Ask yourself: Off the top of your head, does that sound like a good thing or a bad thing? But then, who should care? Big Pharma is making Big Money and that’s good for the country—or something like that. By the way: Do you trust your doctor?

Here’s the summary from the article:
We here investigate the impact of antiviral treatments such as remdesivir on intra-host genomic diversity and emergence of SARS-CoV2 variants in patients with a prolonged course of infection. Sequencing and variant analysis performed in 112 longitudinal respiratory samples from 14 SARS-CoV2-infected patients with severe disease progression show that major frequency variants do not generally arise during prolonged infection. However, remdesivir treatment can increase intra-host genomic diversity and result in the emergence of novel major variant species harboring fixed mutations. This is particularly evident in a patient with B cell depletion who rapidly developed mutations in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene following remdesivir treatment. Remdesivir treatment-associated emergence of novel variants is of great interest in light of current treatment guidelines for hospitalized patients suffering from severe SARS-CoV2 disease, as well as the potential use of remdesivir to preventively treat non-hospitalized patients at high risk for severe disease progression.
Gotta luv that understatement, right? “Remdesivir treatment-associated emergence of novel variants is of great interest.” No shit!

Turns out that Ralph Baric was involved:

I think I’ll start holding my breath, waiting for accountability. Hmmm. I wonder how many Congress critters made big bucks investing in this sutff.
I did a thread on original remdesivir study on April 29, 2020 - very early in the pandemic Also expressing considerable distaste for Fauci's grandstanding. Comments hold up pretty well. Better than pretty well.
Our healthcare industry has, as is trendy these days "transitioned" became the sickcare industry. Now intended to make people chronically ill, and keep them that way no matter what, so as to make big $$$ on treatments. Prevention and healing are anathema, they would rather kill you than cure you !!!