Tucker Carlson’s latest interview has received a lot of attention. Among other contentions he presents is his view that the US is “speeding towards assassination.” He’s speaking about President Trump. He also argues that, in the coming year, the US will enter into a hot war with Russia.
First, I’ll say this: Tucker’s arguments are cogent, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned in these years of the Ruling Class war against Trump it’s: Never say never. That said, here’s the substance of Tucker’s key remarks:
Tucker Warns Of Trump Assassination, Hot War With Russia
Tucker Carlson says that if legal efforts to block Donald Trump from running for president again fails, the next steps could be assassination and a hot war with Russia to maintain power and unite the population.
"No one will say that but I don't know how you can't reach that conclusion. Do you know what I mean? They have decided, permanent Washington and both parties, have decided that there's something about Trump that's so threatening to them, they just can't have it," Carlson said on the Adam Carolla show.
"If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work, what's next? Graph it out, man. We are speeding towards assassination, obviously," he continued.
"Once you start indicting your political opponents, you know that you have to win or else they're going to indict you if they win. So they can't lose. They will do anything to win. So how do they do that? They're not going to do Covid again, I know everyone on the right is afraid they're going to do Covid and mask mandates -- they can't do that. They're already been exposed. That won't work," he continued. "What are they going to do? They're going to go to war with Russia is what they're going to do. There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in this next year."
And what might precipitate WW3? According to Carlson, "I think we could Tonkin Gulf our way into it where all of a sudden missiles land in Poland and "the Russians did it" and we're going to war. I could see that happening very easily."
Carlson then urged the GOP-held Senate to rally behind de-escalation, particularly in Ukraine, arguing that the stakes have never been higher for avoiding an apocalyptic scenario.
Tucker is right about a lot of this. The Ruling Class is desperate to keep Trump out. They’ve already tried a number of trial balloons, like Covid Regime 2.0—but as Tucker points out, these trial balloons have shown already that reruns aren’t gonna work. They’ve already shot the wad on Trump—hoaxes of every conceivable sort, including two “impeachments” and an “insurrection”. As he says in the interview (follow the link), the lawfare against Trump is so ridiculous that it amounts now to prosecuting Trump for being unhappy about 2020.
I would also note that Larry Johnson, this morning, also argues that were headed for a hot war with Russia:
LJ bases his argument on the writings of two Neocons, Samuel Charap and Keith Gessen, aka Konstantin Alexandrovich Gessen, perhaps best known as Masha Gessen’s brother. Gessen argues that there are only two policy options on the table among the Neocons who rule America, regarding the war on Russia:
A “frozen conflict” in Ukraine—with the understanding that, like the Minsk accords, this would simply be pause, a prelude to further hostilities once Ukraine is somehow rearmed—or,
Continued endless war.
LJ argues that this is a formula for sliding into a hot war with Russia.
Granting their premises, it’s difficult to argue with either Tucker or LJ. But I would argue that there’s more going on than what they present. To begin, Andrei Martyanov, freshly returned from his trip to Russia, raises an important point:
I do not disagree with Tucker and PJW on the possibility of a hot war with Russia by Biden's regime in order to stay in power. I also agree on the uniparty thesis.
But here is the fallacy in terms of practical implementation of this "plan" by cabal.
Martyanov goes on to quote Neocon Richard Pipes, dating back to 1970, regarding the American way of war. Basically, Pipes argues that the US has always relied on technical and manufacturing dominance to win wars and is not prepared to take mass casualties. Well, that was 1970. American lack of preparedness for conventional warfare has been exposed, while Russian preparedness and technical prowess goes from strength to strength. My belief is that when push comes to shove even those in DC talking a tough line will recoil from taking the plunge into war with Russia because they know how it would go very badly. And that, as Martyanov argues, will spell the end of the current regime in America. Speaking of which, what a sad state our Uniparty State is in when we realize that we have senior warmongers and senators who on any given day might not know their own names, or be able to find their ass, even using both hands.
Bravado, I’m convinced, will fade as the reality of the dilemma dawns. The fact, which I noted yesterday, that contingency plans for a Trump 2.0 are already being made suggests that my cautious optimism is not unfounded, and that Trump may survive to continue fighting:
Biden Looks To Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War
Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com,
The Biden administration is working to reach a deal with Ukraine for long-term military support to keep backing the war with Russia that would be difficult for a future president to exit, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.
I believe the time is coming when European support for war on Russia will crack wide open, and that US domestic concerns will also lead to such a degree of public revulsion that an end will become necessary. The American Empire—as distinct from the United States as a sovereign, constitutional republic—is under increasing pressure that is unlikely to ease up soon. Fully 70% of Americans are saying that they’re “not doing well at all.” Just for example:
US Consumers Paid For July Spending Spree By Burning Through $150BN In Savings
That, IMO, precludes a plunge into a war with Russia for which the US is utterly unprepared.
