Thanks Mark.

It may work out that this great split between the West and BRICS+++ leads to the collapse of this vaccine tyranny model the Corporatist/fascist West is trying to foist on the world. It will be just another of the ways the Rest Of The World says to the colonialist West ‘get stuffed’.

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Nuland to Africa is laughable. Where’s her boss? Speaking of Blinken seems he’s been off the radar since getting spanked in China. What’s that all about?

I don’t see Zhou giving up this fall. As the economy tumbled down and personal finances stretched coupled with job losses growing i don’t see how we can pivot to war.

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Nuland I think wears the pants, so to speak, in that duo.

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Yep. Blinken looks like he's still dazed after the previous handbagging.

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"We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately." So says Washington. No, Trump can never be allowed to be President. To prevent this in a manner that it would be seen as the will of the people is now impossible. To fight any war with the backing of the people is impossible. Arkancide was certainly considered and seen as not feasible. The current ruling class, which includes all branches of the Federal government and many State Houses, is in a bind. Don't forget the economy, which is unsustainable. What will be? Thanks for this article and all the wonderful commentaries, but don't expect those in charge to come up with any workable solution. We the people will have to work out our own individual solutions. Will we ever come together again as a Nation?

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"We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately." I'm fine with both options

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"The primordial mistake was that of Team Biden (and the EU) illegally seizing Russia’s overseas reserve assets." It's even worse than that; it was the greatest foreign policy mistake since Hitler invaded Russia. This current mess is also a fascinating insight into the continued powers of individual personalities to affect events for better or worse. Biden's dementia, on top of an already obnoxious personality, has led him to verbal outbursts against foreign leaders that have been disastrous and possibly fatal for the US's global influence.

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I have a hard time believing anybody outside America believes Biden is at the helm in the White House, and that his words merit response. They have all got to know they are really working with Biden's handlers. With Obama, he was an attractive spokesmodel. Plenty smart to understand what he was saying when he delivered his lines. I think it is fair to refer to an "Obama doctrine" or an "Obama policy" because Obama really had to sign off on it before he would deliver his lines. So it continues to grate to hear "Biden doctrine" or "Biden policy" when Biden doesn't even know what day it is. But the handlers are anonymous and so our language continues in the form it has taken when the president is involved in setting administration goals. :(

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True, Tamsin. We may not know exactly who his handlers are, but we certainly know what they want. And it isn't anything good for ordinary people.

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"Biden's dementia, on top of an already obnoxious personality, has led him to verbal outbursts against foreign leaders that have been disastrous and possibly fatal for the US's global influence."

On top of the fact that Biden is undoubtedly personally compromised due to what our adversaries know of his deep corruption.

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There's that too...

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Jim Rickards


EU imports of Russian liquified natural gas hit new record. Hey, Yellen - how are those Russian sanctions working out?


EU imports record volumes of liquefied natural gas from Russia

Belgium and Spain are world’s second and third-biggest importers of Russian LNG this year

8:30 AM · Aug 31, 2023


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Another case of “do as I say but not as I do?”

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Usually via middlemen and three times as expensive as two years ago.

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I couldn't find a transcription of Tucker/Orban so I made one - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/transcript-tucker-carlson-viktor-orban-interview

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There is absolutely nothing like "family, country, God" in America today. The closest we got is the rainbow flag which stands for "anything goes".

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Right. Anything goes unless they don't like it.

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Aug 31, 2023
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“They are not behaving rationally“ The Nuland article paints a very scary picture of Neocon “rationality:” she and her ilk are stuck in a forever-Cold War mentality, and the S Africans were really stunned to witness this. Totally blindsided and out-manouvered by not only Putin ( no, it’s no longer the Soviet era) but also by the Africans waking up to their own vital interests. It’s not the good ol’ US vs bad Soviet Union. The woman is living in a time warp, and is exceedingly dangerous.

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"They’ll be making money and it won’t be them or their kids dying."

I'm not sure who survives WWIII.

