Here I’ll try to round up a variety of stories that aren’t necessarily linked, although it mostly all works into the current crisis.Thanks for reading Meaning In History!
"Morocco—formerly a close collaborator with the US". That is not correct, Morocco is a very close friend and ally of the US. Nothing has changed in that respect.
Late to the discussion on the Simplicius piece. My view is that the democrats will, when they control the House, Senate, and WH again, pass a sweeping amnesty bill to enshrine themselves as the only power controlling the federal government. The basic building blocks are being laid now with unrestrained illegal immigration in the millions. In order to accomplish this, the filibuster must be killed followed by reworking election laws to make future election outcomes forgone conclusions. Neutering the SCOTUS by packing the court or impeaching conservative members which opens the door to rolling back the constitution - which is just a piece of parchment to them. Banana State stuff.
Will the conservative/Red states accept such a usurpation of power is the question, and that is where the talk of civil war and disunion become more than talk in my opinion. Such a challenge would need to occur before the Marxists/communists consolidate power which would likely follow historical precedents beginning with purging the military's leadership and setting up a massive security state operation - which is nearly accomplished already. Red state compacts, as Simplicius touches on, would need to be in place prior to any such power grab.
As do others here, I appreciate the argument advanced by Simplicius (re, secession mechanics) as reasonable [tax and productivity $$+#@! mismatches between red states and blue states are a source of political, ethical, and cultural forces that can get strong enough to put the USA into a secession crisis]; however, I see the US as an outlier among nation-states (not necessarily among the elites; I mean just us) in terms of our wonderously deep generosity, forbearance, and common-sense. Many scenarios are on hand (an alternate to Simplicius is Kurt Schlichter 'Turnbull' thrillers); reality will rhyme with the best offerings. I just don't see screaming general violence as one of our paths (yet in some cities already ..). There remain many correctives available at local levels: return to broken windows policing + non-Soros DAs would be among the easiest of starts. Drill baby drill; if you have to 'go federal', a new western states reservoirs project sounds like a real help. The US is a politically experimental polity (not just the based-wierdness of Zhou and Uncle Fester, we did a full-court Prohibition on booze and then wised-up). Question is do we take the 'wised-up' path before or after a monetary default [not even the gdp benefits of the red states are enough to plunder]. An ammendment to the 2nd ammendment (ala Prohibition) would be a turning point hard to come back from, but if any people can do it, US can. Post a default, cannot-be-avoided realities of being a broke-potato nation take over. Economics is a funky science; as a system, under low-stresses pretty much any econ rationale is an "OK" model - yet under high stresses, pretty much no models work, but you see one thing ever and only happens: less of every thing, all at once.
From SeekingAlpha (financial news site of some decent repute) is a today Monday post "Wall Street Breakfast: Game of Chicken" in which maneuvers with respect to our US debt ceiling politics get a discussion. The specifics are on a position being taken by Janet Yellen to (ahem) protect federal accounts to continue an ability pay bills past June 01 2023, por ejemplo = 'As part of the extraordinary measures, the Treasury is suspending the issuance of State and Local Government Series Treasury Securities, which will deprive states and municipalities of an important tool to manage their finances'
The situation regarding the two colonels . . . Chung is exactly the type of officer that should be in command of an elite combat unit. Sullivan, on the other hand, is just exactly the type that should be nowhere near any sort of direct support unit. I could care less if offend folks, I am certain that females are a net detriment to military effectiveness no matter what roles they are assigned to perform. Open homosexuals are worse, but not by as much as folks might think. Advisors wearing brown berets???? I will withhold my comments on that group!
Simplicus is barking up the wrong tree, a referendum on Texas secession will never get out of committee, if by some miracle a floor vote occurred the requisite 2/3rds would never vote "aye" ain't happening unless almost every member of the Texas legislature is replaced, true patriots are scarce as hens teeth.
I think he's a bit cockeyed on many of the issues, and also missed some basic and important points (like, Constitutionality of and precedent for US military action against US population, and the National Guard chain of command...) but it was an interesting piece nonetheless. I imagine that he'd respond that, if popular support for "Texit" continues to swell, then 2/3 of those legislators may well be replaced by the next iteration of this perennial referendum.
Popular support for Texit, would have to translate into the election of officials that are determined to make it happen. As it stands today those who pay lip service to important issues, and subsequently do noting, get elected, re-elected, ad nauseam.
Well, sure. That's the status quo. But if we suppose it were to change, and the population angry enough to demand that change... how do you imagine that happening? Can't rig all those elections forever.
If you prefer, you can spice up the story with some lampposts. It's happened before.