The rise of BRICS—albeit a work in progress that is still years from full implementation—is also posing serious challenges, both to the American Empire as well as to the would be WEF Empire. France’s African Empire, so key to French prosperity, appears to be collapsing, too. Trouble spots keep popping up, and the Neocons simply aren’t prepared for the long haul. Consider this excellent article:
Victoria Nuland Appeared "Desperate" During Africa Tour As US-Backed Leaders Overthrown
More pressure:
Rare Uprising Against US-Backed Forces In Syria Leaves Many Killed
I’m convinced that with all these things going on a military lockdown of American is not in the cards. Instead, the attempt to hamstring—if not outright prevent—a Trump return will be in the cards once again. This is all the more the case because—and here I tend to agree with LJ—it looks increasingly likely that Zhou will be forced by the Ruling Class to resign, perhaps this fall.
It may be well to end by considering how the massive incompetence and madness of the Neocon Regime that Zhou fronts for got America to this point. I’ll cue up a Larry Johnson video to start with. It’s cued at the point (21:50) that LJ speaks about the lack of US communication lines to Putin. That should shock any thinking person, but consider the ill will that generates on the Russian end, the Russian determination to see this through and come out of the Neocon war on Russia stronger:
All the personal insults and idiotic anti-Russian rhetoric does matter. We really do need to be able to speak with foreign leaders—especially those backed with a powerful military. Now consider this excellent article by Alastair Crooke, and the similar point he makes about how the Neocons lost Saudi Arabia. Also compare it to the article linked above about Nuland’s panicked trip to Africa and what Neocon hubris has led to. MBS may not be backed by a world class military, but the entry of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the UAE to BRICS makes BRICS a potent force to reckon with, even at this stage of BRICS’ development. Bear in mind that the EU is still, one way or another, a huge importer of Russian energy.
A Second Geo-Strategic Shoe (Other Than Ukraine) Is Dropping
... it has become clear to increasing numbers of people in the West that something has gone terribly wrong with the élites’ Ukraine project, ...
BRICS 11 establishes a pole of influence and global heft that has the potential to eclipse in scope that of the G7.
The ‘mess’ in Ukraine is commonly attributed to mere ‘miscalculation’ by the western élites: They did not expect Russian society to be so robust, nor so steadfast under pressure.
Yet this was no minor ‘slip up’ by the West, since the recognition of NATO’s doctrinal contradictions, its second-rate weaponry and its inability to think rigorously – beyond tomorrow’s sound-bite – has (inadvertently) shone the spotlight on the deeper dysfunction within the West – one that runs far deeper than just the situation around the Ukraine project. ...
The proxy war on Russia nevertheless was launched through Ukraine, precisely to reaffirm western global vigour. It is doing the opposite.
The financial war (as opposed to the ground war in Ukraine) was the counter-play to generating regime change in Moscow: Financial war was intended to underline the futility of opposing the sheer ‘muscle’ that dollar hegemony – acting in concert – represented. It was the jealous hegemon demanding obeisance.
But this back-fired spectacularly. And this has directly contributed not just to the expansion of BRICS, but to the energy resources of the Middle East and the raw materials of Africa sliding out of western control. ...
And here, again, [e]rrors of geo-strategic magnitude were embarked upon almost casually, and without due diligence.
The primordial mistake was that of Team Biden (and the EU) illegally seizing Russia’s overseas reserve assets; ... The rest of world understood – they easily could be next. ...
Yet, the second strategic error by Biden (& Co.) ... marked the ‘second shoe to drop’ in Biden’s de-fenestration of the American financial imperium: He treated Mohammad bin Salman (and the Saudis generally) with contemptuousness ...
But what did Team Biden do? They have driven Saudi Arabia – the lynchpin to the Petro-dollar, and one of the pillars (together with other Gulf States and China) underpinning the huge holdings of U.S. Treasury debt – into the arms of BRICS. Put simply, the BRICS 11 incorporates six out of nine of the top global energy producers, as well as the principal energy consumers. ...
As usual, there’s much more at the link. These problems are simply to deep and systemic in origin, in my view, to allow for convincing the American people —or even the Uniparty—that the predicament can be rectified by a hot war with Russia.
Again, call me hopelessly optimistic, but I believe that this monumental mess gives Americans some reason for hope, and militates against Tucker’s doomsday scenario. No promises, just hope.
Jim Rickards
EU imports of Russian liquified natural gas hit new record. Hey, Yellen - how are those Russian sanctions working out?
EU imports record volumes of liquefied natural gas from Russia
Belgium and Spain are world’s second and third-biggest importers of Russian LNG this year
8:30 AM · Aug 31, 2023
"The primordial mistake was that of Team Biden (and the EU) illegally seizing Russia’s overseas reserve assets." It's even worse than that; it was the greatest foreign policy mistake since Hitler invaded Russia. This current mess is also a fascinating insight into the continued powers of individual personalities to affect events for better or worse. Biden's dementia, on top of an already obnoxious personality, has led him to verbal outbursts against foreign leaders that have been disastrous and possibly fatal for the US's global influence.