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Cockroaches will. If I were humans, I'd start getting friendly with your local cockroaches...

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Sep 1, 2023
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"Look at all the stupid things they've done so far." I think they would call it *brinksmanship*.

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Aug 31, 2023
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Good point. Trump is just the symbol now. Rightly or wrongly, he represents millions of politically dispossessed Americans. It's rather ironic that with all this Woke talk of inclusion and exclusion, we have a regime that has managed to exclude about two-thirds of the population it exists to serve.

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I can't remember if I read this on MiH or not, but "Beware the man who suddenly appears from nowhere, saying things you like."

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Aug 31, 2023
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True enough about internal events. But it is exactly those that might lead the neocons in DC to turn to "distractions". Personally, naive fool that I am, I just can't see them going full in in Ukraine. Even they are not that crazy.

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"Since when did we ever NOT walk away from a conflict we found to be no longer useful or profitable?"

Exactly. It's, like, an American value. Who we are as Americans, as O might say.

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"Who we are as Americans"

Or...who our leadership class is.

Ultimately, they will be despised and deposed for their arrogance, hubris and fatuity.

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Aug 31, 2023
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I’m wondering how entrenched fraud is in the us voting system.

What just came out of New York surprised me. Basically the voter database was coded to show fake voters that could be used to swing an election.


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It’s rampant fraud at so many levels. Free for all stage. Hopefully it’s undoing.

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A silver lining is due to Trump laser focus messaging on the issue since 2020, awareness has grown.

Those that say we should move on destroy their credibility with me.

Widespread voter fraud is an existential issue for the U.S.

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Aug 31, 2023
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My guess is the Dems found they could go beyond the normal amount of cheating and get no pushback, win, and change the system so they never lose again.

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Sep 1, 2023
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What I’ve seen in California is the Gop got safe gerrymandered districts, till the Democrats finally got a super majority after changing the voting system.

My gut feeling is the eGOP in some areas benefits from voter fraud, and actively participates to keep out wrong think candidates in the primaries. And in other areas ignores voter fraud. In Tx the speaker of house uses Dem votes to keep power.

The voter rolls across the country seem deliberately convoluted per Jay Valentine independent of sos party.

And the discussion was totally missing from the gop Fox debate, which tells you a lot.


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Aug 31, 2023
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"While he is willing to play the waiting game he is also strengthening and preparing his people."

Yes. Putin tried to warn us, repeatedly, that NATO in Ukraine was an inviolable redline. He used public statements, interviews, and diplomacy to try to make us understand over a period of many years. I have no doubt he and his advisors have gamed out each and every possible eventuality arising from the Ukraine conflict. This includes escalation by the US and its vassals, for which he will undoubtedly be as prepared as he can possibly be.

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The death of Prizoghin, whether directly attributable to Putin or not, might also remind the West that he is not a man to be fooled with.

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Aug 31, 2023
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I believe so too. Especially if he is being run by former Obama bots. It struck me already under Obama that this was a man whose every act was deliberately designed to humble, humiliate and weaken the US.

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Kamala will be thrown out with Monday’s garbage. Just my uneducated guess. Who or what is her constituency?

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Head of NATO

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"everyone's plans are likely to be upset by the coming inevitable economic collapse." Yes.

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Q: "Really, what has China to lose by crushing the US economically to bring Our Betters into line?"

A: Its own economy which is still dependent on exports to the US to the tune of $600 billion annually? Plus indirect exports through intermediary countries which end up in the US? Plus exports to US allies?

Remember Chimerica?

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Aug 31, 2023
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However, you do understand that somebody first has to bring the 'right' case and then it has to wind its way, tortuously, to the Supreme Court. Feature or bug?

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SCOTUS by design (yes, a feature) moves slowly. It does not issue advisory opinions, or injunctions, etc. But when it finally rules, it is final and hard.

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We do understand the SC didn't want to risk the ire of the uniparty and wouldn't do anything to favor Trump. They still won't. Maybe they are one with the uniparty. The public be damned!

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