Stephen McIntyre


the view of some US Supreme Court justices (and Canadian politicians) that vaccine mandates would lead to overnight disappearance of disease was over-egged with Delta, but, in respect to Omicron, has reached cargo cult anti-science.

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So, if this mandate should pass, how long before we are enemies of the state? Just asking for a friend.

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The SCOTUS cases had to do only with stays on implementation. The cases themselves should continue at the lower court level, no matter what the SCOTUS decides. My prediction is that should the mandates go into effect later this month public dissatisfaction will increase more or less like a snowball rolling downhill--the economic effect will be devastating, on an economy that's already devastated.

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Something else Breyer said yesterday that got my attention -- caveat: maybe I am overanalyzing or, as I was reading Turley's running Twitter feed, maybe it wasn't exactly what Breyer said.

But paraphrasing, Breyer seemed to be implying at one point that the vax mandate was more important than people "quitting" their jobs. That tweaked me a little bit. This is the nuance being used by at least one hospital group that was in the news.

Essentially, the hospital administration stated that staff were required to get the vax and, if they didn't, it was okay if they quit their job--or, as was stated, no one would blame you for quitting your job. Not, "we are firing you for not getting vaxxed." To my untrained eye, this is a nuance that relieves the mandating party of their guilt of having to fire anyone not vaxxing (maybe legal and financial implications as well), and putting that guilt back onto the party refusing the jab.

Have I had too much coffee, overanalyzing, completely off my rocker, unimportant...anyone else hear/read that?

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Speaking from his ivory tower--lifetime guarantee of lesser people groveling to him, great pay, great pension.

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I have seen repeated reports from healthcare workers that they did not quit, they were told by hospital admins that they quit. Yes, a nuance, maybe even a lie.

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Nobody is mentioning our military! They aren’t under OSHA or federal……they are their own and led by woke idiots in line with regime. Oligarchs want Media, Military and Medicine and getting it. We have F-35 Marine pilot going to lose everything and he’s been supporting our country for 18 1/2 years and whole family moving around country every 3 years. They (Military) want all conservatives out. He gets no pension, no insurance, no nothing. It disgusts me how they are treating these outstanding people. Is the long term goal to have a force that follow orders no matter what and able to turn on own citizens? No religious exemptions or medical exemptions given. Why aren’t people concerned about what’s happening to our Military? Scary times.

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Unfortunately it may require the commercial airline pilots becoming disabled in the cockpit for the military to rethink. My whole family is full of veterans and I have a nephew serving. Just don't know how to help them. If you have suggestions, I'm willing to help. I don't think letters to my representatives are going anywhere.

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There is the Navy Seals case in TX.

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will help to be used for future and current class action and individual lawsuits. I think it’s all helpful momentum but will not affect them directly as their mandate has not changed

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Breyer, Sotomayor & Kagan are the three STUPIDs. STUPID is an acronym meaning this: Sociopath Tyrant Using Panic Imposes Despotism. STUPIDs use COVID-19 to justify all manner of abuses of power. Proverbs Chapter 29 describes our current situation very well.

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Sotomayor especially has been a disgrace from the get go. Read some of her rulings. All liberal talking points strewn together with court speak transitional phrases. I always imagine her sitting in front of the TV and throwing her crappy opinions together at the last minute while slurping down chinese takeout and watching Joy Reid. I completely enjoyed listening to her beclown herself in front of god and everybody today.

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Two of the STUPIDs appointed by 0zero should be treated as null and void, like every act performed by that ineligible interloper. Both parents must be United States citizens at the time of birth to confer constitutionally required "natural born citizen" status, not so for 0zero & Kamala Heresy!

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The embarrassment / loss of institution credibility is a huge issue for three squish swing votes.

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Jan 8, 2022
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"The law has always been about politics and persuasion. The truth? Well, that’s up for debate."

There is no debate when it comes to the Truth. Thinking that can be debated is how and why we have come to the point we're at now; when Enlightenment meant displacing our Faith in God to placing our faith in man.

The scope of what is unfolding before our eyes is of Biblical proportion.

...your merchants were the great men of the earth, all nations were led astray by your magic potion. (Rev. 18:23)

Recommended reading: https://www.markmallett.com/blog/an-unapologetic-apocalyptic-view/

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Jan 8, 2022
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It's probably true that oral arguments rarely decide a thing--the briefs should tell it all.

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Jan 8, 2022
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Yes, indeed: "Pray hard."

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. -2 Thessalonians 2: 9 - 12

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If you're paying to a God who you hope will save you without you having to do anything difficult for yourself, you might be in for some hard lessons.

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I couldn't agree more! That's the whole thing in a nutshell. Until we realize our own complicity in the dance, things will keep getting more bizarre.

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