict's ending status....
And now, after the coup, Russia's Foreign Ministry is reported to be talking with "opposition forces" which previously the Ministry was insisting that these fighters be called what they truly are: terrorists and jihadist organizations.
With regard to Trump's worrisome compromise, I hope you are wrong on the assessment; however, here is news that supports it, and is of grave concern to me. It's the uniparty acceptance of big Pharma to carry on, doing harm to human persons everywhere on the planet, with no accountability or punishment for using the general public for their experimentations in lieu of laboratory experiments:
Back to thoughts on Trump's mis-guided Neocon swagger. Does he still need to be loved by everyone that he associates with (now it's the elites in governing positions); or is it just "marketing the Trump brand" of influence peddling on the world stage? Trump understands money matters as a business man---perhaps he understands the iron grip of global finance upon nation state solvency and/or ruin. Alex Krainer repeatedly says, "all roads lead to London", and, of course there is the Jewish expertise in global finance syndicates....plenty of Neocon believers in these places....
(1) The 2024 election season opened a lot of people's minds to the corrosion of governance. I think Trump capitalized on American's disgust with all government-corporate-social "tightening of the screws" on personal agency to "act" in every sense of living their own lives. Trump himself suffered through the 8-10 year onslaught of wrongful persecutions; but he kept fighting against those who waged war on his person and everything he believes in/stands for---and has come through that phase of warfare, victorious. So, I don't think he'll forget the attempts to erase him from the world.
(2) The Rino nominees for cabinet positions could be a grave blindspot for Trump; individuals whom he apparently likes or admires, for whatever reasons, might undermine his policy directives, or spread false information that thwarts his purposeful intentions for the directives. Trump must stay sharp as a tac, on his toes, and be swift to cut off the appointee's power as soon as wrongful actions by him/her are identified. The saying: "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" applies. Also, those who are effectual in their positions and committed to doing what is right, including what Trump wants, will be the President' outspoken advocates who call out weak links in the chain, those turn against the Trump Administration.
(3) Last of all, but first in the only way that matters: Trump had been given a statue of Saint Michael the Archangel. And he seems to understand the gravity of serendipity in his own life
(surviving two assassination attempts, out-lasting the lawfare trials that aimed for his total ruination, winning the third presidential election in a row), which causes me to hope that the
man privately admits to profound humility, giving his attention to is Maker, and listening to what is given to him in answer from that Maker.
Dr. Ah Kahn Sayed, an Australian doctor, has written many clarifying articles for lay people/non scientists, like myself, on the genetic research that continues to be done on the Covid Pandemic gene therapy treatments as rolled out by the pharmaceutical giants.. I have read several of his articles through his Substack site, and the following link to his writing, recently, from October 2024, addresses health catastrophes so dire that I've saved the document for further study, and reference to what other medical journalists might call attention to in the coming times of the WHO medical tyranny upon every nation state. If you and your readers find it helpful, then, I am glad.
They are my hope, too, because neither man has a career history as a governmant bureaucrat---I expect they'll be appalled at the way bureaucrats assume that they have everlasting command over their little fifedoms within the government unionised agencies. But Robert Kennedy fights for sunshine in the obscure closets where the rules are kept, and I hope that the victories he will achieve are not, in fact, compromised mush, without much change from what has been. Dr. Bhatacharya has been publicly challenging the "government science dictated messaging" from the very start of the covid scare propaganda. As a scientist, he won't tolerate bullshit compromises on anything that blocks out factual truth; and I pray that he holds firm against fudging on policy adjustments that bureaucrats may insist upon, because the consequences of CDC, NIH, and HHS false science-based rule-making, forced on the citizenry by all medical/health industry channels---just keeps on poisoning to death (slow or speedy) all the people in our land.
