I’ve seen a few contrary views, I’ve toyed with them a bit, but I still see Garage Gate as a Deep State hit. I still see the appointment of a Special Counsel as a green light to the MSM to report the story—which they are doing. A POTUS doesn’t get removed without some consensus between the political establishment, ruling class power brokers, and the National Security establishment. Taken together, you can call that conglomerate the Deep State.
The nexus where all this comes together is the Gang of Eight—the four party leaders and the four Intel committee leaders in Congress. I don’t for a moment think that the party leaders could dump a POTUS that the other two legs of the three legged stool really liked, and you can run that metaphor a couple different ways—the bottom line is some sort of consensus, likely with bargaining and horse trading involved, among these players. So, Dem party concerns about Zhou as a 2024 candidate aren’t enough for the Deep State to pull the trigger on Zhou—if he were still serving some useful function. It takes Deep State national security involvement to stage the revelations we’re seeing, and that means Deep State agreement that Zhou has to go. We know from Jamie Dimon’s statement that neither Trump nor Zhou are the way forward that the ruling class power brokers want a change—Trump, once again defying the odds, dodged that bullet but my advice is: Don’t bet on Zhou dodging any bullets.
The fact of the matter is that, from a constitutional standpoint the vice president (Zhou, when he stole the docs) has no more executive power than the White House janitor—in line with John Nance Garner’s famous view of the vice presidency. Zhou has, for all intents and purposes, already publicly confessed to a felony. Andy McCarthy and Jonathan Turley both agree on that, and no matter what you think of their politics, you should pay attention to their views on the criminal law. Trump’s case is totally different because the POTUS is invested with constitutional authority that the VP simply doesn’t have. The attempted hit on Trump failed for that reason, but we may see future attempts. From the standpoint of criminal law, Zhou is in the bag.
But, some object, won’t there be a cover-up? The fact that Hur, the SC, is totally Deep State doesn’t change any of this. Hur being Deep State doesn’t mean that there will be a cover-up and Zhou will somehow skate. Of course there WILL BE a cover-up—that’s what the Deep State does. Anyone who’s been awake for the last six years should be totally convinced of that. But this hit on Zhou would not—my opinion here—have been initiated if it hadn’t been thought through, if Zhou hadn’t been weighed in the balance and found to be far too much of a lightweight to remain in place. I don’t expect him to remain in temporary residence at the White House.
My best guess for an end game? A quick removal by hook or by crook, followed by a call to the nation to put it all behind us and move forward in our war against Russia and China. Anyone demanding to see the evidence, to see Zhou in the dock, will be branded a traitor. Will it work? I believe the removal can work, although the long game here is not in sight yet—How do you solve a problem like Kama Sutra, who is very problematic. The fact that this hit is being undertaken in such circumstances says a lot about Deep State existential angst. We’ll just have to see. It seems far too late for cold feet, especially with a House that is to a significant extent under Trumpian influence.
Now, let me recommend an article by Josh Hammer:
Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden?
The leak from various federal law enforcement actors now, as Biden begins his second term, suggests there is real internal turmoil over at the Democratic National Committee.
Hammer never goes out on a limb, but he sees what’s going on here. He gives a nice explanation, for anyone who needs it, of the difference between Trump and Zhou regarding retention of classified docs. Further, he gives a good concluding summary of the reasons why no other theory except a Deep State hit fits the facts—so far:
But perhaps the most pressing question is: Why? Why was there a leak to CBS News just now, over two months after Biden attorneys discovered the first tranche of classified documents deep in the bowels of a Penn Biden Center office? Why has there been such a slow, drip-drip, dramatic leaking and reporting of various classified document tranches throughout this whole week?
It is thoroughly unsurprising that the federal law enforcement apparatus and the corporate media buried the news of Biden’s malfeasance on the precipice of the midterm elections. The “Democrat-Media Complex,” as the late Andrew Breitbart called it, demands nothing less than such complicity.
But the timing of the leak from various federal law enforcement actors now, just as Biden is beginning the second half of his term, suggests there is real internal turmoil over at the Democratic National Committee. Perhaps someone at the DNC instructed deep state spooks that now would be a particularly propitious time to leak sordid details to the media. Perhaps someone at the DNC thought that Joe Biden did his job by shepherding his party through the midterms without succumbing to the much-feared “red wave,” but that he is now disposable and should be replaced at the ballot in 2024 by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.). Loath though I am to speculate, it is difficult to think of a sounder explanation as to why, only now, all of this is coming out.
By the way, I’ve listening to Luongo’s latest discussion of his Theory of Everything—that the Fed is at war with Davos. Here’s a good excerpt, starting around the 15 minute mark—The Way The World Is Going:
The Fed hasn't yet had to meet massive resistance. When the Fed Funds rate is above the CPI, that's when the rubber meets the road, but it hasn't happened yet. When the Fed Funds rate is above the CPI and the ECB hasn't gone bankrupt yet, ... will Powell be able to hold the political tide against him? ... [However] projecting out the early rally in industrial metals, gold, even bitcoin now--in safe haven assets--... those things are telling you that inflation is coming back with a vengeance later in the year and will validate the Fed's marketing of their strategy--that they're fighting inflation. Which I don't believe! I don't believe they can fight a supply problem with demand side tools.
Is Jay Powell smiling?
Luongo is saying that the Dems simply screwed up in their timing, and now they can't get rid of Kamala. If so, huge problem.