FLASHBACK: Watch Biden Cast Doubt on 2024 Presidential Bid in November Shortly After His Lawyers Found Top Secret Documents at His Private Office


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The secret docs are the perfect tool. Take Biden out and prevent Trump getting back in. The gambit will be for the Dems to pretend their ethics on classified material are so stern that they must drown Joe in the bathtub. Then the establishment Republicans (and that's a majority of the elected ones, ie The Pirates of Pence) can say their morals demand Trump must be drowned in the same tub.

Biden is too scattered to fight back (Jill is a different animal...would love too see her refuse to go quietly...maybe the promise of family pardons would smooth that over). Trump won't be having it. Not going to take a fall on the docs BUT a Joe resignation makes it easier for Trump's special counsel to indict him on that charge. So serious Joe had to go so of course Trump deserves an indictment.

Kamala left standing and in charge is no one's idea of a happy result though. So the move has to be to take control of her VP pick. Left to her own devices, Kamala would have to find someone even less popular than her but not obviously insane. Booker? Beto?

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Here is a theory: The Deep State wants to hold on to control at any cost. Take out Trump and Biden for the same reason therefor making it appear fair to both sides by eliminating both declared candidates in 2024. Congressional inquiries are then moot and not worth pursuing thereby slowing down the awakening of the general public which is a threat to the deep state. A controlled decent of Biden by the Deep State is better than what could be uncovered with Congressional hearings. Mean while they delay the realization that elections are rigged which is the goose that lays the golden egg for maintaining control. Seems like status quo is the goal here.

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Now the nefarious Andrew Weismann has come out against ol joe! It’s not looking good for DJ. Probably just a coincidence though, yeh, I’m sure that’s all it is.

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Does anyone believe this would have come to light if the Republicans had not regained the House and the investigative gavels? That is the most recent big picture change that stirred the DC pot. And now this, where an obviously corrupt president is about to get a 'colonoscopy' as evidence is brought forward. The DNC and the MSM don't want to play defense for the next two years.

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It would seem that we are faced with a political Gordian Knot and if memory serves me right, the solution involved quick action with a sword. Granted that these folks are not exactly pushing the envelope when it comes to strategic thinking or planning, but as the old saying goes, “ desperate times require desperate actions”. No matter how this mess all sorts out it should prove very interesting to say the least.

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I see garagegate as another way for the deep state to provide cover to the corruption. Everything then falls behind the veil of national security and the "ongoing investigation".

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When the DS/neocon projects fail, they find a scapegoat and move on. Grooming and pedophilia scandals? That was just Mr and Mrs Epstein luring in gullible but essentially decent pols and billionaires. Covid and the death shots? Rogue scientists and DJT! FTX? Wasn't a massive corruption scandal implicating nearly every government agency and congressperson; it was just a loose cannon, smart-alec kid and his goofy girl friend. It will be the same for Ukraine. Biden and Austen went off the deep end, despite all our good advice not to!

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This will just get drawn out over the next two years and then swept under the rug like hitlary et al.

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why is it "ain't that easy"?

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Because the new VP has to be elected in Congress, not "installed" by the prez.

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Thanks, Mark.

But if Michelle is so popular among Dems, voting in Congress should not deter her from getting nominated, no?

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Maybe we shall see a repeat of the Agnew/Nixon resignation situation, rather than a Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy assassination situation in 2023?

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Depends on what the California crowd wants to do. They own Kamala and they own Newsome. Remember, Pelosi laughed and ate a potato chip when asked about Zhou's recent misfortunes. Kamala is in a good place, it seems. She would be well compensated to leave and could then take her place with the "in crowd" forever, without having to do anything. The perfect participation trophy for her. Puff pieces and gala invites forever!


Or, if the Cal mafia want, she could be the first woman President! A legend in her own mind with all the perks.

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Hello Mark and to your great, diverse cadre of readers. Thanks for providing the forum and info generating remarkable thoughts I always find in the comments sections.

While your posting argues strongly for this being a hit, due to the Kamala 'Cackles' alternative I am still falling on the side of a "pulling-back of the run-away Biden" idea. His lack of aptitude aside, it appears he 'believes' it's okay to go off script (results are always pathetic and scary) because he's thinking he really, really is the president after all... sorry to be trite here. I think between not liking the Deep State management plans for 'His Presidency' and perhaps his demented awareness of his position plus thinking his own political skill being capable of actually running what's become 'quite a show' (with heavy, heavy consequences) he may be being reigned in rather than removed.

Sadly, however it happened, there was an 'official' ballot counting of 81 million votes for Biden/Harris in 2020 and the current state of horror is the direct result.

I'll leave with this thought; Is there even a good path out for the 'mysterious' actual cabal running this administration? I've never been a fan of 'lesser of 2 evils', personally. [thanks for putting up with my downer-drivel, all I got is "Ugh"... WRH in Idaho]

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Tidbits like this give me hope that these supposedly superhuman elites aren't that powerful after all.

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Mark, I think you have hit pay-dirt. This is not political. The paymasters wanted Trump out, but they don't want to lose money. They are 'woke' for a purpose, but when Congress pulls an Omnibus and risks breaking the bank, this has to stop. Two major Swiss banks, supposedly the strongest in the world, are in trouble. They will install who they will install, and it will all be made legal. I don't see Harris or Newsom, as aside from being unpopular they are both unreliable.