Great comment, Joanne! Thanks! I am distressed to hear about COVID sub-committee but I am not surprised. The monetary influence of Big Pharma combined with the tremendous liability they face if the harms and ineffectuality of their vaccines is proven in court are a very powerful incentive to maximize their congressional influence. A big test of this of course will be the RFK, Jr. nomination's success or failure.
As regards the Trump appointees, I think Mark's argument is a distinct possibility. I say that because it fits based on the evidence so far and it seems to me the general level of opposition to him among the usual suspects (media, Dem donors, even Dem politicians) seemed to "melt away" towards the very end of the campaign season. That could have been because they saw the "writing on the wall" as regards election results, though. Even so, I don't think things like this are accidental.
On the other hand, I do agree with you that Trump seems to have a blind spot when it comes to favoring personal loyalty over background and ideology. He was bitten by this during his first admin and as you caution he best be aware of the possibilities of being bitten again during his second. What disturbs me is that both Don Jr. and Vance promised to guard against the Neocons infiltrating the admin - what happened there? And why? Time will tell and maybe we will all wake up from the potential Neocon nightmare after Jan 20. Then again, maybe not.
Thank you for each of your subject matter additions to different aspects of worry that Trump is more showman than promise-keeper. Honestly, the liability shield needs to be cut off for the mRNA gene therapeutics since government's initial justification for giving blanket immunity from prosecution for harms done to persons who received them was their "emergency use status when nothing else was considered to be a remedy" for so-called covid disease. But the government forced out of use the many other plausible medicinal remedies such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and Vitamin D, of all things, so common as the sun shines!!! How many updated versions of falsely named covid vaccines from 5-4 major pharmaceutical giants should be permitted under the immunity shield of "emergency use"?
Your point on Trump Jr. and J.D. Vance assuring everyone pre-election day that NO NEOCONS will be allowed near the halls of power in the next Trump Administration is on the mark: because their bromance, cool friend, Vivek Ramaswamy, is a very big pharmaceutical industry businessman + he is a George Soros scholarship recipient + a WEF Young Global Leader (as is Ivanka Trump, Tom Cotton, Nikki Halley).
Trump is caught between rocks and a hard place of visible truth telling, because he proudly celebrates "Operation Warp Speed" and its partner, "Right To Try" drug treatments which are still in clinical trial phases---but might save the life, or extend the lifetime a a while longer, of persons who suffer near death, life-threatening medical conditions in real time, and who desire to try anything that may help them improve their health conditions and days in this world, for a while longer, with a hope and a prayer. So Trump advocates emergency use---even though Covid gene therepies killed millions of individual human beings-----human beings who were never asked whether they would like to try something wierdely concocted and hyper-experimental. People weren't offered a choice. Then, the mandates were put forward across the board of goverment-corporate-social work + life of everybody! Trump is culpable for blame here. And I, a Trump supporter, want Justice in this medical tyranny way of ruling citizens, even if "truth and reconcilliation" admissions are a part of the unfolding of the biggest crime in history.
Thanks very much for your additional good and well stated thoughts, Joanne! Also for the additional information. I agree with what you say - especially that obtaining justice is extremely important because if it is not sought and delivered the same medical tyranny will repeat itself, persist, and only get worse. Of that there is no doubt. Also of the utmost immediate importance is the pulling of the COVID mRNA shots off the market. Every day new studies are coming out on how destructive these truly are.
I’m not sure an actual deal, but Trump has picked the fights he is willing to go to the mattress for. Trump can’t fight everyone simultaneously (think Swarzeneger who did, lost, and became a catamite politically).
Trumps legacy / success will sink or swim on economic issues. And a lot of that will be done through the removal of unnecessary government, including dei.
As a side note, I am most excited by RFK jr and maha, make America healthy again. The potential impact there may be Trumps most significant legacy, and may totally change the us society.
I wonder bit Rubio will be de-wolkifying the state department? It’s probably the worse executive department.
