Sometimes the people you hire take your money but just "forget" to do an immaculate job. Maybe because they don't much like your politics. Or because they know you're too ignorant to notice the breadcrumbs you didn't sweep up (and maybe look down on your stupid rich ass for thinking they are the boss of you). Much as while one is backdooring software & security for NSA, one just might leave OTHER back door(s) for one's self?
I recall a computer scientist I know who had for decades specialized in image processing & image analysis software + security, looking at the file presented as Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate and screaming bad words. Asked why, she said "It is EDITED. Recently. By someone who did not even TRY to hide that they had edited it"
…and they didn’t even have Covid to use as cover (plausible deniability don’t ya know!). Brazenly defiant, drunk with power. This “bat sh-t crazy” generation, to quite Escobar, cannot exit the scene too quickly.
Outrageous; equally un-surprising. The Liars not caring at all, as all will be revealed. Those in positions of authority do not wield it, but go along to get along with colleagues and counter-parts within their own fiefdom as well as bureaucracies, elsewhere. Romania, Georgia, Moldova...the ones holding power are probably unaware of their frailty, considering how close the Ukrainian violence is to their national borders.
"Maybe they looked at the American model." Yep. When I was reading this, every time I saw PNL my brain interpreted it as DNC. Hillary Clinton would have been proud of this one. And guess what they have in common? Russia, Russia, Russia!
And then they are so clumsy and careless to be found out. Leaving digital clues and evidence all over the place. Almost as if they do not care anymore if they are found out. They simply shrug, and say, “so what? What are you gonna do about it.” So in your face.
Like Biden bragging to a roomful of people that he'd used his leverage over U.S. foreign aid to extort the removal of a prosecutor who might expose the graft of his crackhead son's million dollar no-show job. He didn't think he had to be careful or cover his tracks. The only media is in the bag to protect me, right?
Sometimes the people you hire take your money but just "forget" to do an immaculate job. Maybe because they don't much like your politics. Or because they know you're too ignorant to notice the breadcrumbs you didn't sweep up (and maybe look down on your stupid rich ass for thinking they are the boss of you). Much as while one is backdooring software & security for NSA, one just might leave OTHER back door(s) for one's self?
I recall a computer scientist I know who had for decades specialized in image processing & image analysis software + security, looking at the file presented as Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate and screaming bad words. Asked why, she said "It is EDITED. Recently. By someone who did not even TRY to hide that they had edited it"
I guess the polling showed the writing on the wall and they concocted a plausible deniability trap.
Got to give them credit, even the devil himself must be impressed.
…and they didn’t even have Covid to use as cover (plausible deniability don’t ya know!). Brazenly defiant, drunk with power. This “bat sh-t crazy” generation, to quite Escobar, cannot exit the scene too quickly.
Outrageous; equally un-surprising. The Liars not caring at all, as all will be revealed. Those in positions of authority do not wield it, but go along to get along with colleagues and counter-parts within their own fiefdom as well as bureaucracies, elsewhere. Romania, Georgia, Moldova...the ones holding power are probably unaware of their frailty, considering how close the Ukrainian violence is to their national borders.
Is there no end to this BS?
What a shocker...(not!), Mr and Mrs Ceaucescu must be lovin’ it..
"Maybe they looked at the American model." Yep. When I was reading this, every time I saw PNL my brain interpreted it as DNC. Hillary Clinton would have been proud of this one. And guess what they have in common? Russia, Russia, Russia!
And then they are so clumsy and careless to be found out. Leaving digital clues and evidence all over the place. Almost as if they do not care anymore if they are found out. They simply shrug, and say, “so what? What are you gonna do about it.” So in your face.
Like Biden bragging to a roomful of people that he'd used his leverage over U.S. foreign aid to extort the removal of a prosecutor who might expose the graft of his crackhead son's million dollar no-show job. He didn't think he had to be careful or cover his tracks. The only media is in the bag to protect me, right?
Also very DNC.