I did not know about the US Seizing the tanker, and just outside Singapore before Mark’s post.
Incompetence or deliberate?
Incompetence not assuming the Iranians would respond.
Or deliberate wanting the Iranian’s to respond therefore increasing the price of oil? Putting the blame on Iran for higher oil prices? And also putting pressure on the Iran / Saudi Relationship?
Also in Gateway Pundit. "Democrats Are Mounting a Campaign to Delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court" It started with taking the knee, and Antifa plus Black Lives Matter rioting. Obama encouraged this, as did Michele. Then Russiagate, the impeachments, J6 and the abandonment of the rule of law. No Bill of Rights and a green light to robbery and violence.
More than half the country are deplorables. President Trump said that without fair elections and a border we don't have a country. So they are now firmly entrenched as the government. Just who do they govern? They have lost us.
Caught that article also. "The Great American Opt-Out" The title says it all. Opt out. I've turned pessimistic and see no solution. Just agree to disagree. We have no historical precedent, except maybe the Great Depression, and there too the guv'mint made things much worse. Resourceful people survived and even thrived. We came out of it because we pulled together to fight a war. This will never happen again. The real parallel is Orwell's "1984." Proles and guv'mint live in different worlds. I live in the bluest of blue cities and I'm not moving. Why should I? I lived in Paris during the Algerian crisis. French stupidity didn't much affect my lifestyle, I learned to make do with little. I can survive New York and American stupidity. Houses divided against themselves do survive.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
The shooter in Texas was reported as a "Mexican National." Indeed, now we know as its reported he is not just a Mexican Citizen he has been deported twice before.
So how'd he get a bunch of guns, and how did he get a place to live and, presumably, a job since without money you're not paying either rent or a mortgage (never mind groceries and guns), are you?
Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer
Schedules and emails detail meetings in the years after he was a convicted sex offender;
**visitors cite his wealth and connections**
Jeffrey Epstein, center, and clockwise from top right: Ariane de Rothschild, William Burns, Joshua Cooper Ramo, Noam Chomsky, Kathryn Ruemmler and Leon Botstein.
"Morocco—formerly a close collaborator with the US". That is not correct, Morocco is a very close friend and ally of the US. Nothing has changed in that respect.
I wonder if this is paving the way for another US Haiti intervention…
Late to the discussion on the Simplicius piece. My view is that the democrats will, when they control the House, Senate, and WH again, pass a sweeping amnesty bill to enshrine themselves as the only power controlling the federal government. The basic building blocks are being laid now with unrestrained illegal immigration in the millions. In order to accomplish this, the filibuster must be killed followed by reworking election laws to make future election outcomes forgone conclusions. Neutering the SCOTUS by packing the court or impeaching conservative members which opens the door to rolling back the constitution - which is just a piece of parchment to them. Banana State stuff.
Will the conservative/Red states accept such a usurpation of power is the question, and that is where the talk of civil war and disunion become more than talk in my opinion. Such a challenge would need to occur before the Marxists/communists consolidate power which would likely follow historical precedents beginning with purging the military's leadership and setting up a massive security state operation - which is nearly accomplished already. Red state compacts, as Simplicius touches on, would need to be in place prior to any such power grab.
As do others here, I appreciate the argument advanced by Simplicius (re, secession mechanics) as reasonable [tax and productivity $$+#@! mismatches between red states and blue states are a source of political, ethical, and cultural forces that can get strong enough to put the USA into a secession crisis]; however, I see the US as an outlier among nation-states (not necessarily among the elites; I mean just us) in terms of our wonderously deep generosity, forbearance, and common-sense. Many scenarios are on hand (an alternate to Simplicius is Kurt Schlichter 'Turnbull' thrillers); reality will rhyme with the best offerings. I just don't see screaming general violence as one of our paths (yet in some cities already ..). There remain many correctives available at local levels: return to broken windows policing + non-Soros DAs would be among the easiest of starts. Drill baby drill; if you have to 'go federal', a new western states reservoirs project sounds like a real help. The US is a politically experimental polity (not just the based-wierdness of Zhou and Uncle Fester, we did a full-court Prohibition on booze and then wised-up). Question is do we take the 'wised-up' path before or after a monetary default [not even the gdp benefits of the red states are enough to plunder]. An ammendment to the 2nd ammendment (ala Prohibition) would be a turning point hard to come back from, but if any people can do it, US can. Post a default, cannot-be-avoided realities of being a broke-potato nation take over. Economics is a funky science; as a system, under low-stresses pretty much any econ rationale is an "OK" model - yet under high stresses, pretty much no models work, but you see one thing ever and only happens: less of every thing, all at once.