So in other words we’re only halfway fucked? This is shaping up to be a disaster. All of the optimism I had after the election is gone. Without a realistic foreign policy domestic policy barely matters. The next 4 years will be a small break applied to the train but the wreck is still coming. Looking at what they’re doing in Europe I can only think that the empire really is crazy enough to actually attack Russia. And that will be the end. Nuclear or conventional, it almost doesn’t matter. Either way the empire is going down and taking us with it. The living will envy the dead…
Until the U.S. economic issues are fixed, I’m very negative on much that can be done to improve our foreign policy. And this economic disaster has grown with every administration from Bush, with exception of Trumps first term.
Biden has accelerated a lot of negative trends such as de dollarization, U.S. economic power, credibility of the U.S. Justice system, credibility of our democracy, censorship, rule of law, etc. not to mention credibility of the U.S. system that produces our homeless, drug, and crime debacles. And Biden’s push of lgbt issues. Plus the us military overreach. And Russia is in the drivers seat in Ukraine. And the international courts seem as a biased institution that charged Putin.
I see Trump a huge improvement over Biden’s fubar.
Yes 100% agree, the trajectory was much worse with Biden. I had really high hopes that Trump could clean house all at once but that was clearly very naive. Trump envisions peace through superior firepower where such doesn’t exist. Unless he knows that and he’s giving them the rope to hang themselves../
What is YMMV?
Your mileage may vary.
I think there is an inherent conflict in Trump's foreign policy which will be hard to resolve. In particular, I cannot see any easy resolution in a day or a month (as Trump has suggested in respect of Ukraine) or an even longer period of time.
On the one hand, Trump's strong instinct (which I believe he shares with a large portion of his electoral base) is that the U.S. has to get out of the business of enforcing our foreign policy by war, especially when it leads to extensive loss of life, especially among civilians, and especially when it leads to military/defense spending that is either deficit spending or spending at the expense of domestic needs, and especially when the 'war' is, as a practical matter, 'unwinnable'.
On the other hand, Trump's instinct (which it is becoming increasingly apparent that he shares with perhaps half his cabinet, representing the Washington Establishment) is also that in a dangerous world where the US has global interests, we must have a strong and respected military able to project sufficient power to prevent the 'bad guys' (whomever we deem them to be) from making the world a more dangerous and, from the US perspective, a less secure (especially economically) and profitable place. This instinct may seem to be symptomatic of late stage American Imperialism, and not necessarily a good thing, but it is the American Imperialism of the entire post-WWII period which has enabled the explosive increase in American wealth over the period (no matter how poorly distributed in recent decades) and which wealth is, ultimately, the basis for our national standard of living and, of course, for the power which American elites enjoy today.
Obviously, these competing interests are colliding in Ukraine and on the borders of Israel, but they are also colliding in Syria, Korea, Venezuela, Armenia,Taiwan and numerous other hotspots around the world. They are also colliding with the increasingly apparent reality that the American experiment is failing at home, where income inequality, disfunctional infrastructure, immigration policy, national health and political and racial conflict are more and more obvious problems. And the United States is not the only place in the so-called developed world where the political consensus regarding domestic and foreign policies is in dissarray. Is the European Union not also literally coming apart at the seams?
So, for the time-being, at least, I am disinclined to criticize what we are seeing from Trump, no matter how apparently dissonant. It is not even early innings yet. As Ray-SoCal has reminded us several times, the first pitch is still yet to be thrown.
I'll admit that I basically dashed this off. I'd been mulling the theory over in my mind, but decided to go with this without too much in the way of detail. This morning a correspondent pointed to a certain type of confirmation--the backing of Wall St. for Trump in the person of Jamie Dimon. This, of course, means that Trump has another important constituency to satisfy, in addition to his base. His fiscal and trade related appointments appear to indicate that Wall prefers Trump 1.0 to what the Dems had to offer--they're willing to tolerate keeping Trump's base happy for the time being and, indeed, may be on side with Trump's base in terms of shutting down the social turmoil. That can be seen in the turn of major corporations and universities against the DIE madness. That doesn't happen without Ruling Class support. In that field Trump is basically a follower who has been making incrementally stronger statements since the election--mostly with regard to the trans in the military issue. The military is in a terrible state of morale, reflected in recruitment woes. My own view is that addressing the trans takeover is only part of the problem and that that alone won't solve the military's recruitment problems. I alluded briefly to all this:
"fiscal irresponsibility on an unprecedented scale and similarly unprecedented social divisions—has put American hegemony (the Ruling Class’ main focus) in jeopardy."
