Although it may sound sort of "petty" when I read a year or two ago of people stealing outright from Nordstrom, and nothing being done, I stopped ordering from them. I felt that I was subsidizing stealing by paying for goods. I hope these stores realize they need to leave high crime areas and pay attention to real customers who pay. Occasionally when I have received something I haven't ordered, a mistake by a packer, I even return things. Seems like being honest is a thing of the past.

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"Normal" people have jobs, lives, businesses, families, friends, hobbies. They don't have time, and are busy, to come forth and be vanguards against ideology and authoritarianism

The psycho cultists on the other hand are happy to subjugate themselves to advancing whatever political ideology, and therefore are like concentrated firepower directed at a soft underbelly

I dont see an obvious solution.

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An interesting article referencing top causes of civilizational collapse across history.


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Food for thought, for sure. That was my point--democracy what? Looks like a failure right now.

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The Conservative Treehouse has an interesting angle on the latest revelations about Zhou.


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Our country is collapsing. This was all planned.

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Nope. These idiots deluded themselves that they would remain in control of the vast resources of this country after the knee, BLM , Antifa, looting and even murder, coupled with the best election cheating imaginable. Read the next article about the Great Apocalypse. Main Street survived the Great Depression. They will survive this one. The difference is that nobody, but nobody, will respect government in the future.

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Brian Wilson, formerly the Fox News WH correspondent and now the drive home news talker on WTN Nashville, believes the democrats are responsible for the latest 'bombshell' document scandal and whistleblower as they try to move Lyin' Biden off the stage knowing full well the disaster that awaits them with him 'leading' the 2024 ticket.

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I'm open to that. I better not try to make a stupid joke about Brian Wilson--it'll only date me.

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And we’ll have fun fun fun as the Deep State takes the Bidens away.

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Beach Boys! Better on vinyl than cassette or CD.

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Just the other day I saw someone on twitter refer to "Brian Wilson", and I was like, Huh?

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