The U.S. was saved from the worst of the horrors of thalidomide because, while it was tested here, it was never approved for general use due mainly to the efforts of Frances Oldham Kelsey . She was a lonely voice who vociferously maintained that it had never been proven to be safe. Oh, would that Fauci or Birx had the courage of Dr. Kelsey!

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Courage? Minimal human decency?

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I read somewhere ages ago, a post which quoted a Biblical prophesy. Something along the lines of their own weapon of destruction will be used against them and bring about their downfall. Whoever posted it was commenting on social Media/ the Internet as the weapon that will be turned on the people/agencies who designed it as a method of control.

If you think about the Thalidomide scandal from the 60s and the Infected blood scandal from the 80s&90s - bothof these were covered up for decades because the only information outlet was MSM. The blood scandal (if you aren't aware of it - the NHS bought up blood products from the USA that had been farmed from prisoners and drug addicts that were rotten with HIV and Hepatitis C to be administered to haemophiliacs) is only just being apologised for now.

The C19 scam and the vaccine harms cannot be hidden because we have the Internet and them trying to censor us is like a game of Wacamole. So maybe that post wasn't too far off the mark.

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Back in the 1890s there was a pandemic resembling Covid that caused a lot of deaths primarily because of pneumonia and lung related issues. It was known as OC 43. Like all viruses OC 43 mutated and continue to mutate and what is it today it’s known as the common cold.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

That a respiratory virus should lead to pneumonia and lung related issues seems reasonable. What they want us to believe about Covid is that a basically very similar respiratory virus--both are corona viruses--is now causing rare and very lethal forms of cancer. As I tried to say, the only reasonable way to justify that would be to look at how this lab engineered virus was altered, or to look at the "vaccine" that was engineered to counter the virus. The two seem to have been developed at pretty much the same time.

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Nobelist Corey Mullis publicly called for Fauci to be jailed for similar offenses regarding his bullshit HIV 'science' and 'cures'.

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My sister in law is a pathologist at a large hospital, she mentioned that positive pancreatic cancer diagnosis quadrupled since covid.

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Since covid or since the "vaccine" rollout? Ed Dowd is pointing to the timing being coincident to the "vaccine" rollout in 2021 and not the start of the plandemic in 2020.

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Any theories?

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Isn’t Trump still bragging about saving millions of lives with his glorious vaccines? He’s also said without him it would have taken 5 years to develop them! We’d have been better off if it had taken 5 years. By then everyone would have been infected and had natural immunity. When Trump is held accountable by MAGA then I’ll know we are getting serious about punishing the culprits.

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I don't know what to make of Trump's intransigence on point, whether it's simply (x) his hubristic/bombastic nature preventing him from admitting that his views have evolved or (y) avoidance of rankling the pharma/status-quo elements of his donor base. Probably some combination of both, but, initially, I'd assumed the former, however, the fix for that is simple--Trump goes on to say something to the effect of "Listen, I was operating on the basis of what little facts were known in early-to-mid 2020, relying on the advice of "experts" like Fauci and Birx (cue Trumpian eyeroll), about what appeared, by all accounts, to be a deadly disease. With Warp Speed, I mobilized the healthcare bureaucracy like only a titan of industry could, but never mandated any vaccine, unlike my successor, who did so even after troubling facts came to light."

With a simple statement like this, he peels off from RFK Jr. the single-issue COVID voters. Throw in a little less hawkishness on Ukraine and Israel, he grabs the rest. Trump's supposed populism seems to have considerable fiscal limitations. That said, what's the alternative, more of the same?

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Speaking of 'follow what science,' Jeff Childers has highlights of a wonderful speech that gw gave on this subject.

He also glories in the Ninth Circuit decision. Great stuff.

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Ha! I get the feeling that the Covid volcano is going to blow at last. Let's hope they don't try and limit the damage and blame it all on Fauci. I can see the "One bad apple" headlines already. He was but the most visible player of a scurvy crew of power freaks and psychos, and everyone else involved needs to pay the price. That includes Trump as well. In general, the MSM limited hangout strategy has similarities to their Ukraine one: Phase 1 - We're winning and any naysayers are Russian spies/grannie killers! Phase 2 - Okay, we aren't winning, but we certainly aren't losing. Next comes the final Phase 3 - We lost but let's pin it on a rogue elements and move on to the next big thing. Along with the collapsing economy, Biden's dismal November prospects, and the coming disaster in Ukraine, is another good reason for the globalists to take us to war.

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