Because American hegemony means wealth. It ties in to FP. We may now see a tug of war between mainstream Wall St.--call it the Dimon wing--and the Neocons, who also have big money backers.
Not to blow my own trumpet but I've said a few times over the last few months that all that's happened is those who hold the reins in the race have switched horses. It was obvious from the moment Zhou was ousted - the ruling class simply switched their bet to Trump. In short Mark has hit the nail on the head with this summary.
Yes, but not all of the Ruling Class. I expect Trump to face plenty of head winds, and worse, going forward.
No doubt. There are so many factions and special interests at play that the next 4 years of American politics could be almost as confusing as Syria.
See new comment.
I totally agree there was some serious horse-trading going on - T’s victory was so “incontestable,” there just wasn’t any room for the cheating that took place under cover of Covid in 2020. But the takeaway remains nevertheless: it’s not the people who have the final say! The ballot box can be a darn inconvenience! In this case, as Mark has discussed at length, the Dems themselves got buyer’s remorse, and even Kamala’s gender and ethnicity were not enough - the whole package was rotten. A deal - or blackmail? If T had refused, he wouldn’t be allowed to assume the presidency.
See new comment.
After reading your earlier articles, two of them, "After Assad Begins; It's not Pretty" and "Winners and Losers in Syria", I think there are dangers ahead for the Western Intel Community including the U.S. Deep State. Two days ago, Foreign Min. Lavrov spoke about the Syrian crisis, just prior to the accomplished coup, at the Doha Conference, answering an argumentative British accent interviewer, working for Al Jazeera. Lavrov addressed the Ukraine conflict's ending status....
And now, after the coup, Russia's Foreign Ministry is reported to be talking with "opposition forces" which previously the Ministry was insisting that these fighters be called what they truly are: terrorists and jihadist organizations.
With regard to Trump's worrisome compromise, I hope you are wrong on the assessment; however, here is news that supports it, and is of grave concern to me. It's the uniparty acceptance of big Pharma to carry on, doing harm to human persons everywhere on the planet, with no accountability or punishment for using the general public for their experimentations in lieu of laboratory experiments:
Back to thoughts on Trump's mis-guided Neocon swagger. Does he still need to be loved by everyone that he associates with (now it's the elites in governing positions); or is it just "marketing the Trump brand" of influence peddling on the world stage? Trump understands money matters as a business man---perhaps he understands the iron grip of global finance upon nation state solvency and/or ruin. Alex Krainer repeatedly says, "all roads lead to London", and, of course there is the Jewish expertise in global finance syndicates....plenty of Neocon believers in these places....
(1) The 2024 election season opened a lot of people's minds to the corrosion of governance. I think Trump capitalized on American's disgust with all government-corporate-social "tightening of the screws" on personal agency to "act" in every sense of living their own lives. Trump himself suffered through the 8-10 year onslaught of wrongful persecutions; but he kept fighting against those who waged war on his person and everything he believes in/stands for---and has come through that phase of warfare, victorious. So, I don't think he'll forget the attempts to erase him from the world.
(2) The Rino nominees for cabinet positions could be a grave blindspot for Trump; individuals whom he apparently likes or admires, for whatever reasons, might undermine his policy directives, or spread false information that thwarts his purposeful intentions for the directives. Trump must stay sharp as a tac, on his toes, and be swift to cut off the appointee's power as soon as wrongful actions by him/her are identified. The saying: "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" applies. Also, those who are effectual in their positions and committed to doing what is right, including what Trump wants, will be the President' outspoken advocates who call out weak links in the chain, those turn against the Trump Administration.
