I've said it here before...well, actually Eisenhower said it, but its worth saying again:
"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
If things get as bad as predicted here in Europe, I'm going to replace the poster on my bedroom wall of Kim Kardashian with one of those Hak pickle jars. "No doubt the European public, and nowhere more than in Germany, is paying attention to this." Sorry, but I think most Euros still think Nordstream is a Swedish porn channel.
If they can fix the pipeline(s), they should announce that fixing NS2 is much easier and quicker which will explode more neocon heads. Also, announce you are sending the bill to Brandon...
"Russia is able to supply gas to Europe through a string of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that that was not damaged by the recent explosions, according to Deputy Prime Minister Aleksander Novak."
Substack search is useless. When I need to search older posts--i.e., meaninginhistory pre Substack--I go to the old blog, where the Blogger search function (Google) works excellently. To me, the lack of even so-so search is a huge minus in Substack. Archives are inaccessible for practical purposes.
Mark, O/T, but I haven’t been receiving your articles via email for at least 4 days…wonder if everything is functioning ok - tx for checking - the street lights going out here is bad enough!
I've said it here before...well, actually Eisenhower said it, but its worth saying again:
"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
--- Dwight Eisenhower
Cui bono?
If things get as bad as predicted here in Europe, I'm going to replace the poster on my bedroom wall of Kim Kardashian with one of those Hak pickle jars. "No doubt the European public, and nowhere more than in Germany, is paying attention to this." Sorry, but I think most Euros still think Nordstream is a Swedish porn channel.
I have a plausible theory about who blew the Russian pipelines and why..... it may surprise you.
Tom Luongo, he's a jolly good fellow
Prof. Sachs, caused pearl clutching attacks
The Federal Reserve has powers it doesn't deserve
2 percent inflation target, in deeds or only in words
The United Nations is a great farce, as is NATO
Ukraine makes me insane.
Sounds to me like the fat lady is warming up off stage.
Why did the stock market go up today? Was the pipeline really blown up? Why should we believe anything?
If they can fix the pipeline(s), they should announce that fixing NS2 is much easier and quicker which will explode more neocon heads. Also, announce you are sending the bill to Brandon...
They should fix and announce that everyone in Europe signing on gets a free week's supply of gas and some shopping vouchers.
One of the NS2 lines wasn't hit, so it could be put into service, BUT > TPTB would be miffed !!!
Here you go:
"Russia is able to supply gas to Europe through a string of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that that was not damaged by the recent explosions, according to Deputy Prime Minister Aleksander Novak."
Maybe by "fixing" damaged sections they mean "replacing" damaged sections. They built them once - surely they can build them again.
Substack search is useless. When I need to search older posts--i.e., meaninginhistory pre Substack--I go to the old blog, where the Blogger search function (Google) works excellently. To me, the lack of even so-so search is a huge minus in Substack. Archives are inaccessible for practical purposes.
Mark, O/T, but I haven’t been receiving your articles via email for at least 4 days…wonder if everything is functioning ok - tx for checking - the street lights going out here is bad enough!
I have to assume that that's some sort of Substack problem. I'll see if I can check that out.
Tx Mark
Try sending me an email.
I also needed the caption to "get it" this morning.
Sorry! I thought the caption came through with the rest! It was late and I guess I didn't check.
Painful realization