Our healthcare industry has, as is trendy these days "transitioned" became the sickcare industry. Now intended to make people chronically ill, and keep them that way no matter what, so as to make big $$$ on treatments. Prevention and healing are anathema, they would rather kill you than cure you !!!

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I did a thread on original remdesivir study on April 29, 2020 - very early in the pandemic https://twitter.com/ClimateAudit/status/1255554444407832576. Also expressing considerable distaste for Fauci's grandstanding. Comments hold up pretty well. Better than pretty well.

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That reminds me--I think I got that ref as a retweet by you a few days ago and forgot. Thanks.

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However, it probably isn't a big deal with a respiratory virus which already mutates quickly. There are far more worrisome problems with Remdesivir than this.

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No doubt, but it's a scam from start to finish. This was well known.

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I predicted this over 2 years ago. The AIDS virus does exactly this when you treat a patient with a single anti-viral drug. It is to be expected any virus will do this with a single anti-viral drug treatment.

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"Call out the instigator, because there's something in the air"


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