(3) Last of all, but first in the only way that matters: Trump had been given a statue of Saint Michael the Archangel. And he seems to understand the gravity of serendipity in his own life
(surviving two assassination attempts, out-lasting the lawfare trials that aimed for his total ruination, winning the third presidential election in a row), which causes me to hope that the
man privately admits to profound humility, giving his attention to is Maker, and listening to what is given to him in answer from that Maker.
Corrupt Congress committee is trying to get ahead of Trumps Covid picks that were canceled by big Pharma. I hope they enjoy their 30 pieces of silver.
Yea, they're sellouts, and the Citizens will remember and not be passive when the next false pretext of a health emergency gets rolled out
I read an article about that Covid committee and held onto it for a few days, thinking to write something. Then I got too depressed.
Dr. Ah Kahn Sayed, an Australian doctor, has written many clarifying articles for lay people/non scientists, like myself, on the genetic research that continues to be done on the Covid Pandemic gene therapy treatments as rolled out by the pharmaceutical giants.. I have read several of his articles through his Substack site, and the following link to his writing, recently, from October 2024, addresses health catastrophes so dire that I've saved the document for further study, and reference to what other medical journalists might call attention to in the coming times of the WHO medical tyranny upon every nation state. If you and your readers find it helpful, then, I am glad.
JFK and Jay Bhattacharya’s nomination give me a lot of hope on sunshine being applied in liberal doses.
They are my hope, too, because neither man has a career history as a governmant bureaucrat---I expect they'll be appalled at the way bureaucrats assume that they have everlasting command over their little fifedoms within the government unionised agencies. But Robert Kennedy fights for sunshine in the obscure closets where the rules are kept, and I hope that the victories he will achieve are not, in fact, compromised mush, without much change from what has been. Dr. Bhatacharya has been publicly challenging the "government science dictated messaging" from the very start of the covid scare propaganda. As a scientist, he won't tolerate bullshit compromises on anything that blocks out factual truth; and I pray that he holds firm against fudging on policy adjustments that bureaucrats may insist upon, because the consequences of CDC, NIH, and HHS false science-based rule-making, forced on the citizenry by all medical/health industry channels---just keeps on poisoning to death (slow or speedy) all the people in our land.
Proves your statement “Best government money can buy”
Great comment, Joanne! Thanks! I am distressed to hear about COVID sub-committee but I am not surprised. The monetary influence of Big Pharma combined with the tremendous liability they face if the harms and ineffectuality of their vaccines is proven in court are a very powerful incentive to maximize their congressional influence. A big test of this of course will be the RFK, Jr. nomination's success or failure.
As regards the Trump appointees, I think Mark's argument is a distinct possibility. I say that because it fits based on the evidence so far and it seems to me the general level of opposition to him among the usual suspects (media, Dem donors, even Dem politicians) seemed to "melt away" towards the very end of the campaign season. That could have been because they saw the "writing on the wall" as regards election results, though. Even so, I don't think things like this are accidental.
On the other hand, I do agree with you that Trump seems to have a blind spot when it comes to favoring personal loyalty over background and ideology. He was bitten by this during his first admin and as you caution he best be aware of the possibilities of being bitten again during his second. What disturbs me is that both Don Jr. and Vance promised to guard against the Neocons infiltrating the admin - what happened there? And why? Time will tell and maybe we will all wake up from the potential Neocon nightmare after Jan 20. Then again, maybe not.