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Jamie Dimon is probably smiling too. Luongo speculated recently that Dimon might like to acquire Blackrock as a shiny new JPM Consumer Asset Management division :) - after it reaches bargain basement status, of course.

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Larry Fink thought he could swim with the apex predators, the Great White Sharks in the finance ocean.

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Luongo is saying that the Dems simply screwed up in their timing, and now they can't get rid of Kamala. If so, huge problem.

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I think Kamala is a problem that Democrats will try to live with for the -18 months left in Biden’s term, and then they will primary her. Seems the easiest way to get rid of her is patience. But these are interesting times… who knows where all this leads.

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That's a scenario, but these next 18 months could be extraordinarily stressful for the Deep State--nothing is working out in their war on the world. Kama Sutra in the WH is a pretty risky proposition. We'll find out. Sooner rather than later. It's very hard seeing this whole thing being allowed to continue for long.

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May the stress be truly extraordinary for them!

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My 2¢

Hur slow walks the 'investigation' and blocks meaningful Congressional inquiry into Garagegate.

Uniparty blocks impeachment and in return Biden announces that in fact he is not running.

Kamala announces she is running for President in 2024 but Newsom (or someone else TBD) wins Iowa and she 'drops out'.

Biden's term ends.

A new President is elected.

Biden is never indicted.

...I'll have to consult my crystal ball some more about how Ukraine ends...it is in many ways insoluble, neither militarily nor politically.

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If that were the case, why was this ginned up in the first place? This didn't happen by accident, or because federal LE or Intel suddenly developed scruples about screwing the country over.

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Leverage? To persuade Joe to step aside?

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I misread your first comment. We're on the same page.

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But who do the Dems have who can provide "stability" and "gravitas"?

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It doesn't matter.

Joe won '81 million votes' in the basement. Cf. John Fetterman, Gretchen Whitmer, Katie Hobbs, Raphael Warnock.

It doesn't matter who the candidate is.

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But as Biden and Harris have shown, being a cardboard cutout is not enough. Whoever comes in must not only be totally malleable but also have some basic life skills. Fetterman is a dead man walking; Whitmer looks like she's understudying for Cruella de Ville, Warnock and Hobbs are vacuous and incompetent.

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Yes. I guess the way to marry our two comments is that the Dems can get idiots (etc) elected, but that doesn't mean they can govern once they are. Pretty cynical, isn't it?

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If the performance of 'checked all the blocks' press secretary is any indication, they'll need to stop the bleeding, and soon.

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Let’s not forget the influence that Elons opened the doors at Twitter and while no one in the MSM is reporting on it currently, there may be something coming that they can’t hide

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Luongo is saying that Elon is passing out the manila folders--the dirt on House members.

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I wish from the bottom of my heart that Musk has THE dirtiest of dirt on at least one Senator, John Cornyn(holio) III. I want to hear Cornyn(holio) announce he is "resigning to spend more time with my family." I would simirlarly be pleased to hear the same words spoken by my member of Congress, Roger Williams.

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It would be wonderful if lots of them could spend more time with their families!

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Or more time in the cemetery.

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Jan 15, 2023
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And rent his garage

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Jan 14, 2023
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Everyone keeps talking about the new president choosing her veep. It doesn’t work that way. Read the constitution. The House of Representatives votes on the choice. Big problem for the new Pres.

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Jan 14, 2023
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I wonder if this explains why Trump was for pro-McCarthy? In his dumb, naive way, he sees McCarthy as his ticket back into the WH.

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You really think he would get the votes of these republicans in this congress? The freedom caucus would go nuts.

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So what was the point of this? Why has the MSM been given the green light to humiliate Zhou?

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Jan 14, 2023
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But…. If Obama can claim he declassified the documents that apparently still had classified markings on them, then doesn’t it follow so can Trump? Then another can of worms has clearly been open about the creation of the Trump document scandal. Seriously I don’t play this level of gamesmanship so honest question.

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Jan 14, 2023
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Maybe Chuck Schumer will have to explain to them about the Intel Agencies and six ways to Sunday. I agree there are a lot of competing interests, but the most powerful ones are aligned now against the Biden Crime Family. Zhou's gonna take down the FBI, the CIA? I don't think so. They've got the Hunter hard drive and they've also got DoJ on their side.

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If I was Joe I would much rather have a nice comfy retirement living with the Corvette in Delaware after resigning than to be put in the memory care wing of the nearest federal prison after being impeached and convicted. After all, they (the DS) can bring up lots of stuff having to do with Ukraine and China without implicating other pols. Just sayin'.

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Unfortunately for us, that is not how these people think. They are psychopaths and want to hang on to power until the coffin lid comes down on them. Exhibit A: Pelosi.

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Seems like the pols, the miasma of players around them & the $$s, members of MSM/DS, and plenty of foreign equivalents all have dirt on each other. The hive is held together by negative forces of mutually assured destruction. Fragile structure, it'd only take one or a few idiots to mess things up for everyone else ... hmmm, oh wait ...

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Who will utter the 2023 version of this phrase: "I'm just a patsy" ???

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