The world will become fed up with Anglo-Zionist regime changing, which seems to be reaching a fever pitch. Another area where Trump needs to take control.
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
This is an absolutely bombshell: the story about the cancelled elections in Romania is even far more sinister than previously thought.
A new report from investigative outlet (…) reveals that the TikTok campaign which was cited in the declassified Romanian intelligence documents (summarized in my post below ) as evidence of foreign interference - and used as grounds to cancel the presidential election - was actually paid for by the ruling National Liberal Party (PNL), the very party that supported cancelling the elections!
According to the investigation, the campaign called "#EchilibrușiVerticalitate" that the intelligence services claimed was "identical to Russian operations in Ukraine" was organized by a marketing firm called Kensington Communication, hired by PNL (the ruling party), who paid Kensington over 1 million RON for it (about $210,000). Kensington then used a platform called FameUp to coordinate 130 influencers with specific scripts and messaging guidelines.
This puts the declassified intelligence documents in an entirely new light. What they presented as evidence of foreign interference was actually a campaign paid for by the ruling party. The same party that then supported using these allegations of "foreign interference" to cancel an election they were losing.
Even more bizarrely, confronted by journalists, Kensington Communication initially denied using the hashtag but later admitted to creating the campaign for PNL, claiming it was meant to be called "#echilibrusiseriozitate" and was changed to "#echilibrusiverticalitate" without their knowledge. Yeah, right...
This means that either the Romanian intelligence services didn't know this was a PNL-funded campaign when they used it as evidence to cancel the election (which raises huge questions about their competence), or they did know and didn't disclose it (which raises even bigger questions about their integrity).
Both alternatives are not good.
In any case, it seems to indicate that something extremely sinister happened in Romania: a ruling party used intelligence services to cancel an election based on "foreign interference" evidence that they themselves paid for!
10:06 PM · Dec 21, 2024
Maybe they looked at the American model and said, ‘Hey, that doesn’t look so hard—we can do that, too!’ Then again, maybe CIA/MI6 showed them how.
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
It is actually a Romanian firm and the founder was a "State Adviser to the President of Romania", from - you'll have guessed it - the PNL party
"Maybe they looked at the American model." Yep. When I was reading this, every time I saw PNL my brain interpreted it as DNC. Hillary Clinton would have been proud of this one. And guess what they have in common? Russia, Russia, Russia!
What a shocker...(not!), Mr and Mrs Ceaucescu must be lovin’ it..