Thank you for each of your subject matter additions to different aspects of worry that Trump is more showman than promise-keeper. Honestly, the liability shield needs to be cut off for the mRNA gene therapeutics since government's initial justification for giving blanket immunity from prosecution for harms done to persons who received them was their "emergency use status when nothing else was considered to be a remedy" for so-called covid disease. But the government forced out of use the many other plausible medicinal remedies such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and Vitamin D, of all things, so common as the sun shines!!! How many updated versions of falsely named covid vaccines from 5-4 major pharmaceutical giants should be permitted under the immunity shield of "emergency use"?
Your point on Trump Jr. and J.D. Vance assuring everyone pre-election day that NO NEOCONS will be allowed near the halls of power in the next Trump Administration is on the mark: because their bromance, cool friend, Vivek Ramaswamy, is a very big pharmaceutical industry businessman + he is a George Soros scholarship recipient + a WEF Young Global Leader (as is Ivanka Trump, Tom Cotton, Nikki Halley).
Trump is caught between rocks and a hard place of visible truth telling, because he proudly celebrates "Operation Warp Speed" and its partner, "Right To Try" drug treatments which are still in clinical trial phases---but might save the life, or extend the lifetime a a while longer, of persons who suffer near death, life-threatening medical conditions in real time, and who desire to try anything that may help them improve their health conditions and days in this world, for a while longer, with a hope and a prayer. So Trump advocates emergency use---even though Covid gene therepies killed millions of individual human beings-----human beings who were never asked whether they would like to try something wierdely concocted and hyper-experimental. People weren't offered a choice. Then, the mandates were put forward across the board of goverment-corporate-social work + life of everybody! Trump is culpable for blame here. And I, a Trump supporter, want Justice in this medical tyranny way of ruling citizens, even if "truth and reconcilliation" admissions are a part of the unfolding of the biggest crime in history.
Thanks very much for your additional good and well stated thoughts, Joanne! Also for the additional information. I agree with what you say - especially that obtaining justice is extremely important because if it is not sought and delivered the same medical tyranny will repeat itself, persist, and only get worse. Of that there is no doubt. Also of the utmost immediate importance is the pulling of the COVID mRNA shots off the market. Every day new studies are coming out on how destructive these truly are.
I’m not sure an actual deal, but Trump has picked the fights he is willing to go to the mattress for. Trump can’t fight everyone simultaneously (think Swarzeneger who did, lost, and became a catamite politically).
Trumps legacy / success will sink or swim on economic issues. And a lot of that will be done through the removal of unnecessary government, including dei.
As a side note, I am most excited by RFK jr and maha, make America healthy again. The potential impact there may be Trumps most significant legacy, and may totally change the us society.
I wonder bit Rubio will be de-wolkifying the state department? It’s probably the worse executive department.
So in other words we’re only halfway fucked? This is shaping up to be a disaster. All of the optimism I had after the election is gone. Without a realistic foreign policy domestic policy barely matters. The next 4 years will be a small break applied to the train but the wreck is still coming. Looking at what they’re doing in Europe I can only think that the empire really is crazy enough to actually attack Russia. And that will be the end. Nuclear or conventional, it almost doesn’t matter. Either way the empire is going down and taking us with it. The living will envy the dead…
Until the U.S. economic issues are fixed, I’m very negative on much that can be done to improve our foreign policy. And this economic disaster has grown with every administration from Bush, with exception of Trumps first term.
Biden has accelerated a lot of negative trends such as de dollarization, U.S. economic power, credibility of the U.S. Justice system, credibility of our democracy, censorship, rule of law, etc. not to mention credibility of the U.S. system that produces our homeless, drug, and crime debacles. And Biden’s push of lgbt issues. Plus the us military overreach. And Russia is in the drivers seat in Ukraine. And the international courts seem as a biased institution that charged Putin.
I see Trump a huge improvement over Biden’s fubar.
Yes 100% agree, the trajectory was much worse with Biden. I had really high hopes that Trump could clean house all at once but that was clearly very naive. Trump envisions peace through superior firepower where such doesn’t exist. Unless he knows that and he’s giving them the rope to hang themselves../