Let the games begin ...
From SeekingAlpha (financial news site of some decent repute) is a today Monday post "Wall Street Breakfast: Game of Chicken" in which maneuvers with respect to our US debt ceiling politics get a discussion. The specifics are on a position being taken by Janet Yellen to (ahem) protect federal accounts to continue an ability pay bills past June 01 2023, por ejemplo = 'As part of the extraordinary measures, the Treasury is suspending the issuance of State and Local Government Series Treasury Securities, which will deprive states and municipalities of an important tool to manage their finances'
You make a strong case.
The situation regarding the two colonels . . . Chung is exactly the type of officer that should be in command of an elite combat unit. Sullivan, on the other hand, is just exactly the type that should be nowhere near any sort of direct support unit. I could care less if offend folks, I am certain that females are a net detriment to military effectiveness no matter what roles they are assigned to perform. Open homosexuals are worse, but not by as much as folks might think. Advisors wearing brown berets???? I will withhold my comments on that group!
Simplicus is barking up the wrong tree, a referendum on Texas secession will never get out of committee, if by some miracle a floor vote occurred the requisite 2/3rds would never vote "aye" ain't happening unless almost every member of the Texas legislature is replaced, true patriots are scarce as hens teeth.
I think he's a bit cockeyed on many of the issues, and also missed some basic and important points (like, Constitutionality of and precedent for US military action against US population, and the National Guard chain of command...) but it was an interesting piece nonetheless. I imagine that he'd respond that, if popular support for "Texit" continues to swell, then 2/3 of those legislators may well be replaced by the next iteration of this perennial referendum.
Popular support for Texit, would have to translate into the election of officials that are determined to make it happen. As it stands today those who pay lip service to important issues, and subsequently do noting, get elected, re-elected, ad nauseam.
Well, sure. That's the status quo. But if we suppose it were to change, and the population angry enough to demand that change... how do you imagine that happening? Can't rig all those elections forever.
If you prefer, you can spice up the story with some lampposts. It's happened before.
I recall many lampposts in Austin the last time I visited!
I did not know about the US Seizing the tanker, and just outside Singapore before Mark’s post.
Incompetence or deliberate?
Incompetence not assuming the Iranians would respond.
Or deliberate wanting the Iranian’s to respond therefore increasing the price of oil? Putting the blame on Iran for higher oil prices? And also putting pressure on the Iran / Saudi Relationship?
Also in Gateway Pundit. "Democrats Are Mounting a Campaign to Delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court" It started with taking the knee, and Antifa plus Black Lives Matter rioting. Obama encouraged this, as did Michele. Then Russiagate, the impeachments, J6 and the abandonment of the rule of law. No Bill of Rights and a green light to robbery and violence.
More than half the country are deplorables. President Trump said that without fair elections and a border we don't have a country. So they are now firmly entrenched as the government. Just who do they govern? They have lost us.
Caught that article also. "The Great American Opt-Out" The title says it all. Opt out. I've turned pessimistic and see no solution. Just agree to disagree. We have no historical precedent, except maybe the Great Depression, and there too the guv'mint made things much worse. Resourceful people survived and even thrived. We came out of it because we pulled together to fight a war. This will never happen again. The real parallel is Orwell's "1984." Proles and guv'mint live in different worlds. I live in the bluest of blue cities and I'm not moving. Why should I? I lived in Paris during the Algerian crisis. French stupidity didn't much affect my lifestyle, I learned to make do with little. I can survive New York and American stupidity. Houses divided against themselves do survive.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
Big data dump to go with the Simplicius piece:
Article fails to note how the census bureau saved some blue house seats…
Data and analysis for that:
Thanks! Looks like a good substack.
I note the lack of house GOP investigations on this topic, sigh.
The shooter in Texas was reported as a "Mexican National." Indeed, now we know as its reported he is not just a Mexican Citizen he has been deported twice before.
So how'd he get a bunch of guns, and how did he get a place to live and, presumably, a job since without money you're not paying either rent or a mortgage (never mind groceries and guns), are you?
Daily Mail labeled the shooter “Texas Man”. This is the official narrative.
Victims were from Honduras:
Interesting- Daily Mail new story uses “Mexican National”,
Go figure:
Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer
Schedules and emails detail meetings in the years after he was a convicted sex offender;
**visitors cite his wealth and connections**
Jeffrey Epstein, center, and clockwise from top right: Ariane de Rothschild, William Burns, Joshua Cooper Ramo, Noam Chomsky, Kathryn Ruemmler and Leon Botstein.
The release feels like a political hit job. No idea on the motivation / politics.